Published: 24-07-2013

Vibration control of a flexible beam

Ngo Quang Hieu, Luong Hong Duy Khanh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
In this paper, the control method for the vibrations suppression of a mechanical system is presented. By changing the input signal of the system, the controller controls the load to the desired position in which the vibration is suppressed at the end of the motion. To verify the effectiveness of the method, the model of a flexible system is used. Vibration of the system has been significantly reduced under control action. The experimental results of the control method are provided to show the efficiency of the control method.

Organic and inorganic amendment to improve black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) yield in Phu Quoc

Chau Minh Khoi
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study aimed at investigating the soil fertility of black pepper (Piper nigrum) orchards  and optimal dose of inorganic fertilizers and compost to improve black pepper yield in Phu Quoc. Soil samples were collected to analyze soil chemical properties. Field experiment was arranged in completely randomized block design,four treatments (each plant):(i) Farmer's practice 125 g N-195 g P2O5- 40 g K2O plus 2 kg dried cow dung, (ii) 120 g N -60 g P2O5 - 80 g K2O, (iii) 120g N - 60 g P2O5 -80 g K2O plus 4 kg bio-compost, (iv) 120 g N - 60 g P2O5 - 80 g plus 4 kg cow dung compost. The results showed that soils are poor in organic matter, low pH, available nitrogen, phosphorus and exchangeable cations. Applying inorganic fertilizers at dose of 120 g N- 60 g P2O5 - 80 g K2O in combination with 4 kg bio-compost resulted in increasing black pepper yield to 3.5 kg/plant, significantly higher than those supplied with only inorganic fertilizers. However, in short- term, soil fertility only had the tendency to improve. The longer-term experiment on organic amendment needs to be executed on these degraded soils.

Study on the chemical components in petroleum ether extract from Avicennia marina root

Le Thanh Phuoc
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Phytochemical investigation on the pneumatophores (aerial roots) of Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh., collected in Dong Hai district, Bac Lieu province, resulted in the isolation of two triterpenoids, taraxerone (C30H48O) and betulin (C30H50O2). The structures of these compounds have been elucidated by modern spectroscopic methods: API-MS, 1H-NMR, 13 C-NMR, DEPT NMR.

Applying PROFIBUS network for controlling the existing model of flexible manufacturing system at Mechatronic Lab College of Engineering Technology

Nguyen Van Muot, Pho Hoang Linh, Ly Thanh Phuong, Nguyen Van Chuong
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
With the continuous development of science and technology on the world today, the application of advanced techniques to impulse the industrialization and modernization of our country is the most essential thing to do. In this paper, we would like to introduce to readers an application of communication network - Profibus to controlling a flexible manufacturing system using PLC S7-300 (CPU 315-2DP) of Siemens. This is a model of flexible manufacturing system working as a chain of assembling and sorting products in diferrent colors to appropriate storages from FESTO (Germany). The system consists of five stations using PLC S7-300 and one station of Robot doing assembly for completing product. All PLC stations are completely controlled and supervised on computer with SCADA software connecting to PLC master using MPI device; and using PROFIBUS network in order to communicate with other PLCs.  

Research and implement pipeline exploration robot

Nguyen Khac Nguyen, PHUONG LA€ŽY THANH
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Recently, most of industrial and public infrastructures use piping system for variety applications. The problem is that these systems need to be not only periodically maintained and checked to ensure the safety, stability and continuous operation but also quickly repaired when incident happens. Along with the development of society and economy, these issues have to be satisfactorily resolved. Facing urgent needs, the authors propose to research and implement a pipeline exploration robot that has ability to be remote controlled by wireless signals, send field images to center by using camera and handle some simple situations in the piping system with necessary features and moderate price in comparison with existing products. With initial results, in the near future, we will develop specialized robots for narrower aspects with more rigorous requirements.

Isolation and analysis of Neutral lipids from activated sludge

Huynh Lien Huong, Ho Quoc Phong
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Sewage sludge with its high lipid content is a potential raw material for producing biodiesel. Activated sludge, which also contains large amount of phospholipids originated from cell membranes of microorganism, recently has attracted considerable interests as a potential source of raw material for biodiesel production. In this study, oil was firstly extracted from dry sludge which was obtained from Taipei municipal waste water treatment plant, dewaxed and degummed, and then titration and saponification were employed to separate saponifiable lipids from the unsaponifiables. Compositions of the neutral lipids obtained, as well as fatty acid profiles of the neutral lipids were investigated.

Some difficulties in distance education training at Can Tho University

Pham Phuong Tam
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Modern society requires people to be able to study regularly, continuously and all their life. And its core is self-learning, self-striving ability to improve specialty, professional skills and quality of life. Distance learning is one of the methods satisfying these demands. To build a successful learning society, the State and Party have concerned, developed and expanded this distance learning method. This was further confirmed at the eleventh congress of Communist Party of Vietnam: "Promoting the study encouragement movement, building a learning society and expand the distance learning mode..." [1]. The appearance of distance learning at Can Tho University (CTU) has contributed to implement policies of education and training development of the Party and the State in the Mekong Delta. The article introduced something about the distance learning at CTU and some difficulties on the management of the new form of training. Also, it recommended some solutions to improve the quality of distance education at CTU in particular and the whole country in general.

Isolation and identification of two compounds from ethyl acetate extracts of Cassia grandis L.f fruit

Ngo Quoc Luan, Le Do Huy, Do Hoang Vinh, Ngo Khac Khong Minh,
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
From the ethyl acetate extracts of the fruit of Cassia grandis L.f from An Giang province, two compounds (luteolin and beta-sitosterol-3-O-b-D-glucopyranoside) were isolated. Their structures were interpreted by spectra including 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, HSQC,HMBC,MS and based on published data.

Chemical characteristics of water environment in the surroundings area and in the core zone at U Minh Ha National Park in Ca Mau province

Tran Nguyen Hai, Nguyen My Hoa
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Forest fire and different water management in the dry season may have strong impact on water environmental characteristics in U Minh Ha national reserve in Ca Mau province, Vietnam. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the changes of chemical characteristics of water in the core zone where water was kept submerged almost whole year and in the surroundings areas where water was drained naturally in both  peat forest and  burnt peat forest areas. Result showed that keeping water in submerged condition in the dry season in the core zone reduced concentration of H+, Fe2+ and Al3+. However, prolonged submerged condition may affect plant growth; therefore suitable water management should be investigated in the core zone.

Unit Commitment

Dao Minh Trung
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Nowadays, generating electricity from plants hasn?t met demand using electricity of customers more with every passing day, so bring about short of electricity problem from generator. Consequently, electricity market development problem is considered important element which gives help to inventor can calculate and invest more and more in improving reliability about supplying electricity and raising generating power electricity of systems. To develop more complete electricity market, break sole of generating electricity as presents, help users have chance is free in choice suitable generating electricity power with demand of using electricity. At that time, investors will also calculate how to contribute more capacity in electricity market and get the highest benefit in buying and selling electricity processes.

Contribution to the study on the chemical components of Avicennia marina bark

Le Thanh Phuoc
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
From the petroleum ether extracts of the bark of Avicennia Marina, collected in the coast of Bac Lieu province, three compounds have isolated: taraxerol (C30H50O), taraxerone (C30H48O), betulin (C30H50O2). The structures of these compounds have been elucidated by modern spectroscopic methods such as: 1H NMR, 13C NMR, DEPT NMR and by comparison with those of previously reported data.

All-In-Focus imaging system and its application to automated microobject handling

Nguyen Chanh Nghiem
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
All-In-Focus imaging system has been used to observe microbiological objects. In addition to the useful feature of observing a thick microobject clearly as the whole object is in focus, the system provides the depth information of the microobject from which the object position in z-direction can be calculated. However, little research that fully utilizes the depth information of the All-In-Focus imaging system can be found. In this research, we propose the methods to find the 3D position of both target microobject and the end-effector when manipulating the object using the depth information obtained from the AIF imaging system. The system is integrated with a two-fingered microhand micromanipulation system and automated pick-and-place task is experimentally demonstrated to show the effectiveness of the AIF imaging system. The success rate is over 70% for microobjects from 20 to 100 àm which is promising for developing automated micromanipulation system that can be widely applied in many biological and life science fields.

Determining the extent of biological nitrogen fixing of the Burkholderia sp. KG1 and Pseudomonas sp. BT1 with high-yielding rice OM2517 in the field

Ngo Thanh Phong, Cao Ngoc Diep
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
A field experiment was conducted to evaluate biological nitrogen fixation ability of two isolates (Pseudomonas sp. BT1 and Burkholderria sp. KG1) on high-yielding rice OM2517 cultivated on alluvial soil of Song Hau farm, Can Tho city in Summer-Autumn cropping-season 2011. The results showed that Burkholderria sp. KG1 isolate had biological nitrogen fixation ability equivalent to 50% inorganic fertilizer while Pseudomonas sp. BT1 only provided 25% nitrogen requirement for rice growth.

The effects of sizes and types on phosphorus adsorption capacity and desorption characteristics of recycling materials

Nguyen Thi Ngoc Hanh, Ngo Thuy Diem Trang
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The objectives in this work were to investigate the effects of materials sizes and types on phosphorus adsorption capacity and desorption characteristics of recycling pottery, brick, and honeycomb coal ash. Process of phosphorus adsorption was conducted in the laboratory condition for 24 h and then desorption process was carried out step-by-step (2 times 1 M NH4Cl, 0.1 N NaOH, 0.5 N HCl) in order to determine desorption characteristics. Three sizes of materials used in this study were 0.1

Designing & making disk mill machine using motor of 1 kW

Truong Van Thao
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The authors of Collegeof Technology(Can Tho University? Vietnam) have been designed and made disk mill grinding machine using motor of 1 kW for training. Machine has dimension of (650 mm x 320 mm x 1.250 mm), theoretic productivity (Glt) of 69,89 kg/h (dimension materials after milling (d), according to design objective is d = 0,1á0,04 mm). The machine had been run, of  paddy (revolution (n) = 1400 revolution per minute (rpm), 3 times of running) realistic productivity of Gtt = 13,09 kg/h (d met the objective), for corn (n = 1400 rpm, 3 times) Gtt = 50 kg/h (d not met the objective, but fulfilment for feed), for corn (rpm = 1400, 4á5 times) Gtt = 17,22 kg/h (d not met the objective), for corn (n = 700 rpm, 4 times) Gtt = 5,83 kg/h (d met the objective). The machine had been also run with wet materials.

Effects of parameters on n-Hexane conversion to propylene on ZSM-11 material

Nguyen The Vo Tong, Nguyen Quang Long, Doan Van Hong Thien
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Zeolite ZSM-11 is a microporous material, which is a potential catalyst for light naphtha cracking process for the production of propylene monomers with increasing demand. However, there has not been an independent process to fabricate zeolite ZSM-11 ("on-purpose propylene"). In this study, zeolite ZSM-11 was synthesized from silica and alumina sources by a hydrothermal process. These synthesized zeolites were characterized by several techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), N2 low temperature adsorption (BET). Catalytic performance of the prepared ZSM-11 samples was carried out in the cracking process of n-hexane to investigate the conversion and selectivity of propylene as main-product. The effects of reaction conditions were analyzed in order to understand the catalytic activity of the microporous material ZSM-11.

Design of a Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antenna for 2.4 GHz WLAN Applications

Vo Ngoc Loi, Luong Vinh Quoc Danh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This paper presents a circularly polarized microstrip antenna used for 2.4 GHz WLAN applications. The designed antenna consists of a circular patch fabricated on FR-4 substrate with a V-shaped slot carved on its surface and a circular metal plate (reflector). The antenna substrate is stacked above the reflector by a small distance. The antenna size and positions of the two feeding ports using coaxial cables are optimized to have a circularly polarized antenna with resonant frequency at 2.44 GHz, 8.43-dBi peak gain, and the isolation between the two ports below -20 dB. The simulation results show good agreement with the measurement. The proposed antenna can be used for 2.4 GHz wireless access points (APs) with 2x2 multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna systems.

Monitoring the shoreline change in coastal area of Ca Mau and Bac Lieu province from 1995 to 2010 by using remote sensing and GIS

Phan Kieu Diem, Diep Van Den, Vo Quang Minh, Nguyen Thi Hong Diep
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Extraction of the coastline is an essential task of environment monitoring and change detection in coastal area. Ca Mau, Bac Lieu the southern most province of Vietnam, is affected by coastal environmental change and the coastline has been subjected to specific modifications over many years. The cause is determined by three factors including erosion, stability and sedimentation. The pattern of coastline changes of Ca Mau and Bac Lieu was identified using Landsat TM images acquired in 1995, 2000, 2005 and Alos image acquired in 2010. In this study we proposed a semi-automatic technique to extract the coastline. The results showed that the changing of shoreline is very complex in this area and the shoreline was tended toward erosion more than accretion in this areas in general. In period 1995 to 2010, erosion process occurred highest in Tan Thuan, Tan Tien ward, Dam Doi district while accretion process occurred highest from Cai Huong canal, Ngoc Hien district to Bay Hap estuary,NamCan district. In the Western of Ca Mau, accretion process is over predominated while erosion is over predominated in the EastseaofCa Mauand Bac Lieu. The information is to support the local government in assessing, monitoring and making plan for land use planning in this region.

Effects of three kinds of fruit covering bags on skin colour and flesh quality of 'catChu' and 'cat Hoa Loc' mango (Mangifera indica L.)

Nguyen Thi Phuc Nguyen
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study was aimed to determine effect of kinds of fruit cover bag on skin colour and fruit quality of ?cat Chu? and ?cat Hoa Loc? mango. An experiment was conducted using 9 and 16 year old trees of ?cat Chu? and ?cat Hoa Loc? mango grown in Cao Lanh district, Dong Thap province and practical farm of Can Tho University, respectively from February to July 2011. The experiment had four treatments (covering fruits with two layers bags made in Thailand(TL), glossy whitish paper bag made in Taiwan(ĐL), black nylon bag (NyĐ), and noncovering as control treament), seven replications each of which equals to one tree, 20 covered fruits per tree in each treatment. Results reflected that covering fruit with TL, ĐL, and NyĐ affected content of chlorophyll a & b in fruit skin, brightness, a* and b* index of fruit skin, but did not cause any impact on fruit size, weight, and flesh quality (oBrix, TA and vitamin C content) of either ?cat Chu? or ?cat Hoa Loc? mango. Covering fruits of ?cat Chu? and ?cat Hoa Loc? mango with TL brought about decreasing of chlorophyll a & b content and ?sandy? flecks on fruit skin, increasing brightness, turning into yellowish of fruit skin at harvest, decreasing, thus brighter and more beautiful fruit. 

The effects of Biosar on rice blast disease (Pyricularia grisea) under the rice field conditions in Tam Nong district, Dong Thap province

Vu Anh Phap
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Testing the effects of Biosar-3 ĐHCT (CuCl2) on blast disease was carried out in randomized complete block design in Dong Thap province. The results showed that both fungicide and Biosar treatments reduced leaf and panicle blast diseases significantly different than those of checked treatment. Treatment of Biosar did not highly affect on plant height, number of panicles.m-2 and panicle blast disease. However, it increased number of filled grains, grain weight and grain yield. The yield of Biosar treatment was 7.14 tons.ha-1 compare to the yield of checked treatment was 5.08 tons.ha-1. Seed rate of 100 kg.ha-1 treatment reduced rice blast damage and increased the effects of Biosar.

Some influent factors of constituent separation in the production of absolute alcoho

Thơm Phan Văn
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The constituent separation should be used in the production of absolute alcohol. It is the constituent separation which has an enormous influence on the productive process of absolute alcohol. To have an appropriate constituent dissociation, it should be based on two main methods: (1) the properties of the solution which is made of constituents in the mixture and the constituent dissociation, (2) the properties of constituents in the mixture. The results showed that CaO and The results showed that CaO and Na2CO3 were selected as constituent dissociation. If using CaO. If using CaO during alcohol distillation, alcohol concentration could achieved 99.4%. If combined CaO and Na2CO3 together, alcohol concentration could achieve almost 100% alcohol concentration. The result of absolute alcohol concentration was confirmed by GC. The result indicates that local industry of alcohol distillation can use CaO and Na2CO3 as the mixture of constituent dissociation for distilling absolute alcohol well.       

The current status of environment, technique, finance in Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) cage culture in Phu Quoc island, Kien Giang province

Truong Hoang Minh, Tran Ngo Minh Toan, Nguyen Thi Hong Diep, Tran Hoang Tuan
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
In order to assess the current status of environment, technique and finance in Cobia cage culture in Phu Quoc island, Kien Giang province, this study was carried out through sampling water samples in cobia cage culture area at Rach Vem hamlet, Ganh Dau commune, Phu Quoc district from Jan to Oct 2011 at 4 sampling sites (in front, middle, end of culture area and 500 m far from the culture area) at highest and lowest tides during the day. In addition, an interview of 30 cobia culture households by using structured questionnaire was also conducted. The study shows that environmental parameters varied not significantly among sampling sites, but it was significantly different among sampling periods. The depth and temperature varied significantly with tidal regime. Average number cage per household was 6.47 cages (32.4m3/cage). Cobia seeds were mainly collected from the sea (90%) for culture. Fish seeds of 21 cm in size were stocked at density of 6.6 ind/m3. Survival rate and harvest size were 94.1% and at 6.56 kg/ind, respectively after 11 months of culture. Average yield was 2,900kg/100m3. Profit and benefit per cost were VND 84.3 mil./100m3 and 25%. In general, despite cobia cage culture was in small-scale, financial efficiency was rather high.

Influence of pork fat and gel forming additives to texture properties of sausage production from Tra fish by-product

Nguyen Van Muoi, Thai My Ngan, Tran The Hien, Tran Tan Khanh, Lam Hoa Hung, PHUONG A CHUNG THI THANH
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
In the process of frozen Tra fish fillet production, ratio of Tra fish by-product is about   10 ữ 15% of the mass of raw material. Using this material to food production, as well as not only increase economic efficiency, will close the production process but also reduce waste causing pollution. This study investigated the processes and influential factors affecting the quality of sausage which made by Tra fish by-product. With the high ratio of P2O5 in raw material, this additive wasn?t added in the procedure. After washing process was applied to color improvement and gel strengthening of raw material, the ratio of fish meat and fat to formation of emulsion paste were determined. In addition, ingredient functions were used to improved tenderness, juiciness, cohesiveness, water binding, and emulsion stability of sausage. The result showed that, the quality of the sausages was ensured if it was made with the ratio of 75% of Tra-fish meat and 25% of fat, combined with the addition of 4% modified starch and 0,4% of chitofood.

Study of using sugarcane bagasse for lipid production by the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica Po1g

Ho Quoc Phong, Vo Truong Giang, Truong Thi Cam Tu, Huynh Lien Huong
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study is to explore the use of sugarcane bagasse for culturing Yarrowia lipolytica Po1g in order to obtain lipid. After pretreatment, bagasse was converted into sugars by hydrolysis with dilute sulfuric acid at various concentrations (1 - 4%), temperature (60 - 120°C), and reaction time (1 - 8 hours). The results showed that the concentration of total sugar increased proportionally to the increase of applied acid concentration, time, and temperature. The highest concentration of sugar obtained when bagasse was hydrolyzed with 3% H2SO4 at 90°C for 6 hours and the ratio between bagasse and acid solution was 1/25 g/mL. The culturing process of Y. lipolytica Po1g showed that detoxified sugarcane bagasse hydrolysate gave the highest biomass of 12.07 g/L, compared to D-glucose (10.3 g/L), and D-xylose (8.45 g/L). The highest lipid obtained when yeast grown in detoxified sugarcane bagasse hydrolysate with total sugar concentration of 30 g/L was 46.7%.

Simulation of dynamics of available soil nitrogen in the lowland rice systems using Stella software

Quí Nguyễn Văn, Le Tan Loi
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Nitrogen management in lowland rice systems is characterized by high N rates, low nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and high losses. Simulation models are important tools for better predicting optimal N rates on a specific field that would help avoid excessive N input or deficiency. This study has been conducted with using Stella software for modeling soil N cycle. Basic data for constructing N cycle model have been collected from field research in Giong Rieng soil. There is good agreement in the simulation for the release mineral N by paddy soils corresponded with the N requirements of the rice crop at various stages. The important factor that affected N mineralization simulated was plant residues input from last crop biomass. Simulated results also showed that, in no nitrogen applied, amount of mineralized N was only 25 kg ha-1 while N uptake of rice plant was 45 kg ha-1. In N application treatment, simulation for N uptake in rice was 80 kg ha-1, this amount was a result of balance in soil with different processes of N volatilization, mineralization and denitrification. The simulated of soil N dynamic and plant N need is a basic step to help adding N fertilizer for plant need reasonably.

Isolation and selection several bacterial strains with the ability of fixing nitrogen and synthesizing Indole Acetic acid (IAA) from rice rhizosphere soil

Nguyen Thi Phuong Oanh, Tran Buu Minh, Nguyen Thi Pha
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Free-living bacteria colonizing the rhizosphere soil zone of rice possess many good capacities that should be exploited to support a sustainable agriculture. In particular, nitrogen-fixing and Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) biosynthesis abilities are two features which have received the most interest in researches. In this research, 56 bacteria strains have been isolated from rhizosphere soil samples of 4 different rice varieties collected in Can Tho and Tra Vinh and screened for nitrogen-fixing ability. From which, 15 isolates with high nitrogen fixation capacity have been chosen to continue examining the ability to synthesize IAA. Five bacterial isolates TV2C1, TV3A4, TV2B7, CTA3 and CTB3 perform both nitrogen fixation and IAA synthesis ability at high levels. The amount of synthesized IAA ranges from 28.6293mg/ml (TV2C1) to 42.1351mg/ml (TV2B7).

Application of microorganisms and enzyme protease to improve the quality of traditional fermented soy-sauce

Nguyen Van Thanh, Tran Thi Yen Minh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The objectives of the study were to produce soy sauce with high quality, free of toxic 3-MCPD (3-monochloropropane-1,2-diol), and to reduce production time, based on these several experiments were carried out. Results of research showed that inoculating pure starter culture of Aspergillus oryzae 106 spores/g dry weight (gdw) has shorten the koji incubation time to 52 hours in comparison to 4-5 days of the traditional process. Supplementing of 2% commercializing enzyme into hydrolytic step at 50oC, 36 hours before adding salt (NaCl), the efficiency of amino acid hydrolysis obtained 44,8% which was more higher than that of the control 8,8%. Aroma of soy sauce was improved by inoculating with the bacteria Pediococcus halophillus 104 cells/g and the yeast Zygosaccharomyces rouxii 102 cells/g of mixture together in the period of brine fermentation. 

Effects of different feeding regimes on survival rate and reproduction characteristics of A.franciscana (Vinh Chau strain)

Nguyenthi Kim Phuong, Nguyen Van Hoang
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The research aimed to assess the effects of different feeding regimes on survival rate and reproduction characteristics of Artemia franciscana (Vinh Chau strain) under experimental condition. There were two stages of testing. Each treament has 3 replicates, Artemia was cultured under the density of 600 Artemia/300 ml in the same plastic bottle until reaching the mature stage in order to take data on the survival and growth; Thirty pairs of mature Artemia taken from the same treatment in which one pair of Artemia, then, was cultured in a 40 ml falcol for observing and analysing reproduction characteristics. Artemia was cultured in 80 ppt, and fed nine regimes in which the Chaetoceros was considered the control diet, the others were eight regimes in which Chaetoceros was replaced by increasing dietary levels of shrimp feed or fermented rice bran, namely 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. The results of the tenth day showed high percentage of survival of Artemia in all feeding regimes (>83%). Nevertheless, the best cyst reproduction of Artemia (1328 ± 199 cyst/female out of 1707 ± 286 embryos/female) was found in the treatment of 100% shrimp feed, while the diet of 100% fermented  rice bran  enhanced nauplii production (995 ± 116nauplii/female out of 1466 ± 139 (embryos/female).

Socio-economic efficiency of promising land use types on acid sulfate soil areas in Vinh Thang Commune, Go Quao district, Kien Giang province

Nguyen Thi Song Binh, Ngo Thi Thanh Hang
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Vinh Thang commune, Go Quao district, Kien Giang province has acid sulfate soil with promising farming model in social development: LUT 1 (pineapple), LUT 2 (pineapple - rice), LUT 3 (pineapple -rice- shrimp (Penaeus Monodom)), LUT 4 (pineapple - shrimp (Penaeus Monodom)), LUT 5 (2 rice ? vegetables (watermelon, cucumbers)), LUT 6 (rice - shrimp (penaeus monodom)). Profitability of LUT3 was highest value with 7.81 million VND/1.000m2/year and LUT 6 was lowest 4.05 million VND / 1.000m2/year. In terms of benefit/cost of all LUTs were LUT 2 was highest value (B / C = 1.65) and LUT 5 was lowest (B / C = 0.62). Farming model techniques were mainly based on long production experiences of the farmers. Production capital of farmers was mainly depended from capital sources of family for production. Strength of commune was the diversified farming models but also weaknesses do not have sources of capital, lack of cultivation techniques and the good seed source. The results of analysis showed that LUT2 and LUT3 gave a highly economic efficiency for local.

Streptococcus iniae, the causative agent of "dark body" disease in climbing perch (Anabas testudineus) in the Mekong Delta

Tu Thanh Dung, Huynh Thi Ngoc Thanh, Nguyen Khuong Duy
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study describes the first isolation Streptococcus iniae as causative agent of ?dark body? disease in climbing perch (Anabas testudineus). A total of 114 diseased climbing perch samples with darkened body colour and lethargy was collected from different commercial farms in the MekongDelta. Diseased fish showed external signs of dark coloration and eyes with corneal opacity. Internally, ascites, hepatomegaly, and splenomegaly were observed. All potential agents were considered. Small, opaque and pure colonies isolated from fish liver, kiney, spleen, blood, eyes and brain on brain heart infusion agar (BHI) and blood agar (BA) were observed in pure culture after 24-36 hours incubating at 28°C. Colonies were chain-forming and Gram positive cocci. Conventional and rapid identification systems and 16S rRNA gene partial sequencing were used to identify the train isolated from ?dark body? disease as Streptococcus iniae. LD50 trials was carried out with two S. iniae isolates, at concentrations from 103 to 106 CFU/mL, in healthy climbing perch (3-6g body weight), with values of 3,73ì103 CFU/mL after 120h and 2,43ì105 CFU/mL after 144h. An experimental injection challenge study fulfilled Koch?s postulates. Experimented showed similar clinical signs to the natural infection.

Soil stability classification and factors influencing to the soil structural stability of alluvial soils in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam

Le Van Khoa, Nguyen Van Be Ti
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The study subject was conducted to determine stability quotient of soil structure and to identify the factors which are affecting the formation and development of soil structure on alluvial major soil group in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Five typical soil types of alluvial major soil group in the Mekong Delta were selected for study. One hundred soil samples were taken for laboratory analysis of the soil aggregate and structural stability and some soil physio-chemical properties related. Fifty households was also interviewed in the study locations. The results showed that organic matter is considered as the main factor strongly influencing to the soil aggregate and structural stability compared to soil texture, Ca and CEC in soil horizon. For improving the soil structural stability and structure development, in cultivation practices and land use, it is necessary to recommend using organic fertilizer. The soil aggregate stability (stability index, SI) varies in the range of 0,23 to 2,38 and soil structural stability (stability quotient, SQ) changes from 22,43 to 184,13. The soil structural stability of alluvial major soil group can initially be grouped  into 03 classes: low ( 85).

Study on  morphological otolith of Cyprinidae distributed in Can Tho and AnGiangprovinces

Ha Phuoc Hung, Ho Kim Loi
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The research on morphological otolith of Cyprinidae was carried out from August, 2011 to July, 2012 in An Giang  and Can Tho province. The result of this study identified 26 fish species belong to 20 genus of Cyprinidae. Descriptive otolith structure of 26 species belong to Cyprinidae distributed showed that otolith of 26 species has Ellipse?shaped, triangular?shaped or egg?shaped. Has differentiation on the shape (the most differentiation is among sulcus) and the size among species. From, the result of this study can support to identify fish species composition which is based on the otolith morphology.

Extraction of bromelain enzyme from pineapple waste

Nguyen Van Thanh, Duong Thi Diem Trang, Nguyen Minh Thuy
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This research aimed to study the effect of some factors such as: (i) precipitating agents (acetone, ethanol, ammonium sulfate); (ii) ammonium sulfate concentrations (60, 70, 80%) and precipitation temperatures (27oC and 4oC and (iii) drying methods (freeze-drying, vacuum drying and by H2SO4) on bromelain preparation extracted from pineapple peaked-shoots. The research results showed that 82,86, 71,19 and 66,19% enzyme activity recovery when precipitated by acetone, ethanol and ammonium sulfate, respectively. The appropriate concentration of ammonium sulfate and temperature for bromelain precipitation were 80% (v/v) and 27 oC, respectively. Vacuum drying (at 35oC for 9 hours) was the most effective method for obtaining white bromelain powder with the moisture content below 8%; 74,74% activity recovery compared with the total activity in the crude extract.

Effects of ingredients (milk, gelatin and fruit jam) on yoghurt quality

Nguyen Minh Thuy, Ho Thanh Huong, Nguyen Ai Thach, Doan Nguyen Phu Cuong
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study was carried out to investigate (i) effect of fresh milk (40ữ80%), skim milk powder (1ữ5%) and condensed milk (5ữ20%) on product quality; (ii) effect of gelatin percentage on physical properties (water-holding capacity and texture) and sensory characteristics of yoghurt and (iii) effect of mixing fruit jam (5ữ20%) on sensory attributes of fruit yoghurt (FOB style or Sundae style). The results showed that the combination of condensed milk 10% with fresh milk 60% and skim milk powder 3% gave yoghurt with high sensory scores (flavor, texture and mouth-feel) and good quality (less water release). The percentage of gelatin 0.4% (220 Bloom) could be used to improve texture (tender and smooth), syneresis and mouthfeel of fruit yoghurt. Addition of fruit jam (10-15%) into stirred yoghurt and layred yoghurt (FOB-Fruit on Bottom) provided product with good taste, strong aroma and a good texture without water releasing.

Gonadal development and reproduction periods of golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei) in Phu Da islet, Cho Lach district, Ben Tre province

Vu Ngoc Ut, La Ngoc Thach, Nguyen Bach Loan
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Gonadal development and reproduction periods of the golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei) were investigated to serve as database for proposing solutions to reduce the impacts of this species on the local snail (Cipangopaludina lecithoides) in Phu Da islet, Cho Lach, Ben Tre. The study was conducted from November, 2010 to October, 2011. Samples of the mussels were collected monthly with an amount of 20 ind. month-1 to determine Sex ratio, Fat condition index, Gonadal  Index (GI), Gonad development phases to help determine the spawning seasons of this species. The results showed that the gonad develops into 5 phases in which phase 4 (spawning phase) contains different stages of eggs which indicate that mussels both spawn and absorb to reserve nutrient and energy. The percentage of females (45-65%) was always higher than that of male (35-45%) except in March with equal ratio (45%). Hermaphrodite is not observed in this species. Gonadal Index was found high in most of the time but with peaks in January and June where it coincides with peaks of fat condition index. In general, the results indicated that the golden mussel could reproduce several times in a year with the peaks in January and June.

Using of freshwater rotifer (Brachionus angularis) in rearing marble goby (Oxyeleotris marmoratus) fries from newly hatching to 10 days old

Tran Suong Ngoc, Vu Ngoc Ut
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
A primary study on applying freshwater rotifer Brachionus angularis in rearing marble goby (Oxyeleotris marmoratus) from newly hatched fries up to 10 day-old fingerlings. The first experiment was aimed to determine a proper rotifer density for feeding schedule, in which rotifers were stocked in different densities (i.e.5, 8 and 11 ind/mL) while the control treatment was feeding by yolk + Soya meal. The second experiment was performed to detect an appropriated density of Chlorella supplemented. It included four treatment with Chlorella density were 0 (control), 0.5; 1 and 1.5 x 106 cells/mL. Results displayed that feeding with 11 ind/mL of rotifer was excellent to improve the survival of fries at day 10 (e.g. up to 35,3±5,7%). Moreover, survival of marble goby was enhanced up to 43,6±2,8% as rearing in green-water system with a density of Chlorella 1,5 x 106 cells/mL and rotifer density was 11 ind/mL.

Effect of nitrogen levels on growth, protein and lipid content of Spirulina platensis (Geitler, 1925) cultured in seawater

Tran Thi Le Trang
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
In this study, 5 levels of nitrogen (6.18; 12.35; 18.53; 24.7 and 30.88 mg/l) were tested in order to evaluate the effect of this nutrient on growth, protein and lipid content of S. platensis cultured in seawater under laboratory conditions. The results showed that, the alga cultured at higher nitrogen levels (18.53; 24.7 and 30.88 mg/l) gave higher maximum biomass (4.90; 4. and 4.35 g/l) compared to the lower levels (6.18 and 12.35 mg/l) (3.06 and 3.46 g/l) (p < 0.05) which achieved on day 8. However, there were no significant differences about maximum biomass gained among nitrogen levels of 18.53; 24.7 and 30.88 mg/l or 6.18 and 12.35 mg/l (p > 0.05). Similarily, the highest nitrogen levels gave the highest content of protein but lowest content of lipid and vice versa. Specifically, the highest nitrogen levels (30,88 mg/l), the protein and lipid contents obtained 69.64 and 10.12% of the total dry weight, respectively while this figures at the lowest nitrogen level (6.18 mg/l) were 52.29 and 13.48% of the total dry weight, respectively (p < 0.05). Summary, the most suitable nitrogen level for culturing S. platensis was 18.53 mg/l in order to obtain the optimal values of growth, protein as well as lipid content and economic efficiency.

Effects of weight and shape index on the hatchery percentage and egg parameters in Tau Vang layers

Do Vo Anh Khoa
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Raising backyard chicken is one of the traditional animal production models in theMekongDelta. In recent years, chicken of Tau Vang breed is added to the conservation program of the indigenous breeds due to it own great characteristics for performance and meat quality traits. This current is to study effects of egg weight and shape index on hatchery percentage and indexes of egg in Tau Vang layers. In general, it was found effects of (i) weight on shape index and on loss of water after incubation and fertilized percentage (p

Effects of probiotic supplementation on the environmental factors and development of Chaetoceros muelleri

Ngo Thi Thu Thao
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Algae Chaetoceros muelleri was cultured by F/2 based solution and supplemented with different concentrations of probiotics based on Baccillus and Lactobacillus (0, 0.5, 0.75 and 1.0 mg/L). At supplemented concentration of 0.75 mg/L, algae could reach the highest density (86,56 ± 0,95 x 105 cells/ml) after 7 days and maintained until 12 days of culture period, these results were significantly different from control or other probiotic supplemented concentrations (p

Effects of water management on nitrogen use efficiency, rice yield of acid sulfate soils and alluvial soils in Mekong Delta

Nguyen Quoc Khuong, Le Tan Loi, Nguyen Minh Dong
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The objective of this study was to determine nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), rice yield under two water management regimes in greenhouse experiment of acid sulfate soils and alluvial soils by 15N technique. The 22 factorial experiment in a completely randomized design of four treatments including the two water management regimes (Continuous flooding and alternate wetting and drying) and the two soil types (alluvial soils and acid sulfate soils) was conducted in the greenhouse at College of Agriculture and Applied Biology - Can Tho University. The results of greenhouse experiment showed that water saving regime obtained 40.30% of NUE  and rice grain yield (0.34 kg m-2) as equal as comparing to continuous flooding irrigation. Nitrogen use efficiency of acid sulfate soils (Giong Rieng-Kien Giang) and alluvial soils (O Mon ? Can Tho) was not significant difference, fluctuated 31.68 ? 44.01%. In this case, NUE of rice grain obtained 15-20% only. Rice yield was not significant different from soil type treatments.

Protein and lipid requirements for clown knifefish fingerling (Chitala chitala)

Tran Thi Thanh Hien, Nguyen Huu Bon, Lam My Lan, Tran Le Cam Tu
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The study was conducted to determine optimal protein requirements at three lipid levels for clown knifefish fingerling (Chitala chitala) 2,42 g innitial weight. The experiment was set up with 12 dietary treament, including four dietary protein levels (35%, 40%, 45%, and 50%) and three dietary lipid levels (6%, 9%, and 12%) in 8 weeks. The results showed that survival of fish was not affected by either dietary protein or lipid levels. Specific growth rate (SGR) of fish increased with increasing protein levels up to 45%, however  SGR of fish decreased in treatments of 50% dietary protein. The best growth and feed conversion ratio (FCR) results of fish fed the 45% protein with 6% lipid were not significantly different from those of fish fed 40% protein with 9% lipid, but significantly different from with remaining treatments. The diets containing 40% ? 45% protein matching 9%-6% lipid would be suitable for optimum growth and effective protein utilization  of clown knifefish fingerling. 

Effect of different selection intensities on cyst biometrics of Artemia franciscana Vinh Chau

Dang Kim Thanh, Nguyen Thi Hong Van, Nguyen Van Hoang
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
In this study, unidirectional mass truncation selection for small-sized cysts was done in Artemia franciscana Vinh Chau (Vietnam) strain through cyst sieving with different selection intensities. Three sieving mesh size of 200 ?m, 180 ?m and 170 ?m are considered as treatments, accordingly, were applied and then the selected ones per treatment were raised separately and to compare to the non-selected population (control) under laboratory condition. The results showed that the mean value of cyst diameter in F1 selection (F1s) generation of selected line were 225±12.6; 220±12.9 and 207±13.2 ?m correspondingly to the sieving of 200 ?m, 180 ?m and 170 ?m and the percentage of small cysts (?210 àm) were 17.3%; 50.6% and 64.1%, respectively. The mean values of F1s generation were significant smaller (p 0.05). The maternal length of F1S180 and F1S170 ?m was significantly smaller (p

Rearing marbled eel (Anguilla marmorata) fry by using different diets in a recirculating system

Ly Van Khanh, Tran Ngoc Hai, Tran Thi Thanh Hien
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Marbled eel (Anguilla marmorata) nursering applying different diets in recirculating system was conducted in Collegeof Aquacultureand Fisheries, Can Tho University from 03/2012 to 11/2012. The experiment was conducted in fresh water recirculating system (2 m3/tank), included three treatments with different diets: (i) trashfish, (ii) artificial feed and (iii) the combination of trashfish and artificial. Marbel eel (1.60 g/fish) was stocked at the density of 20 fish/m3 and duplicated in each treatment. After eight months of rearing, the growth rate of treatment fed artificial feed (0.020 g/day and 0.57 %/day) and the treatment fed artificial feed and trashfish combination (0.018 g/day and 0.55 %/day) were significant higher than the growth rate of treatment fed trashfish only (0.007 g/day and 0.29 %/day) (p

The immune response ability of striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) against Edwardsiella ictaluri

Tu Thanh Dung, Tran Hoa Cuc, Nguyen Hoang Nhat Uyen, Ma Le Diem Trang
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
A study on specific immune response of catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) against Edwardsiella ictaluri was carried out in the field trial and the wet-lab.  Microagglutination test was used to quantify specific antibody levels. From farm observations, results of examination on 419 serum samples of catfish showed that infected fish had low  antibodies at 1.7, which demonstrated that striped catfish had antibody response against E. ictaluri but at low antibody levels, and short immunity duration, whereas in the wet-lab, antibody levels were evaluated during 15 weeks after vaccination. The results showed a significant increase in the antibody levels (>9.5) of vaccinated group (at p10). In the vaccinated field trial, antibody levels assessed every 10 days during the culture cycle. Results found that antibody levels increased significantly at the vaccinated group after the first 10 days (>9) and remained high (>7) compared with control groups (

Using a-1,4-glucan glucohydrolase INTO sweet Potato beverage Production

Duong Thi Phuong Lien
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Sweet potato tuber was used to process the juice beverage. In order to do that the effect of the starch hydrolysis by ?-1,4-glucan glucohydrolase was evaluated by hydrolytic efficiency, Brix degree, reducing sugar and the starch content. The results showed that the optimum condition for starch hydrolysis was at 60oC for 60 minutes. To enhance the quality of the product, the extracts from orange, pineapple, mangoes, ambarella, ginger, honey were added to the beverage. In addition, the pasteurization regime of final product was also investigated. The results showed that the addition of ginger extract gave the highest acceptability of both panelists and consumers. To ensure the safety of product, the PU value was calculated. The product should be pasteurized at 90oC for 8 minutes.   

Pig production status in Soc Trang province

Nguyen Minh Thong, Thai Bich Tuyen, Do Vo Anh Khoa, Nguyen Thanh Binh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study was conducted to investigate pig production status in Soc Trang province. The results demonstrated that pig production system with a small-scale (81.82%) was mostly found. Most of the raisers using cross-breeds and different feed sources (58% commercial feed) and feeding methods (84.49% ad-bilitum, 57.22% dry-feed) had good experiences in pig production. Vaccination program was often focused on diseases such as pasteurellosis (67.91%), salmonellosis (67.38%), pestis sum disease (68.45%).  Up to 71.66% of pig farms were installed with the waste-treating system.

Improvement of soil fertility and rice yield on old alluvial soil at Moc Hoa district, Long An province

Tran Ba Linh, Bui Nhuan Dien
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
In the Mekong delta, old alluvial soil types are poor in soil nutrients. Famers have applied only inorganic fertilizers for double rice cultivation and have not paid much attention on using organic manure. With high dose of inorganic N and P applied, intensive rice cultivation has led to soil degradation and low rice yield. Objectives of this study were to find the way to improve soil fertility and rice yield of mono-rice system on old alluvial soil in Moc Hoa district, Long An province. Treatments were arranged in randomized complete block design with 1) Double rice crops (as farmers? practice); 2) Double rice plus 10 tons (T) of compost; 3) Rice alternated with sesame;4) Rice alternated with  peanut; 5) Rice alternated with soybean. Experiment was conducted for 8 years. Results showed that the system of rice crop alternated with cash crop led to increase significantly soil available nitrogen, labile carbon content and nitrogen mineralization in comparison with traditional rice cropping practice. Organic amendment result the increases of labile carbon and available nitrogen in soil compared to the rice treatment without compost addition. As consequence, the rice yield has been improved by either compost amendment or alternative cropping of rice and upland crops.

Genotype and Environmental effects on functional properties of wheat starch

Nhan Minh Tri, Les Copeland
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Starch is a macro-constituent of many foods and the major source of energy in the human diet. Functional properties of starch are highly variable due to genotype and environment, resulting in unpredictability of its functional performance in food processing and food quality. Aim of research seeks to fill critical knowledge gaps about how environmental factors during crop growth affect functional properties of wheat starch that are important for food processing and food quality. Starch was isolated from grain harvested from five commercial Australian wheat varieties that were grown in five different climate regions of Australia in the season 2008. Analyses were performed on the isolated starch to examine the extent to which genotype, growth location and season influenced variability of functional properties including: thermal properties (gelatinization temperatures and enthalpy change) and pasting properties. Statistical analysis indicated genotype mainly affected starch viscosities, gelatinization temperature and pasting temperature. Growth location was the major contributor to variance of enthalpy of starch gelatinization and breakdown viscosity. Strong correlations (p < 0.001) were indicated between growing conditions (nutrients, rainfall and temperature) and thermal properties and pasting properties of starch.

Selecting and regenerating salt tolerant rice varieties collected fromMekongDelta

Thảo Nguyễn Thị Thanh, Tran Nhan Dung, Tran Thi Xuan Mai, Do Tan Khang
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Eighteen rice varieties collected from Mekong Delta were used to evaluate the salt tolerance using hydroponic system containing Yoshida solution with additional NaCl concentrations (0?, 4?, 6?). The results showed that increasing salt levels, the survival rate, shoot height, root length, shoot and root dry weight of the tested rice plants was greatly reduced while the chlorophyll concentration was stable. Four SSR markers including RM206, RM223, RM10745 and RM8094 were used to identify the salt tolerant genotypes. Analysis of PCR products, only RM206 marker was associated with salt tolerant gene. Three high yielding rice varieties MTL480, MTL687 and ST20 were used for studying of induced mutation in vitro in order to select genetic variability in salt tolerance, the calli of MTL480 and MTL687 showed high potential for regeneration (46,02% and 45,63%, respectively) in MS medium containing 5? NaCl. However when NaCl concentration was increased to 10?, there was only 30,67% calli of MTL480 regenerated. The plantlets were transplanted in soil in the greenhouse to test their response to salt tolerance, the result revealed that 100% plants were survive on 6? NaCl concentration.

Agro-ecological zoning according to hydrology, pedology and present land use for coastal districts in Ben Tre province

Le Van Khoa, Nguyen Thi Cam Su, Pham Thanh Vu, Vo Quang Minh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This research was implemented at the coastal districts in Ben Tre province (Ba Tri, Binh Dai and Thanh Phu) based on the evolution of hydrology (salinity and saline intrusion) according to climate change scenario of B1 and A1F1, pedology and present land use are selected as main factors for zoning at current condition, in 2020 and 2050. Soil survey has also been done at 25 sites by augering for testing and 25 households concurrently investigated in the study area. The results showed that having 3 agro-ecological zones were determined: (1) Fresh water ecological zone; (2) Brackish water ecological zone; and (3) Saline water ecological zone. Due to the negligible change of hydrology in 2020, the agro-ecological zones at current time and in 2020 will be the same. In 2050, sea level rises to 33 cm driving the strongly saline intrusion to the land, consequently reducing 30% area of freshwater ecology and increasing 30% area of brackish water ecology and saline water ecology is almost stable. To enhance the effects of response and adaptation to the climate change, the detailed researches of changing on soil quality, the selection of land use planning and suitable farming systems need to be done in the impacted area.

Effects of salinity on osmoregulation and growth of climbing perch (Anabas testudineus)

Do Thi Thanh Huong, Tran Viet Toan, Nguyen Thi Kim Ha
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study aimed to find the appropriate value of salinity for the growth of climbing perch as the basis data to apply to the farm. (i) Climbing perch fish from 5-7 g/individual were used for studying the salinity tolerance by increasing salinity 1?/0.5 hours. (ii) One experiment was conducted for determination the ion and osmolality regulation exposed to different salinity from 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36 and 39?. (iii) following experiment to study on the growth of the fish rear in the salinity 0, 3, 9, 12, 15? within 90 days. Results showed that salinity tolerance of climbing perch was 30 ?. Plasma osmolality and concentrations of Na+, K+ of the fish did not change significantly in the different treatments lower than 15? and increased in the treatments 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39?. Equilibrium between the osmolality in the plasma and the environment (isosmotic point) was 12?. Climbing perch?s growth was very well in the treatments of 0 and 3?.

Change land use farming adaptability of people in the coastal districts Soc Trang and Bac Lieu

Pham Thanh Vu, Vuong Tuan Huy, Phan Hoang Vu
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
MekongDelta has been heavily influenced by climate change affect people's livelihoods. Especially the coastal areas, the occurrence of a conflict between the goals in the exploitation and use of natural resources through factors such as acidity, salinity, water quality and environmental problems between land use purposes. On the basis of the results of the PRA and SWOT analysis of the ecosystem, assess the status and the impact causes the change, adaptation measures of the people. The results showed that: one of the measures of the people to adapt to problems on changing land use on 03 different ecological zones (salt, fresh and brackish water). This solution does not require too much cost but will give practical effect to the affected people. Ensure stable production and bring economic efficiency is the primary goal.

Some advanced teaching methodologies help engineering students in active learning

Doan Thi Truc Linh, Nguyen Van Cuong
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
To assure the training quality for engineering students in order to meet the outcome criteria and satisfy the recent social requirements, we have to concern many aspects, especially teaching methods during training process. This paper presents and discusses some improving teaching methodologies that may help engineering students to learn with active learning methods, in order to receive and comprehend the knowledge, to bring into play their soft- skills and creativity. These new teaching methods could make students attracted into learning activities actively based on the organization and instruction of lecturers. The students explore fuzzy contents as well as missing skills that traditional teaching styles do not focus on. In addition, students will involve in researching on the real problems, discussing in group, generating new ideas, promote their ability and their soft-skill as communication skill, presentation skill, computer skill, etc. From that they can comprehend new professional knowledge and improve their creativity.

The English proficiency of English education students in the 120-credit training program

Nguyen Van Loi, Do Xuan Hai, Chung Thi Thanh Hang
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
English Proficiency is one core knowledge element in English language teacher education programs. However, research on the proficiency of would-be English language teachers following a formal teacher training program is scarce. The current study on a cohort of 75 students of English enrolled in the 120-credit English language teacher education program at Can Tho University, aimed to investigate their current proficiency of English after two years attending the program. The study uses an IELTS test and the Common European Framework to determine their proficiency levels, and uses the students? scores of a TOEIC test taken before they entered the program as reference to their entry levels from which to determine their progress. The study results showed that the students? levels varied greatly. Around sixty-percent of them achieved Level B1 up, while around 40% was at Level A2 down. Their listening ability was the weakest, but in general, their proficiency levels have improved significantly.

Research article titles in Linguistics: Typical length and prevalent structural construction

Do Xuan Hai, Nguyen Van No
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This article addresses the issues of length and structural construction of research article titles in Linguistics in Vietnamese. Systematic and careful examination of a corpus of 260 titles representing 260 research articles selected from 51 issues in two leading journals in Linguistics published between 2010 and 2012 in Vietnam led to data-based specifications of the two constructs under investigation. Due to the limited size and scope of the corpus, call for replication research is made by the researchers in the hope that findings of this study will be validated through further investigation into the same research topic by other researchers. Discipline-based and cross-disciplinary research agenda is also suggested.

Scientificity and research in Social Sciences and Humanities

Tran Thanh Ai
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Recently, the press says a lot about the state of our country's current stagnation in scientific activity in general, humanities and social sciences in particular. Many authors have mentioned many reasons for this situation, which comes to the backwardness of scientific research methods. To contribute to the improvement of scientific activity in this field, the author of this article would like to introduce some notion of scientific research in social sciences and humanities, widely used by occidental scientists. He pays special attention to scientificity and the scientific method that all work must respect.

The problems of language uses on SMS of students at Can Tho University and Tran Đai Nghia, Chau Van Liem high Schools in Can Tho City

Pham Thi Thai, Pham Thi Quyen Trang, Pham Thuy Huynh, Huynh Chi Nghia
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Based on the survey of 100 text messages of CTU?s students and the students Tran Dai Nghia and Chau Van Liem high schools of Can Tho city with a total number  of 700 participants,  the authors  analyzed the use of  students?language in three  aspects,  namely Phonetics, Lexicon, Grammar. The  authors want to ring the bell to  educations  and language experts on the bad trends of language use of Vietnamese.

Classroom assessment techniques for engineering students

Ly Thanh Phuong
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Classroom assessment is an formative approach designed to help teachers find out what students are learning in the classroom and how well they are learning. This approach is learner centered, teacher directed, context specific, and firmly rooted in good practice. This paper will introduce and summarize some classroom assessment techniques (CATs) that may be applied to classrooms of engineering students in order to help improving the quality of teaching and learning of engineering.

Funeral traditional Ritual of the Nung (The Survey in Duc Trong Dist, Lam Dong province)

Nguyen Huy Khuyen
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Funeral is one of important lifecycle ritual as concept of the Nung. Death is not the end that is to be on the first plane, travelling in fairy world. Thus, this ritual of the Nung is organized very seriously and complex. As in the words of shaman- Vi Van Den (The most prestigious Shaman of Nung in Lam Dong), who said that there are many complex rituals which are being kept by many Nung Families in Lam Dong. There are ritual offerings to mother may be extended to read an article worship to praise motherhood. In addition, the author would like to provide more material for the study of funeral customs of the Nung in Lam Dong to be able to compare with the customs of the Nung in the north.

Tourists' opinions of ecotourism at Gao Giong tourist site, Cao Lanh District,DongThapProvince

Nguyen Trong Nhan
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Gao Giong is one of two sites that has a lot of advantages for ecotourism development inDongThapProvince. Therefore, from 2000, Vietnam Institute for Tourism Development Research has defined that Gao Giong tourist site has high potential for tourism development for the whole nation as well as for theMekongDelta. However, for the last few years, this tourist site still has not obtained proper investment. This leads to some problems such as difficulty for access; less diversification in tourism services and low tourism services quality; low workers? lore; not supplying all requests of ecotourism, etc. By using questionnaires to survey tourists? opinions and combining with the secondary data, this research paper aims to clarifying the current situation as well as tourists? opinions of ecotourism at Gao Giong tourist site. Furthermore, based on the findings, this research also points out some solutions to boost ecotourism development at survey area in the future.

The roles of Khmer women in household economic development at rural areas of Mekong Delta

Nguyen Thuy Trang, Vo Hong Tu, Nguyen Phu Son
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Although women play crucial role in socio-economic development, at somewhere, this role is not recognized clearly and adequately, especially in minor ethnic groups. Within the process of reaching gender equality, clearly definition about women?s roles is widely considered to be very important for the success of this action. For this, research on the roles of Khmer women in household economic development is very necessary. This research was conducted to answer two specific objectives: (1) contribution of Khmer women in household economic development and (2) suggesting solutions for improving awareness on women?s roles in community. Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and household survey were used to collect data for the research. Research results show that women contribute very importantly to the total income, approximately 58% or VND 28 million per year as well as participate in making decision of almost all stages of husbandry activity. In addition, Khmer women also take great part in conducting reproductive role.

The impact of having part-time jobs on students: learning results in Can Tho university

Nguyen Pham Tuyet Anh, Hoang Minh Tri, Tran Thi Tuyet Hoa
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The findings showed that the students? learning results represented by grade point average (GPA) were different in these two groups of students. Moreover, the study also found that there was a difference in terms of GPA of students having part-time jobs before and after getting the jobs. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that that there is an impact of having part-time jobs on students? learning outcomes. The research also found out specific factors that negatively influenced the students? learning results and that led to the decrease of the GPA of students with part-time jobs. From the research findings, the researchers propose solutions and recommendations to help students having part-time jobs improve their GPAs and learning outcomes.

The problems related to land price used in compensating upon land recovery by the state

Chau Hoang Than
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
When the State recovers land, people?s main attention is land price used in compensation as it considerably affects towards re-establishing their lives. Once land price used in compensation is unreasonable, people do not handover their land. As the result, complex complaints will occur and the time for projects? implementation is prolonged. This affects to rights of many related subjects. The legal regulations related to land price used in compensation have been amended continuously. However, the application these amended provisions into the reality arises many issues. This article aims to analyze the current provisions and their application into the reality to find out root reasons and based on found reasons to give suitable suggestions.

Intensive paddy rice & 1 MUST 5 REDUCTION applied: the constraint of farmers and improvements at household level

Nguyen Ngoc Son, Nguyen Hong Tin, Nguyen Van Sanh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study has focused on two main objectives: (1) identify the main constraints of agro-technique factors and economic return and rice yield; (2) identify the solution of improved farming technique at household level in term of rice practice and GHG reduction. The perception of farmers in rice farming and GHG reduction and applied 1M5R at research sites were relative low. The technique of AWD (alternative wet and dry irrigation) was not accepted by farmers and low efficiency. The main constraints of water management and 1M5R applied at the household level were that the surface of rice field was not leveling; the operation of irrigation systems and management was less efficient. The difficulties of seed reduction are the golden snail management; lower rice yield because of seed reduction according to scientific recommendation (80-100 kg/ha). The short-term solution packages included that improving of rice field surface, capacity building of farmers in 1M5R; applied bio-fertilizer and tolerated varieties. Long-term solution packages included that water management in groups/cooperative; agro techniques training, practical demonstration, workshop and feedback, transfer new agro techniques to other farmers.

Efficiency of production and consumption of cocoa in Ben Tre province

Nguyen Huu Tam
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Using Partipatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) method combined with financial indicators, this paper analyzes the current status of cocoa production and consumption in Ben Tre province and proposes solutions to improving the efficiency of the production and consumption of cocoa of households in Ben Tre province. Area of cocoa-coconut mixed crop increases over years. The income from cocoa is about 1,421,000 VND per 1,000 m2 each year, helping increase income per unit of arable land for the people. In the production process, farmers face many difficulties as salt water intrusion, pest attacks. The cocoa prices fluctuate at around 4,500 VND per kilogram of fresh fruit and 55,000 VND per kilogram of seeds.

The pattern of linkage "4 houses" in rice-paddy business in Dinh Hoa village. Go Quao district, Kien Giang province

Nguyen Phu Son
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The pattern of linkage ?4 houses? is built between Hoa Tien cooperative and Gentraco company accompanied with supports from village People? Committee and Can Tho University. This pattern is implemented through a process of six steps, based on the theory of vertical linkage in value chain ? vertical linkage. This pattern brings about benefits to ?4 houses?. At where, farmers? production behavior is changed towards ?Selling what the market needs, no doing what sellers have?. Company? brand mark is upgraded and the results derived from the pattern are considered as an important premise for building material zone for the company. In addition, the results obtained from the pattern also help local staffs upgrade their managing capacity and contribute to build New rural village. Finally, through implementing the pattern, Scientists get experiences related to linkage ?4 houses?. Also the results from the pattern will be well examples that supplement for value chain theory.

Analyze cost efficiency for the white leg shrimp farmers in Ninh Hoa town, Khanh Hoa province

Dang Hoang Xuan Huy, Tran Van Thang
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The study analyzes cost efficiency (CE) for the white leg shrimp ponds in Ninh Hoa town, Khanh Hoa province based on minimizing input-oriented Data Envelopment Analysis model (DEA) in case Constant Return to Scale (CRS) and Variable Return to Scale (VRS).  The result from 250 households with 1 output and 12 input variables surveyed in 2011 shows that, on average, cost efficiency score of commercial white leg shrimp ponds in Ninh Hoa town, Khanh Hoa province with CE_CRS model is 0,51, with CE_VRS model is 0,657. 

The role of access to credit in rice production of rural households in Mekong Delta in Vietnam

Vuong Quoc Duy
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Currently, rice production in the Mekong Delta region accounts for more than 50% of Vietnam?s total paddy production and 90% of its rice export volume. Therefore, increasing the efficiency of rice production systems and enhancing the comparative advantage of Vietnam?s rice industry have been an important focus area for policy makers and researchers for many years. Access to credit has been identified as a key factor for improving rice production. This fact is validated in this study by considering the production and technical efficiency levels of rice production for a sample of farmers in the Mekong Delta. The study focuses particularly on the effects of both formal and informal credits on production levels and production efficiency by using a Stochastic frontier analysis and a quantile regression. The results confirm the positive influence of credit on production and production efficiency. Both formal and informal credit appear to be important. JEL: E5, G2, O2

The real state of gender equality of Khmer community at rural areas of Mekong Delta

Vo Hong Tu, Nguyen Thuy Trang
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Gender equality is one out of the important goals that many countries over the world have been pursuing for last years, in which includes Vietnam. Although this aspect?s importance was recognized, the real state and implementing performance of gender equality are still facing difficulties, especially in rural areas where Khmer people are living in. However, still lack of research relating to this area has been conducted. These are the reasons why the research was implemented to provide answers to three following objectives: (1) investigating the status of gender equality in aspects of economic, social, health, education,? (2) investigating the status of task allocation according to three gender roles and (3) suggesting solutions for better situation of gender equality. PRA (KIP and focus group discussion) and household survey have been applied to collect data. Study results show that the gender equality?s situation is quite good, women contribute about 58% of total household? income, women approach better in education opportunities than men, both men and women participate in resource management. Regarding to activity allocation, women spend 1.5 hours more than men.

Solutions to enforcing the regulations on resettlement due to land recovery

Phan Trung Hien, Nguyen Thi Doan Trang
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
InVietnam, resettlement is a state policy that helps people whose land is wholly recovered by the State quickly have new stable places to live. According to the law, a resettlement zone must have conditions better or at least the same as the previous places. However, so far this regulation has not been strictly enforced in most development projects due to several problems concerning resettlement. As a result, most of the affected people, whose land is recovered, are afraid of living in the resettlement zone. At present, a key question is how to put the law on resettlement into effect. This article aims to suggest some solutions for answering this question.

Tương tác kiểu gen - môi trường và phân tích tính Ổn định của 15 giống đậu xanh có triển vọng

Truong Trong Ngon, Nguyen Tri Yen Chi
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The objective of this study was to evaluate Genotype-Environment interactions and yield stability in six experimentsacross different ecological locations in the Mekong delta. Fifteen mungbean accessions were evaluated for phenotypic traits at threeprovinces. The experimentswerecarried out in Spring-Winter and Summer-Spring seasons. The experiment was planned in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. Each variety was sown in five rows with 5 meter length and two plants per hilland 15 cm plant to plant. Combined Analysis of Variance and regression analysis were applied to evaluate on yield stabilityandGxE interaction. The results revealed that the interaction between varieties and location was significant by different at 0.05 level. Mungbean varieties as NM 92, V 91-15, HL 89-E3 and V 87-13, they had regression coefficient near equal to one, their yields were higher than mean yield and standard deviations were relative low, so these varieties were stable. Varieties NM 94 and ĐX 208 had regression coefficient larger than 1, so they were well adapted to favourable environment. Three varieties KPS 7, Taichung and VC 6397 were well adapted to adverse environment. In conclusion, four varieties as 1(NM 92), 9(V 91-15), 8(HL 89-E3)and 10(V 87-13) could be selected due to high yield and stability