Published: 20-11-2014

The Use of GIS technology for fire emergency response support system: A case study of the Cau Giay, Thanh Xuan & Dong Da Districts

Nguyen Ba Duy, Nguyen Thi Thoa, Nguyen Thi Tham, Nguyen Thi Thuy Linh, Luong Thi Thuy Linh, Pham Thi Thanh Hoa
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This paper establishes a GIS (Geographic Information System) based fire emergency response services where Department of Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (DFPFF) can identify the optimal route from its location to any fire incident.. Using query functions, location of fire incidents and timely intervention estimation were modeled based on several of input parameters which are the travel distance, the travel time, the slope of the roads, the delays in travel time. In addition to the analysis of those parameters to timely respond to urban fire emergency services, DFPFF could also perform the analysis on the number and spatial distribution of fire hydrants.

Removal of copper (II) ions by using rice husk ash

Doan Van Hong Thien, Le Duc Duy, Nguyen Minh Nhut, Pham Thi Me, Pham Hoa Thai
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Rice husk ash was obtained after burning of rice husk in the air. The rice husk ash was then calcinated at 650oC for 1 hour to produce activated rice-husk ash (RHA). The main composition of RHA was is activated silica which can be used to remove Cu(II) ions by batch adsorption method. The IR spectra, XRD patterns, SEM images and BET adsorption were used to determine the silica structural composition and characteristics of RHA. In this research, The RHA was applied for the removal of Cu(II) ions using by anbatch adsorption method. The batch adsorption was used in this research. The factors affecting the absorption of Cu(II) ions under investigation includedeffects of the main parameters were investigated, including: pH, adsorbent amounts, contact time and the initial concentration of Cu(II). The maximum adsorbtion capacity of RHA for Cu (II) ions was 4,1 mg/g.

Semantic smoothing of the Bag-of-Words model for improving short text classification using k nearest neighbors

Do Thanh Nghi, Tran Cao De
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This paper presents the semantic smoothing of the Bag-of-Words (BoW) model to improve the positive class prediction of k nearest neighbors (kNN) in the short text classification. The BoW model, a representation of the text constructed by counting the occurrence of each word in the text, is popularly used in text classification. The drawback of the BoW model is that it does not take the semantic similarity of words into account. That is often the cause of mismatches in the vocabulary used by kNN. And then, it leads to the poor prediction of the positive class in short text classification. We propose to use the semantic smoothing of BoW to improve the positive class prediction of kNN. The numerical test results on a real dataset show that our approach improves 8% in terms of the positive class prediction while degradesing less than 1% in term of the negative class prediction of kNN algorithm in short text classification.

Building a music recommendation based on implicit feedbacks

Nguyen Thai Nghe, Nguyen Tan Phong
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Recommender systems is widely used in predicting user?s preferences based on their feedbacks to recommended new items that the users may like. Recommender systems are applied in many different fields such as e-commerce (online shopping), entertainment (movies, music, etc.), and education (recommend learning resources such as books, newspapers, etc.). In this paper, we propose a solution for building a music recommender system using implicit feedbacks so that the system can recommend suitable songs to the users. We develop a new system and integrate recommendation algorithm to this system. We collect the feedbacks from the real users and evaluate the proposed solution based on their feedbacks. Results show that our solution can be used for many current online music systems.

Barcode scanning with smartphones and its application in roll-call system

Doan Hoa Minh, Luu Minh Thai
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
With the ZXing library, the capture function of a smartphone can be used to scan barcodes without being connected to a specialized equipment or server. Additionally, barcode cards have been used in agencies, businesses, and schools in for personnel information management systems. Therefore, we have studied to take the advance of the smartphone in scanning barcode to apply to a roll-call system. This approach has more advantages than the traditional roll-call method. The proposed roll-call system consists of software on smartphones and software on PC. Libraries including Zxing, Mcrypt, and winzipaes are used to build software on the smartphone. This software has the following major functions: taking a roll-call with a determined event, displaying a roll-call history, packing a roll-call data into a compressed file with password protection and sending it to the PC via email or other methods. The software on PC is developed with functions such as: processing, summarizing, and reporting the roll call results. The proposed roll-call system has successfully been tested at Can Tho University where both students and staff have barcode identity cards.

Monitoring and evaluating of water quality trend at Cu De River in the Da Nang City

Nguyen Minh Ky
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The purpose of this paper is to present the water quality trend at downstream segment of the Cu De River by statistical approaches. Different water quality parameters including Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) were sampled and analysed. The monitoring stations were identified by the flow direction from West to East, including stations at Truong Dinh Bridge, Hoa Lien, Hoa Vang (S1) and Nam O Bridge, Hoa Hiep, Lien Chieu (S2). The studied results are analyzed and tested by linear regression model and Mann-Kendall nonparametric statistical method. The trends of DO level at the monitoring stations S1 and S2 increase 10.5 and 13.3% per year, respectively (p

Isolation and identification of specifically Propoxur degrading bacteria from soil samples in onion storage sites at the Vinh Chau town, Soc Trang Province

Do Hoang Sang, Duong Minh Vien, Do Thi Xuan, Nguyen Khoi Nghia, Vo Thi Guong
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Three soil samples from onion fields which had a history of intensive application of Propoxur at Vinh Chau, Soc Trang were collected for isolating bacteria being capable to degrade specifically Propoxur. Soil bacteria were enriched in mineral salt medium solution containing 30 ppm Propoxur as the only carbon source for bacterial growth. The whole procedure of isolation was established under the laboratory conditions on the shaker in dark with a total of 5 repeated generations. The results showed that two microbial communities coded as P1-2 and P2-3 degraded well Propoxur (90% of the initial Propoxur concentration was degraded after 10 experimental days). Seventy-eight bacterial strains were isolated in total from these 2 potentially applicable microbial communities. Two out of four selected strains which were coded as P23-7 and P23-26 degraded 100% initial Propoxur concentration in the liquid solution after 4 incubation days. According to the sequencing of gene 16S rRNA, these 2 Propoxur degrading bacterial strains were identified as a species specy of Paracoccus sp. P23-7 and Paracoccus sp. P23-26, respectively.

Analysis of actually municipal landfill planning and management in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta

Nguyen Xuan Hoang, Nguyen Hieu Trung, Nguyen Huu Sang
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The planning and management of landfill are now becoming more complicated problematic and difficult by the scarcity of land resource and environmental emissions arsing from municipal landfill, which has created a lot of pressure for municipal managersmanagment. In the Vietnamese Mekong Delta, most of the collected waste is transferred and transported to the landfills which are mostly simple disposal site and low quality in comparison to the national standard for sanitary landfill. The collection, transfer and transport, pretreatment and disposal activities usually cause urban environmental problems such as landscape, bad odour, traffic transportation, leachate and greenhouse emissions. Suitable planning and treatment of landfill are not only reducing environmental impacts directly but also eliminating greenhouse gases emission. Therefore, this article describes a panorama view of lanfill management in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta in order to support to further management and planning activities.

Variation of some water quality parameters in intensive catfish (Pangasianodon hypothalamus) ponds

Pham Quoc Nguyen, Le Hong Y, Truong Quoc Phu, Nguyen Van Cong
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Variation of some water quality parameters in 3 intensive catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) ponds were investigated in O Mon district, Cantho city. Water samples were collected every 3 hours during 24 hours following water column (surface, middle and bottom) at the beginning, middle and the end of cycle. Results showned that water temperature, pH, DO, TAN, nitrite, nitrate were different (p

Study on treatment of slaughter house wastewater by a lab-scale coagulation and pilot coagulation - sedimentation tank

Le Hoang Viet, Nguyen Thi My Phuong, Dang Thi Thuy, Nguyen Vo Chau Ngan
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The study on treatment of slaughter wastewater by coagulation was carried out by the lab-scale Jartester and a pilot coagulation - sedimentation tank in order to evaluate the efficiency and to determine corresponding parameters for process designing and operation. The wastewater used in this study was taken from the Food processing factory No 1 in the Can Tho city; the coagulants used were Ferric chloride hexahydrate (FeCl3.6H2O) and Aluminum Sulfate Octadecahydrate (Al2(SO4)3.18H2O). The results from jartesting experiments showed that FeCl3.6H2O was of higher efficiency than Al2(SO4)3.18H2O; the coagulant dosage of 400 mg/L FeCl3.6H2O and 600 mg/L limestone could be considered economically and technically feasibile. According to the coagulant dosage of 400 mg/L FeCl3.6H2O and 600 mg/L limestone, the removal efficiencies of SS, BOD, COD, TKN, and TP of pilot coagulation - sedimentation tank were 79.54%, 64.75%, 70.61, 68.69%, and 71.33% respectively much higher than those without using chemicals. The parameters of clarified wastewater were suitable to continue treated by biological processes.


Nguyen Phuoc Hien, Le Diep Thuy, Tran Tra My, Nguyen Huu Hiep
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Sixteen bacterial strains were isolated in MRS medium, including 13 isolates from goat's milk and 3 isolates from probiotics. Most colonies of them were round, opalescent white color to milky white, raised or convex elevation, lobulated or intact margin. Results of the survey of biological characteristics showed that 4 strains had rod shape (25.0%) and 12 strains had spherical shape (75.0%) and existed as single or double cells. All isolates were Gram-positive, unable to move and gave oxidase-negative test. Besides, 7 isolates had catalase-negative test. The results experienced that 7 strains belonging to lactic acid bacteria group were selected (43.8%). Surveyed results for the resistance  to low pH environment illustrated that 6 strains had the resistance to pH 3 for 3 hours. Two strains Bio1.2 and G6.1 had the resistance to environmental condition of pH 2 for 2 hours with density of 9.01 log(CFU/ml). Strain Bio2.1 resisted to 4 types of antibiotic as Streptomycin, Cephalexin, Penicillin V (256 mg/l concentration) and Ampicillin (128 mg/l concentration). Three strains G1.1, G5.6 and G6.1 were resistant to 3 types of antibiotic as Streptomycin, Cephalexin (256 mg/l concentration) and Ampicillin (128 mg/l concentration). In addition, Probi strain had the resisitance to 3 types of antibiotic as Streptomycin, Cephalexin and Tetracycline (256 mg/l concentration).

Synthesis and bioactivity evaluation of benzimidazolylnaphthalene derivative

Huynh Thi Minh Hai, Tran Thanh Tuan, Oh Won Keun, Ha Thi Kim Quy, Bui Thi Buu Hue
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
A new benzimidazolylnaphthalene derivative 3-(1H-benzo[d]imidazol-2-yl)-6,7,8-trimethoxynaphthalen-1-ol has been successfully synthezised from the starting material 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzaldehyde. The synthetic process included 5 steps 1) Base induced Stobbe condenzation, 2) Ac2O/NaOAc mediated cyclization to form naphthalene ring, 3) Reduction of the ethyl ester moiety to form primary alcohol 4) oxidized the alcohol by PCC to give the coressponding aldehyde and 5) condenzation of the formed aldehyde with 1,2-diaminebenzene to afford the desired product in 20.5% total yield. Results on bioactivity evaluation showed that compound 3-(1H-benzo[d]imidazol-2-yl)-6,7,8-trimethoxynaphthalen-1-ol was not active against PEDV and H1N1 virus but possessed considerable cytotoxicity against MCF-7 cell at the concentration of 3.48 ± 0.52 àg/mL which was comparable with tamoxifen (4 àg/mL).

Statistical analysis crest of a flood at Chau Doc's measuring station on Hau river

Vo Van Tai
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Using historical data crest of flood at Chau Doc?s measuring station on Hau river (CFCDHR) and basing on the autocorrelation coefficient and spectrum analysis, this study considered its cycle. Different models of time series and fuzzy time series were built from the original data, smooth data and fuzzy data of CFCDHR. By using statistical criterions in order to find the most appropriate model, the CFCDHR to 2020 was then forecasted.

Optimization of biodiesel production from rubber seed oil using response surface methodology

Pham Canh Em, Ong Thi My Hien, Le Thi Tuong Vi, Mai Trung Khoi, Nguyen Van Dat
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The present work examines the production of biodiesel from non-edible,  highly acidic rubber seed oil. For this purpose, a two step procedure was employed including an acid-catalyzed pretreatment of rubber seed oil (AV = 61.55 mg KOH/g) followed by a transesterification procedure with methanol and potassium methoxide as a catalyst. The optimum reaction conditions were obtained by using response surface methodology (RSM) coupled with central composite design (CCD). The results showed that an optimum biodiesel yield of 74% could be obtained under the following reaction conditions: methanol content of 29.86% (by weight with respect to the oil), catalyst concentration of 0.69% (by weight with respect to the oil), and the reaction time of 150 minutes.

Surface-induced layering structure in supercooled liquid with free surface

Tran Yen Mi, Vo Van Hoang, Tran Hoai Nhan
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Study on the thermodynamic properties of liquid metal, Nickel, using the dynamics simulation shows that the simulation has surface-induced layering at 1220K. This temperature is very close to the phase transition temperature between solid and supercooled liquid of this system, 1190K. Based on the analysis of the density profile at 1220K, the width of the outermost layer is found to be about 1.89 Å. This is a typical value for many models. On the other hand, the close-packed structure in these layers is recognized by analysing radial distribution function g(r). In addition, based on the distribution of coordination numbers, we find out that the particle density in layering structure space is higher than that of the remaining part of the system. Finally, the 3D visualization of roughness surface is taken at 1220 K in order to highlight the situation.

Seroprevalence of avian reovirus infection in chickens in Dong Nai Province

Ho Thi Viet Thu, Do Vo Anh Khoa, Nguyen Thi Thuy Dung
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
A serosurvey of avian reovirus (ARV) infection in chickens in Thong Nhat, Xuan Loc, Trang Bom and Long Khanh districts of Dong Nai province was carried out to detect specific antibodies against avian reovirus from 460 chickens by ELISA, using commercial Avian reovirus antibody test kit (IDEXX, USA). The results indicated that 392 out of 460 chicken sera were positive (85.22%). The highest seropositivity was reported in chickens older than 12 weeks of age (100.0%) followed by 8?12 week old chickens (96.21%), then chickens from 2 to 4 weeks of age (80.0%) and the lowest one was in chickens from 4 to 8 weeks of age (78.92%). There was significant difference between the seropositivity of chickens younger than or equal to 8 weeks of age and chickens older than 8 weeks of age. Chickens of laying breeds (Isa-Brown, Cobb500) had significantly higher seropositive prevalences (95.41%, 97.73%) than those of broiler (Luong Phuong and Tam Hoang) breeds (72.5%, 82.38%, respectively). There was no significant difference between seropositivity of chickens raised in closed cooling house (96.08%) and chickens in the opened houses (79.80%). The seropositive prevalence of chickens raised in cages (95.41%) and chickens in husk floors (95.38%) was not significantly different, but both were significantly higher than that of chickens raised on bamboo stalls (69.10%). This is the first study of reovirus in chickens in Vietnam, these results suggest that avian reovirus infections are widely spreading among chickens in Dong Nai province.

Isolation, selection of yeast and acetic acid bacteria in fermenting of kombucha

Pham Hong Quang, Nguyen Van Son, Le Thi My Xuyen
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Kombucha is fermented beverage with combination of yeasts and acetic acid bacteria. This study aimed to isolate and select yeast and acetic acid bacteria strains with high fermentation capability, and determine suitable fermentation conditions for those microbial isolates. The results showed that 23 yeast isolates and 33 acetic acid bacteria isolates were obtained, in which the isolates performing highest capability in fermentation were identified as Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Acetobacter aceti. The fermentation conditions were examined including inoculation level (103 - 106 CFU/mL), sucrose concentration (10 - 25ºBx) and initial pH (4.5 - 6.0), incubation temperature (25°C, 30°C and ambient temperature) and fermentation time (1 - 9 days). It was showed that the two yeast and bacterial isolates could produce ethanol and acid well when the fermentation was carried out at 105 CFU/mL of inoculation, 15ºBx, initial pH 5.5, and 30ºC during 7 - 9 days.

Isolation and selection of some fungi having antibacterial activity from the soil of Ninh Kieu District, Can Tho City

Nguyen Thi Ha
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study aimed to isolate and characterize antibacterial fungi strains  from soil samples collected in Ninh Kieu District, Can Tho City. Seven fungi isolates exhibited high antibacterial activities towards bacterial pathogens, such as Bacillus subtilis, E. coli, Edwardsiella ictaluri, and Aeromonas hydrophila, were screened. Among these isolates, two isolates exhibiting highest antibacterial activity were selected. Based on morphological study, these two isolates belonged to Penicillium and Fusarium genus. Furthermore, ITS sequence analysis and BLAST search results on NCBI genbank database revealed that two selected antibacterial fungi isolates were Penicillium pinophilum and Fusarium solani species.

Pulsed light efficacy on the decontamination of bacillus  subtilis spores in liquid and dry state

Nguyen Bao Loc, Nicorescu Irina, Orange Nicole
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
In this work, pulsed light (PL) efficacy was investigated on B. subtilis spores in liquid and dry state (glass marbles and spices). We studied the bacterial suspension in conditions (0.6 and spices at 1 In liquid state, only 0.9 log microbial reduction was recorded when 6 was applied. SEM analysis showed that B. subtilis spores in suspension were not affected by the PL treatment. When DNA extracted from B. subtilis spores was analyzed, no significant difference was found between the control and PL-treated samples. In dry state the destruction level remained below 1 log when a treatment of 10 was carried out on black pepper and ground caraway, while a 2.8 log microbial reduction was reached for glass marbles. When control and PL-treated B. subtilis spores in dry state were investigated by SEM, no disruption in spore structure was recorded but a significant number of PL-treated spores were flattened.

Combination of α-1,4-glucan-4-glucohydrolase and α-1,4-glucan glucohydrolase into beverage production from purple sweet potato

Duong Thi Phuong Lien, Nguyen Nhat Minh Phuong
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Purple sweet potato tubers were processed into beverage that was added with orange flavour. The factors affecting the starch hydrolysis were studied. They included time and temperature for the starch hydrolysis using ?-1,4-glucan-4-glucohydrolase following by ?-1,4 glucan glucohydrolase. The effect of the starch hydrolysis was evaluated by yield, Brix, reducing sugar and starch content. The optimum condition for starch hydrolysis by ?-1,4-glucan-4-glucohydrolase were at 90 oC for 60 minutes and at 60oC for 60 minutes for the action of ?-1,4-glucan glucohydrolase. To enhance the quality and the acceptability of the product, 0.5% of the orange flavour was added.

Type and concentration effects of calcium application for post-harvest treatment on the quality and shelf life of "Cat Hoa Loc" mangoes

Tran Thi Bich Van, Nguyen Thi Kim Thoa, Nguyen Bao Ve, Le Bao Long
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The purpose of this study was to search out the type and concentration of calcium application for post-harvest treatment on ?Cat Hoa Loc? mangoes to maintain the quality, limit the post-harvest spoiling and extend the shelf life. Experiments were performed on the basis of a Completely Randomized Design, including 10 treatments by dipping ?Cat Hoa Loc? mangoes in CaCl2, Ca(OH)2 and Ca(NO3)2 in three types of concentration as 1000 ppm, 2000 ppm and 3000 ppm; and the control treatment was with water. Results showed that the treatment of CaCl2 or Ca(OH)2 in concentration of 3000 ppm effectively reduced the rate of diseases, fresh weight loss, stem loss etc... and still maintained the fruit hardness, peel color and value of senses for the appearance until the eighth day after storing at the laboratory condition (28-33°C, 55-65%RH), whereas the control treatment only maintained for four days after storage. Other criteria such as vitamin C content, pH, total sugar content and Brix were always maintained in a stable way throughout the storage period.

Selection of rice varieties suitable to acid sulfate soils in the Mekong Delta

Le Xuan Thai, Ong Huynh Nguyet Anh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The selection of rice varieties suitable to acid sulfate soils has the main role of spreading rice production in the Mekong Delta. This is a continuous process of the cross identification, line evaluation and yield trial in the acid sulfate soil. There were many promising lines which had been selected from two crosses of MTL156/Khaohom (L318) and MTL241//MTL142/Tẻ Thơm (L353). Environment factors had strong effects on the yield components of panicle number/m-1 and filled grains/panicle of testing varieties. Results showed that MTL480 and MTL844 were selected as promising varieties which gave high yield and suitable to acid sulphate soils in the Mekong Delta.

Effect of selected Bacillus on water quality and growth of white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei)

Pham Thi Tuyet Ngan, Tran Suong Ngoc
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The influence of probiotics containing Bacillus sp (B2) and Bacillus amiloliquefaciens (B41) on water quality and white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) performance cultured in tanks were studied. The experiment included two bacterial treatments and one control treatment (without Bacillus). Each treatment was run triplicates. All treatments were set up in composite tanks with shrimp stocking density of 50 ind./100L. Bacterial density was 106 CFU/mL. The water quality in the different treatments such as temperature, pH, DO, COD, TSS, TAN and total alkalinity were collected and analysed following procedures of APHA (1995). Water samples were analyzed before adding bacteria and then sampled every 5 days during 60 days of experiment period. Results showed that water temperature, pH, total alkalinity remained stable and suitable for white leg shrimp. However, factors such as DO, COD, TSS, and TAN varied between treatments and tended to increase towards the end of the experiment, however those levels were still suitable for white leg shrimp. The density of Vibrio in additional bacterial treatments were lower than in  the control. The survival rate of shrimp in B2 treatment (70.0 ± 5.3%) and B41 treatment (86.7 ± 3.1%) were significantly  higher (p< 0.05) than those in the control treatments (65.3 ± 3.1%).

Technical and financial aspects of marble sand goby (Oxyeleotris mamorratus) farming in pond in Ca Mau Province

Le Quoc Viet, Tran Ngoc Hai, Nguyen Anh Tuan
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The purpose of study is to obtain the information on technical and financial aspects of marble sand goby culture in pond in order to provide information for setting up farming procedures in Ca Mau province and also in Mekong Delta. Thirty farmers were interviewed in villages of Ca Mau town from March to May 2012. Results showed that average pond area was 1.002 m2/farmer (the range from 108 - 4.000 m2). Stocking density varied from 0.8 - 2.0 ind/m2 and fingerling size was 83 - 250 g/ind. After 9 months of culture period, fish could reach the size of 0.7 kg/ind and the survival rate of 72.1%. The average fish yield was 69.1 kg/100 m2/crop and FCR was 6.9±2.1. For cultured area of 100 m2, the average total cost and income was 9,801,597 VND/crop and 18,225,263VND/crop respectively, with high cost benefit ratio (2.0). In general, this farming model for marble sand goby culture would be widely applied to famers in Ca mau as well as in Mekong Delta due to the high income and production.

Maximum sustainable yield and fishing effort in the offshore Southeast waters of Vietnam

Bui Van Tung
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This report presented the research results of the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) and the corresponding level of fishing effort (fMSY) in the offshore Southeast waters of Vietnam. The surplus production model of Schaefer (1954) was applied to estimate MSY and fMSY. Results showed that the maximum sustainable fishing effort in offshore Southeast waters of Vietnam were 14,912 boats, in which the trawl were 5,010 boats, gill net (2,469 boats), purse seine (2,998 boats), hand line and longline (1,934 boats) and others (2,501 boats). The fishing effort of trawl was higher than the maximum sustainable fishing effort around 56,3%  (with 2,823 boats); the fishing effort of other fishing were lower than the maximum sustainable fishing effort. The maximum sustainable yield in the offshore Southeast waters of Vietnam were 1,146,140 tons.

Use of bio-floc grown at different salinities as a feed for Artemia in laboratory conditions

Nguyen Van Hoa, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh, Dinh Kim Dieu
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The present investigation was performed to assess the effects of using bio-floc as a feed source on Artemia performance and water quality. The bio-floc were grown at four different salinities (35, 60, 80 and 100 ppt) and used as a food source in four feeding treatments. The Artemia fed with mixed microalgae as a control. The experiment consisted of two culture phases, both carried out at a salinity of 80 ppt. Firstly, Artemia naupllii were stocked in a mass culture until sexual maturity, when survival and growth rates were determined. Secondly, Artemia adults were reared in individual couples in 50-ml Falcon tubes in order to record their reproductive characteristics and life span. The results showed that the concentrations of NH4+ and NO2- in the control treatment were usually higher than in the bio-floc treatments during experimental period. The survival after 13 days of mass culture was not significantly different (p>0.05) among feeding treatments, ranging from 77.2 to 84.9%. However, the total length of Artemia in 35 ppt bio-floc treatment was significantly lower than in other treatments. The reproductive performance and life span of Artemia females in the control treatment was not significantly different from the others. The 35 ppt bio-floc treatment resulted in significantly lower values (p0.05) in all bio-floc treatments than in the control. Additionally, results showed that using bio-floc as feed for Artemia can improve water quality and Artemia produced more offspring encysted than mixed microalgae.

Relationships of growth and reproductive traits in square-head climbing perch (Anabas testudineus)

Duong Thuy Yen, Pham Thanh Liem
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study aimed to quantify relationships between body size and reproductive traits of square-head climbing perch, SHCP (Anabas testudineus). Eight-month old SHCP from a grow-out pond were randomly sampled, then divided into three groups of sizes (247 ± 60 g; 157 ± 22 g; and 99 ± 27 g), and stocked in 6 hapas (2ì3ì2.5m). After 2 months of maturation culture, 60 individuals (10 fish were randomly sampled from each hapa) were measured gonad somatic index (GSI), fecundity, and egg diameter. Simultanuously, 13 pairs of broodstock were artifically propagated to estimate realistic fecundity, fetilization rate and hatching rate. Results showed that GSI of males (0.5 - 1.5% for testis at stage IV) was independent of sizes (p>0.05). Meanwhile, that of females decreased 1.7 - 2% (ovary at stage IV and III, repsectively) with 100 g increase of body weight. When females? weight increased, absolute fecundity increased while relative fecundity decreased, and egg diameter (0.71 -  0.78 mm) insignificantly increased. Realistic fecundity (averaged 335 - 398 eggs/g), fertilization rate (77.4 - 92.8%), and hatching rate (81.6 - 94.2%) were not significantly different (p>0,05) among three size groups of broodstock.

Determination of the possibility to produce antibody of stripped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) infected by anttenuated Edwardsiella ictaluri bacteria

Dang Thi Hoang Oanh, Jung Tae Sung, Huynh Kim Nguyen, Nguyen Hoang Nhat Uyen
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study was conducted to evaluate the immune response of striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) to attenuated Edwardsiella ictaluri bacteria. Agglutination test was used to quantify the level of specific antibody from striped catfish weekly after soaking with different concentrations of the attenuated bacteria (2ì104-8 CFU/mL) and control group. The challenge test by injecting virulent E.ictaluri (1.5ì105 CFU/fish) were done at 2 weeks post exposure. The results showed that specific antibody against E.ictaluri of all experimented fishes were detected at 2nd week after soaking. Antibody titers increased quickly at the 3rd week, following by a gradual rise. In 6th week, the highest titer from treatments was found in treatment 1ì108 with level 9.0 which was significant difference (p

Evaluation of the quality of freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) larvae and post-larvae produced from different broodstock sources in the South of Vietnam

Chau Tai Tao, Tran Ngoc Hai, Tran Minh Nhut
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study was conducted to evaluate the quality of freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) larvae and post-larvae produced from different broodstock sources. Prawn larvae produced from broodstock which were collected from Ca Mau, Can Tho, Long An, and Dong Nai provinces and were reared in the modified static green water system. Results showed that Dong Nai prawn had the fastest growth and the longest length at stage 1 (1.88 ± 0.04mm), stage 5 (2.95 ± 0.28 mm), stage 11 (6.9 ± 0.35 mm), and PL15 (9.5 ± 0.42 mm) and was significantly different from the other sources. Survival rate at PL15 of Dong Nai prawn (46.9 ± 17.07 %) was significantly higher than that of Long An (37.8%) but not significantly different from those of Can Tho (56 ± 13.5 %) and Ca Mau prawn (49.2 ± 11.8%). Survival rates of all PL15 sources after being shocked by formalin (150 ppm in 30 minutes) and ammonia (100 ppm in 30 minutes) were ranged 98.1 to 99.1%, respectively (Can Tho prawn) to 100% (Dong Nai and Long An prawn). No parasite or Macrobrachium nodavirus diseases were found in four sources of postlarvae. It was suggested that Dong Nai broodstock produced the best quality of freshwater prawn postlarvae.

Change in cholesterol level of ovary in the wild Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer Bloch, 1790) during ovarian maturation

Pham Xuan Ky, Dao Viet Ha
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Changes in cholesterol level of ovary during maturational stages from II to VI of wild Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer) were investigated. The gonadal somatic index (GSI) increased significantly from the II to IV stages, then dropped after spawning in the VI stage. Lipid content in ovary significantly increased (2.69 - 5.5%) from the II-IV stages when the fish was proceeding ovarian maturation, decreased after ovulation and spawning. The cholesterol content was lowest in the II stage (266.7 mg/100 g wet weight), elevated in the III stage (390.9 mg/100 g) in the fish starting recrudescence, and maintained at a high level in the IV stage (374.5 mg/100 g). It dropped in the V (219.2 mg/100 g) and VI stages (251.9 mg/100 g) when the fish was in the competence of oocytes and post-spawn period. The results showed that there was a relationship between cholesterol levels and ovarian maturation and it could be used as a biochemical indication of the reproductive status in Asian seabass.

Some respects about village regulation documents in Choson-Chinese scripts of Choson dynasty in the XVII and XVIII century

Do Thi Ha Tho
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The period of the XVII and XVIII century, Choson society fell seriously in the human dignity crisis. As a result, the establishment of an order society based on the confucianist principle became more urgent. On the basis of being open to ideas from two village regulations of China, which was ?Lam Dien La Thi village regulations? and ?Chu Tu tang ton La Thi village regulations?, the Choson confucians "recreated" them following the requirements of contemporary society with the rules of conducts, customs, offences and troubles. Village regulations in the XVII century had three copies, and in the XVIII century had six copies. The number of village regulations in the XVIII century proved their roles as well as their effects on the era problems. In 1986, the collection of village regulations in Choson-Chinese scripts which were established and evaluated to be a big set of modern thoughts of the feudal intellectuas.. Besides that, these village regulations reflected the tasks of preserving traditional cultures and strategy of training human resources - a modern Choson society.

Learning motivations of students at Binh Duong University

Nguyen Thi Binh Giang, Du Thong Nhat
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Learning motivation plays a crucial role in stimulating students? learning activities. In practice, it seems that not all students identify clearly their learning motivation, which cause obstacles for their study. This study aimed to determine types of learning motivation that impact students? learning activities. The study adopted both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The findings showed that there were the two types of intrinsic motivation including ?learn to have practical vocational skills?, ?learn to acquire knowledge? and one type of extrinsic motivation ?learn to get university degree?, which influenced strongly the students? learning. The findings might provide educators with the necessary information to orientate students in determining appropriate motivation for their study.

The flipped classroom: A model of blended learning

Nguyen Van Loi
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This paper discusses a technique of blended learning which is more and more popularly employed in the classroom in the USA and many other countries. The writing presents the theoretical grounds for blended learning, synthesizes research about the model of flipped classrooms and discusses the strengths and weaknesses of this model, from which some implications will be put forward as to its implementation in universities and colleges in Vietnam.

Assessing the effectiveness of vocational training for rural laborers in Tam Binh District, Vinh Long Province

Nguyen Quang Tuyen, Le Van Tham
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The study on ?Assessing the effectiveness of vocational training for rural laborers in Tam Binh District, Vinh Long Province? aimed to assess the status of vocational training; the factors affecting the effectiveness of vocational training; determine the effectiveness of vocational training for rural workers who participated in vocational courses; and propose solutions to improve the efficiency of vocational training for rural laborers. The study was carried out in four villages in Tam Binh District, Vinh Long Province. This study employed three methods of data collection: semi-structured interviews, group discussions, and structured interviews. The research results identified the four factors affecting training effectiveness. These four factors were: apprenticeship and vocational development; trainers and trainees; training equipment; and training skills and apprenticeship. Overall, the vocational training for the rural laborers in Tam Binh district was high, with 87.1% of trainees obtaining employment afterward. This research identified a number of factors impacting the effectiveness of vocational training. In order of importance, these include policies, trainers, vocational programs, trainees and facilities/equipment. Four major solutions were drawn from this study to improve the efficiency of vocational training for the rural laborers in Tam Binh district.

Curent states and solutions to enhancing management and leadership capability of female cadres in the public schools in Can Tho City

Bui Thi Mui
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Most cadres are women in the public schools in Can Tho City. Therefore, female leaders and managers in these schools in Can Tho play an important role in quanlities of education and training in Can Tho City. The theme ?Curent States and Solutions to Enhancing Management and Leadership Capability of Female Cadres in the Public Schools in Can Tho City? surveyed the current states of awareness and attitude towards female cadres who have managed and led school, strengths and limitations of their management and leadership and causes of the current states. The theme also proposed solutions to enhancing management and leadership capability of these cadres in the public schools in Can Tho City.

Literature review from the epistemological and methodological points of view

Tran Thanh Ai
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Literature review is an important work in scientific research but has not been fully and systematically introduced in the textbooks; which causes difficulties for students to lead a research. In this article, we will present the mechanism of production of new knowledge, epistemological significance of literature review and applications on finding and reading materials, as well as the elaboration of literature review.

Students' errors in solving calculus problem: A survey of students and teachers  in Tan Chau town - An Giang Province

Nguyen Phu Loc, Tran Cong Thai Hoc
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The article reported the surveyed results of students ' errors in calculus problem solving. Surveyed subjects were 12 grade students and mathematics teachers in grades. The results showed that the students committed several different error types and teachers, also, said that the violations of students ' errors have been frequent. The results obtained were also compatible with the opinions of domestic and foreign experts in mathematics education.


Pham Ngoc Nhan, Huynh Quang Tin, Do Ngoc Diem Phuong
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The aim of strengthening farmer capacity on rice breeding and seed production through ?The farmer?s field school? (FFS) in Hau Giang province in 2012 (belonging to FARES project of Can Tho University and Hau Giang Department of Science and Technology) was that providing farmers with the real knowledge and skills in using updated modern technology for improving the qualities of seeds and rice?s value in the local area. The research focused on the farmers who participated in the FFS training course to find out the factors which influenced on their satisfaction. The study?s result indicated that there were the five main factors influencing the satisfaction of farmers, namely the reliability of the training class (Beta =0.848), the facilities and learning conditions (Beta = 0.190), the abilities to meet the requirements of the class (Beta = 0.090), the assurance of the class (Beta = 0.062) and the sympathy of teachers (Beta = 0.029). The study also suggested some solutions to improve the satisfaction of farmers who would join the training course in the future.

Improving teaching methodology using undergraduate teaching assistants

Tran Thi My Dung, Nguyen Minh Luan, Doan Thi Truc Linh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Undergraduate teaching assistants (UGTAs) have provided benefits in improving teaching methodology towards the learner-centered approach. Many higher education institutions (HEIs) in the developed countries have implemented undergraduate as teaching assistants with many useful practice ways to apply in the classroom. However, UGTAs models in Vietnamese universities have rarely applied and not considered appropriately. This paper focused on analyzing the procedure of the UGTAs selection process, training and management UGTAs. Furthermore, we also mentioned about the benefits of teaching assistants for lecturers, UGTAs themselves and students in courses served by UGTAs; and allocate the comments and suggestions of staff members and students on applying UGTAs models at Can Tho University.

Mindmap design and application in teaching and learning Vietnam’s modern history

Nguyen Duc Toan
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Amindmapis adiagramused to visually organize information. Using mind map brings highly effective in the areas of life and becomes the useful technique popularized. In education, the use of diagrams that visually "maps" information is necessary and effective for each grade and course. It is of importance to innovate the teaching methodology with the trend of active learners. Will not only teachers but also learners be more positive, creative in teaching and learning. Based on the helpful applications, researching and using a mindmap in teaching history, specially teaching Vietnam’s modern history is required for history teacher students in Can Tho university, for example, terms of the campaign towards the August Revolution in Vietnam from 1939 - 1945. Mindmapping can be drawn by hand or used by the support of information technology (IT). Its applications is varied. It is used during a lecture, individual planning, research activities or extra curricula activities.

Factors affecting the level of willingness to pay for tourism needs of citizens in Can Tho City

Le Thi Dieu Hien, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Yen, Ngo Binh Tri, Nguyen Quoc Nghi
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study was conducted to determine the level of willingness to pay for the tourism needs of the citizens in Can Tho city. The study used the willingness to pay method to evaluate ones. Tobit regression model is used in this study to determine that the factors affect the willingness to pay level for tourism needs. Research data were collected randomly by direct interviews from 610 citizens, who have used these services in Can Tho city to determine the factors affecting tourism needs of the citizens in here. The research results showed that tourism needs of the citizens are diverse fairly about organization and type of tourism; the willingness to pay for travel demand is quite high. The result showed the study also identified the factors affecting the affordable travel demand of city citizens are genders, marital status, scales of family, income and the number of the previous tours.

Value perceptions on career perspectives of Can Tho university's students

Tran Thi Phung Ha
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Shortage of career perspectives for students after graduation may affect their mentality while studying. This study aimed to assess students? perceptions, future career orientations and support activities. The results from a survey involved in 170 students from 5 schools/colleges at Can Tho University (CTU) as well as from in-depth interviews showed that CTU? students were worried about the prospects of unemployment after graduation. Through the various strategies, the majority of students had to train themselves in attitudes and skills that would enhance their career perspectives. The results showed that students in different genders, fields of study, hometowns and family status have different value perceptions on career attitudes and skills. They perceived career?s values rightly and would be willing to improve their knowledge and professional skills to meet the market?s demands. In the context of shortage in employment, this research was conducted to understand students?value perceptions on carrer and then contribute some suggestions for references.             

The impact of perceptions of trust in an organisation on working motivation and outcomes in offices

Nguyen Thi Phuong Dung
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The research aimed to determine the levels of the impact of perceptions of trust in an organisation on motivational employees and employee outcomes in offices in Vietnam. The research sampling was 485 office staffs. And this study used analytical methods via factor analysis to test and determine the scale, and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) to find the factors affecting the motivating workers. The results showed that employee outcomes were affected by perceptions of trust in an organisation and work motivation. This study also suggested the solutions to build trust in an organisation.

Analysis of the factors affecting the apprenticeship of the laborers in Thoi Son village, Tinh Bien District, An Giang Province

Nguyen Cong Toan, Bui Lan Anh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Vocational training for the rural laborers is a right policy which has created the opportunities and the favorable conditions for the apprenticeship and the improvement of the incomes for the rural laborers. In fact, many laborers had not participated in the apprenticeship with the different reasons. The objective of this paper aimed to determine the factors affecting the apprenticeship of the laborers in Thoi Son village, Tinh Bien district, An Giang province. The direct interviews of 60 laborers and Binary Logistic regression analysis were conducted in the study. The study results showed that the most advantage of the vocational trained laborers added more incomes, and the low quality of the vocational training was the most difficulty of laborers who participated in the apprenticeship. The most important reason of the laborers had not participated in the classes of the vocational trainings because they had not understood the Project of the vocational training for the rural laborers (Project 1956). The factors including the educational levels, the incomes, the understanding of the Project 1956 and the perceptions of the apprenticeship affected the effects of the apprenticeship of the laborers, in which, the perception of the laborers had the strongest impact on the apprenticeship of laborers in Thoi Son village.