Published: 15-08-2015

Recyclying polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and its applications

Van Pham Dan Thuy, Nguyen Thanh Viet, Truong Ha Phuong An
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
PET is one of the common types of materials which are widely used in many fields with a significant growth rate. With a wide range of uses, PET almost replaces the traditional materials such as wood, ceramic, and glass. However, due to the increasing assumption of PET and its short life cycle, the amount of PET waste thrown into the environment is very large every year. Therefore, recycling or re-use of PET waste is essential to prevent environmental pollution and reduce the natural resources exploration. Study on PET recycling methods and applications of recycled PET is a matter of concern today. 

Analysis of confining effect of geogrid-reinforced gravel in triaxial tests

Ho Van Thang
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Large scale triaxial tests to investigate the reinforcing effect of geogrids had been carried out at Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo. Results of unreinforced and reinforced test series showed a significant increase of the peak strength as well as a reduction of the deformations of the tested specimens due to the reinforcement. The confining effect of the reinforcement was clearly identified and explained with a mechanical model.

Applying digital image processing to track mobile robots

Pham Tran Lam Hai, Tran Thanh Hung, Nguyen Van Khanh, Luu Trong Hieu
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The original aim of this article is to develop MATLAB program that can be used to connect with a wireless camera to observe the movement of each robot agent in real-time. However, it is not possible to completely simulate the behaviour of mobile robots in real-time due to the connection speed limitation of the wireless camera. Therefore, this research methodology is based on offline processing for three mobile robots represented by three circular objects, each of which has one of the three secondary colours (cyan, magenta, and yellow). These circular models simulate three mobile robots that are used for the surveillance purpose. Image segmentation and morphological operations were performed in the program for identifying each mobile robot and for calculating its position and velocity. Trigonometric was also applied to identify the heading direction and movement direction of each robot. Further research in mobile robot observation and management can be carried out in real-time when the limitation of wireless cameras in connection speed is overcome.

Detecting irradiated chili powder by thermoluminescence

Nguyen Duy Sang
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Studying thermoluminescence (TL) phenomenon suggests potential applications of this phenomenon in the radiation field and especially in identifying food samples irradiated in Vietnam. Determining the right radiation dose exposed to the food in the market will help examine the safety of the irradiated food and ensure the health of the consumer. The food samples needed to have silicate minerals separated by a proper process including two steps: enriching minerals and separating density before measuring thermoluminescence. The non-irradiated samples had a low spectral peak while the irradiated ones had a higher peak which gradually increased with respect to the irradiated doses. This paper demonstrates the foundation of the detecting irradiated chili powder on thermoluminescence equipment for a more fully assessment of the applicability of this phenomenon in reality.

Implementation of an FPGA-based Paint application

Truong Phong Tuyen, Ta Duy Thang, Luu Tioni, Luong Vinh Quoc Danh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Nowadays, designing embedded systems on FPGA technology has proven to be an effective solution for various applications because of its noteworthy benefits such as high speed, high performance and low power comsumtion. The project “Design and implementation of an FPGA-based Paint application”, therefore, aims to create an embedded application on FPGA to perform some fundamental computer graphics algorithms. Importantly, further research into computer graphics and embedded systems on FPGA will be started out based on these results.

Impacts of climate change and available (surface) water resources for irrigation on rice yield in the alluvial and flooding-affected floodplain in the Tra Noc ward of Can Tho city

Hong Minh Hoang, Van Pham Dang Tri
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Climate change, leading to changes of water resources, has caused negative impacts on the Vietnamese Mekong Delta, especially the agriculture; however, little study was done in order to understand possible impacts of such changes on the food security issues. This study is to understand possible impacts of climate change and different irrigational schemes on rice productivity in the Tra Noc ward of Can Tho city. The AquaCrop model was modified by introducing irrigational schemes into the model to meet the actual condition of the irrrigated rice farming system in the study area. The simulated results showed that in the future the increase of rainfall and temperature would lead to the great fluctuation of irrigated water, resulting in minor impacts on the rice yield of different crop seasons. However, different irrigational schemes led to great changes on rice productivity. The obtained results showed that with the modification of the AquaCrop model, the model could be used to simulate changes of rice yield of the irrigated rice farming system according to changes of water supply and different scenarios of rainfall changes. In addition, this study is also to provide local governments an insight into suitable adaptation strategies to ensure the food security for the study area in specific and the Vietnamese Mekong Delta in general.

Usage of wastewater from Pangasianodon hypophthalmus ponds to culture Chlorella sp.

Tran Chan Bac, Le Thi Quyen Em, Pham Hong Nga, Nguyen Xuan Loc, Nguyen Minh Chon
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The study “Usage of wastewater from Pangasianodon hypophthalmus ponds to culture Chlorella sp.” was conducted to test whether wastewater from Pangasianodon hypophthalmus ponds could be used to culture Chlorella sp. for biomass collection. The experiment was carried out in the field of 500 L growing cells with three treatments (1) 500 L wastewater from catfish pond, (2) 450 L wastewater and 50 L Chlorella sp. (3,675,000 ind/mL) and (3) 450 L wasterwater filtered and 50 L Chlorella sp. (3,675,000 ind/mL) and three replicates were done per treatment. During 11 days of the experiment, algal samples and water were collected to analyse different chemical components (including N-NO3-, N-NH4+ and P-PO43-). The results showed that the Chlorella sp. densities of the treatments (2) and (3) were the highest corresponding to 1.400.000 ind/mL and 1.566.667 ind/mL, respectively; the biomass of the two treatments was higher than 2.5 mg/L on the day 2nd of the experiment. On this day, concentrations of N-NO3-, N-NH4+ and P-PO43-were the lowest. The Chlorella sp. density and biomass decreased gradually to the day 11th. The density and biomass of the treatment (1) increased from the 1st to 4th day while the concentrations of N-NO3-, N-NH4+ and P-PO43-decreased with the dominance of the Chlorophyta. Wastewater from the catfish ponds could be used to culture Chlorella sp. For biomass collection; however, high concentration of N-NH4+ and P-PO43- should be considered before discharging to surrounding waterway.

Amelioration of nitrogen, phosphorus from wastewater of intensive fish ponds by rice fields

Dang Quoc Cuong, Truong Thi Nga, Nguyen Thi Kim Dung
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The study “Amelioration of nitrogen, phosphorus polution by rice fields from wastewater of intensive catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) ponds” were developed to enhance recycling nutrients in wastewater from fish ponds for rice irrigation and reducing inorganic fertilizer application. The experiments were carried out in farmer’s rice fields with four treatments, including: (1) wastewater on the bare soil; (2) wastewater without applying fertilizers; (3) wastewater in combination of NPK fertilizers (60N – 40P2O­5 – 40K2O); and, (4) wastewater in combination with NPK fertilizers (90N – 60P2O5 – 60K2O). The results showed that using wastewater from fish ponds for irrigating rice field reduced nutrients effectively in all treatments. The highest total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) and total phosphorus (TP) concentrations removed in the treatment No. (2) were 10.14 mg/L and 2.88 mg/L, respectively and the lowest could be found in the treatment No. (4) where the removal concentrations were 7.75 mg/L and 1.99 mg/L, respectively. The lowest removal efficiency of TKN was 45.99% in seeding and the highest eficiency was recorded in fruiting (72.33%). Similarly, the highest treating performance of TP was 70.92% in fruiting and lowest in seeding (37.23%). Besides, the use of wastewater from fish ponds for irrigating rice fields could reduce at least one third the amount of fertilizer applied but still maintaining the yield of rice.

Spatial distribution of radiation background in the Ninh Kieu district, Can Tho city

Van Pham Dang Tri, Nguyen Thanh Nhan, Nguyen Tan Dat
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Effects of radiation have increasingly received social consideration due to immediate and long-term impacts on human health and surrounding environment. The radiation is composed of natural and artificial radiation (85% and 15%, respectively); in particular, artificial radiation derived from the medical occupies of about 14%. This study was done with a case study of the Ninh Kieu district, Can Tho city to provide a benchmark of current status of radiation for professional staffs and policy-makers to be able to release appropriate management policies. This study used special radiation-measuring equiment to measure the available radiation dose  according to a grid square of 500 x 500 m. Spatial interpolation of the radiation was done with the application of the Kriging approach. The exposure dose of medical radiation installation was measured when radiation-device was operated. In addition, radiation-safety implementation was also analysed and possible solutions were proposed in order to improve the safety issues. In general, the radiation background of Ninh Kieu ranged from 0.10 to 0.30 µSv/h. The exposure dose released to the external environment when x-rays screening was operated was within the acceptable limitation according TCVN 6561: 1999. About 94% of medical radiation installations fell in the safety regulations according to the Circular No.13/2014/TTLT-BKHCN-BYT.

Study on monitoring trend of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emission in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta by using GOSAT satellite data

Phan Kieu Diem, Pham Thi Thuy Nga, Nguyen Thi Hong Diep
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the important greenhouse gases which has great contribution to climate change; greenhouse gas monitoring is essential to provide an overall look for adaptation to climate change. Measuring the XCO2 concentration in the atmosphere by satellite is a new technique, from which we obtained the most basic information on the global carbon cycle and distribution of XCO2 on the Earth’s surface. From the monthly GOSAT satellite images in 2013, we applied spatial interpolation techniques to map and assess trends of fluctuations in XCO2 distribution in space and time for study areas. The result showed that the monthly avergate values of XCO2 in year 2013 are not much changing in the first 3 months. In the flooding season, the XCO2 reached the lowest value in September and Octorber; such figures increased continously in Noverber and December in the same year. The XCO2 value reached the greatest content in April, May and December.

Surface water quality and self-purification capacity of irrigation canal network in a full-dyke system in the My Luong town, Cho Moi district, An Giang province

Pham Le My Duyen, Pham Van Toan, Van Pham Dang Tri, Nguyen Huu Chiem
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Full-dyke systems have been built in the An Giang province, especially in the My Luong town of the Cho Moi district to protect existing triple rice farming systems. Apart from the well-known benefits of the full-dyke, construction of such the system prevents sediment accumulated in the rice field and is of the main constraints of water-exchanged between rice fields and external environment, leading to the degradation of soil and (surface) water resources. In order to maintain the rice yield, local farmers intensively used fertilizer as an additional source of nutrient, one of the causes of surface water pollution. Results from monitoring surface water quality in the study area showed that the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) concentrations in the dry and flood season met the threshold values of QCVN 08:2008/BTNMT for irrigation purposes. Concentrations of total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) and total phosphorus (TP) exceeded the threshold values defined in the regulation with significantly seasonal variation. Furthermore, TKN and TP concentrations were positively correlated with the amounts and types of fertilizer used. Apart from the surface water quality monitoring, the self-purification capacity of canal network was identified incapable of receiving any more pollutants (generating BOD5, TKN and TP) from rice field.

Evaluating the efficiency of electro-flotation of cat-fish processing wastewater

Le Hoang Viet, Doan Thi Ngoc Mai, Dao Tan Phuong, Nguyen Vo Chau Ngan
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study was to evaluate technical feasibility of the electro-flotation method as a primary treatment unit in wastewater treatment system at cat-fish processing enterprises. Four experiments were carried out to select suitable operational parameters for electro-flotation unit. The results at the lab-scale model operated at 45o inclined angle electrode, 486 cm2 effective electrode area, 1 cm electrodes distance, and 30 minutes hydraulic retention time showed that the removal efficiency of SS, COD, BOD, TKN, Ptotal were 83.2%; 76.8%; 68.28%; 66.92% and 71.36%, respectively. The effluent from electro-flotation process met the criteria of wastewater loaded to further biological treatment unit.

Calcium ethoxide: Preparation, characterization and catalytic activity for biodiesel production from waste cooking oil and mixture of ethanol/methanol

Bien Cong Trung, Duong Thi Bich Tuyen, Nguyen Quang Long
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
In this study, calcium ethoxide has been prepared from calcium crystals and ethanol. The materials were used as base catalyst for biodiesel synthesis reaction from waste cooking oil. The effects of calcium ethoxide preparation conditions and reaction parameters of biodiesel formation such as catalytic amount, reaction temperature, alcohol-to-oil ratio and reaction time on the quality of biodiesel product were investigated.

The solvability of this seccond innitial the second initial boundary problem for hyperbolic equation in cylinders with nonsmooth bases

Phung Kim Chuc
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
In this paper, we study the second initial boundary value problem for hyperbolic equations   in cylinders with nonsmooth bases. We present the results of the unique solvability of generalized solution of the problem.

Binding energy of excitons in AlGaAs-GaAs-AlGaAs parabolic quantum wells with uniform magnetic field applied along growth direction

Pham Thi Bich Thao, Nguyen Duy Khanh, Nguyen Thanh Tien
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
In this research, the binding energy of a Wannier exciton in the parabolic quantum wells with uniform magnetic field applied along growth direction was calculated by using variational method. The formulation has been performed in the framework of the effective mass approximation and two-bands model. From the analytical results, we have been programmed in order to compute for the binding energy of excitons depending on parameters of system (well width L and magnetic field B). We also investigated the effect of well width and magnetic field to on the forming formation of excitons.

Survey on the infection rate and identification of antibiotics resistant genes of Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli causing piglet diarrhea in Vinh Long and Dong Thap provinces

Ly Thi Lien Khai, Nguyen Thanh Lam, Nguyen Thi Hanh Chi
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study was conducted to identify strains, antimicrobial resistance and resistant genes of Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) in diarrheic piglets in Vinh Long and Dong Thap provinces. It was shown that, the ratio of diarrheic piglets was quite high (26.49%) and ETEC infection was found to be higher (97.27%) inin suckling piglets than that of in weaning piglets (89.00%). The contamination of ETEC on the pig floor (67.85%) was higher than that in water (3.57%). There was significant difference of the prevalence of K88, K99 and 987P strains and among those, K88 strain was the most predominant strain isolated from piglets diarrhea (20.24%). K88 strain isolates were found in 23.36% of suckling piglets, more frequent as compared with weaning piglets (16.47%).  In 196 positive samples, 263 ETEC strains were identified; 121 of these (121/588 isolated) (20.58%) were multi-infections in complicated diarrhea in piglets with 2-3 strains such as K88+K99 (6.46%), K99+987P (5.27%), K88+987P (6.12%) and K88+K99+987P (2.72%). ETEC strains were highly resistant to ampicillin, tetracycline and bactrim. Up to 134/152 strains were multi-resistant to antibiotics with 32 different phenotypes. Phenotypic resistance to ampicillin + tetracycline + bactrim was the most common type. All of ETEC strains examined harbored resistant genes of blaTEM and tet(A) and ETEC was still sensitive to ceftazidime, norfloxacin and colistin. This is the first research on the resistant genes of ETEC K88, K99, 987P strains causing piglet diarrhea in Vinh Long and Dong Thap provinces.

Assessment of genetic diversity among the main fourteen cocoa varieties in Vietnam using plant c/d sequences

Lam Thi Viet Ha, Koen Dewettinck, Kathy Messens, Nguyen Thi Pha, Ha Thanh Toan, Nguyen Thi Lien, Năm Trần Văn Bé
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This work focused on clarifying the genetic diversity of fourteen cocoa clones in Vietnam. Primers plant c and plant d were used to analyse the genetic relationship. All detected band were encoded into binary matrix and the dendrogram was generated using the program NTSYS-PC 2.1 The similarity matrix was subjected to cluster analysis by unweighted pair group method for arithmetic mean (UPGMA). The genetic clustering of 14 Cocoa varieties showed genetic differences ranged from 0 to 41%. At around 59% similarity, fourteen TD clones could be divided into three groups: A, B, and C. Group A had ten clones (TD1, TD2, TD3, TD5, TD6, TD7, TD8, TD9, TD11, TD12), group B had 2 clones (TD10 and TD13), and group C included two clones (TD14 and TD15). Group B with 80% homologous had a relationship closer than groups A and C. Two clones in group A correlated approximately 76.4% similarity and group C showed 73% similarity rate.

Quality changes of milky purple sweet potato paper during processing

Nhan Minh Tri
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Purple sweet potato is known as an important crop containing a lot of nutrients such as protein, glucose, starch, vitamins, mineral and bioactive coumpounds (fibers and anthocyanin). The purple sweet potato roots are still very cheap if the roots are out of sizes (too big or too small) and broken. This research showed the processing technologies (aging and drying) affecting on quality and storage time of milky sweet potato paper. The aim of this study was to investigate effects of (i) aging process and (ii) drying conditions (temperature and time) on quality of the product. During aging time, moisture content and colour values (L*, a* and b*) decreased but the hardness of the product increased. The Lewis-Newton model could predict very well the moisture reduction in the product during drying process at different temperatures and time. The milky purple sweet potato paper had good quality sensory attributes (color, flavor, taste and texture) and long term storage if it would be aged for 5 hours and dried at 50oC for 90 minutes.

Isolating and screening strongly active yeast strains from local alcoholic fermentation starters

Ly Nguyen Binh, Nguyen Van Thanh, Ha Phuong Thao, Tran Van Khanh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
With the purpose of screening yeast for improving fermentation performance and quality of rice alcohol products, the study was carried out based on the investigation of six kinds of local fermentation starters (men), namely Hoang Anh, Hai Anh Quang, Nang Thom, Nang Huong, Nep Thom, and Thuoc Bac Ha Noi. The isolated yeast strains of strong activity were selected for further investigation. As results, 17 isolates were collected from the local fermentation starters including HA1, HA2, HA3, HAQ1, HAQ2, HAQ3, NT1, NT2, NT3, NG1, NG2, NG3, NH1, NH2, TB1, TB2, and TB3. Among those, NT3 and NH2 are potential isolates for fermentation.

Effects of some potential agro-based wastes in Mekong Delta on the growth of Pleurotus sajor-caju

Le Vinh Thuc, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Minh, Mai Vu Duy
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The experiment was carried out in a complete randomized design with 5 treatments, such as rubber sawdust, sugarcane bagasse, rice husk, rice straw and coconut coir substrates, and 18 replications, each replication is a bag. Results showed that the fastest spreading of mycelia and earliest mushroom harvest (26 days after inoculation) was on the rice husk substrate. Rice straw and coconut coir substrates were substrates that mycelia spread slowly and mushroom harvesting time was long (41-43 days after inoculated with mushroom spawn). Pleurotus sajor-caju gave the highest yield on sugarcane bagasse of 359.2 g/bag, rubber sawdust of 305.2 g, rice husk of 288.8 g, rice straw of 224.2 g and lowest on coconut coir (99.1 g). Percent dry weight of mushrooms were highest on the rubber sawdust (10.2 %) and sugarcane bagasse (10 %), and lower for other treatments ranging from 8.4 to 8.8 %. Biological efficient of Pleurotus sajor-caju on the rubber sawdust and rice straw substrates were similar (34 %).

Effect of biomixture containing used coffee ground and milled egg-shells on the yield of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus Moench) and soil fertility under greenhouse conditions

Nguyen Khoi Nghia, Lam Tu Lang, BANG NGUYEN VU, Do Hoang Sang
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
To evaluate the effect of biomixture including used coffee ground and milled egg-shells (ratio of 10:2 (w/w)) on the yield of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus Moench) and soil fertility, an experiment was conducted in the greenhouse for 3 months with four replicates for each treatment. The soil sample in this study was collected from the experimental farm of Cantho University. The biomixture was applied with 3 levels: 5, 10 and 15% (w/w). A commonly recommended fertilizer application rate for Okra was used as control treatment and 15% of used coffee ground as another treatment to study a single effect of used coffee ground on yield of Okra and soil fertility.  Results showed that although the plan performance was much better in the control treatment, the highest yield of Okra was found in the treatments amended with 10 and 5% of the biomixture and was 167 and 161 g/plant/pot, respectively. The yield was much higher in these two treatments than in the control treatment. The appearance of Okra fruits in the amended biomixture treatments reached the standard quality for selling. Moreover, organic matter, N, P, pH, bacterial and fungal cell counts in soils were enhanced considerably when amended with this biomixture. Five percent of the biomixture performed as the best treatment to enhance Okra yield in the greenhouse experiment.

Enhancement of Propoxur biodegradation rate in liquid medium by Paracoccus sp. P23-7 immobilized in biochar

Nguyen Khoi Nghia, Lam Tu Lang, Do Hoang Sang, Nguyen Thi Kieu Oanh, Duong Minh Vien
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The aim of this work was to investigate the effectiveness of different inoculation approaches in enhancing the biodegradation of the pesticide Propoxur in the liquid medium. Inoculation was conducted with the Paracoccus sp. P23-7 originally isolated from Propoxur contaminated soil as the key degrader organism. The bacterial strain was applied either via liquid medium or immobilized on solid municipal waste biochar. Bacterial cell numbers as well as Propoxur biodegradation measurement in liquid medium were used to investigate the bioaugmentation efficiency of the different approaches. Paracoccus sp. P23-7 cell numbers increased about 1.1-2.0 times during the incubation process in both inoculation approaches, indicating that the strain could survive and develop well in the new liquid medium. However, the bacterial cell numbers in both biochar supplement treatments were much higher than that in the treatment received only free cells of Paracoccus sp. P23-7. Liquid medium inoculated with the Paracoccus sp. P23-7 immobilized on biochar from the beginning of the experiment showed the highest Propoxur degradation rate per day, whereas the other inoculum approaches showed an increased but lower contaminant biodegradation. Thus, results indicated that the application of a key degrader-biochar-complex is the most promising approach for an accelerated biodegradation of organic chemicals in liquid medium.

Evaluating indigenous soil NPK supplying capabilities for sugarcane on alluvial soils in the Mekong Delta

Khương Nguyễn Quốc, Ngo Ngoc Hung
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Objectives of this study were to determine (i) the indigenous soil NPK supplying capabilities and (ii) NPK nutrient uptake of sugarcane cultivated on alluvial soils in Mekong Delta. The field experiment including four treatments (NPK, NP, NK and PK) was a randomized complete block design on alluvial soils in Cu Lao Dung and Long My, with four replications. Results showed that the indigenous soil NPK supplying capabilities was 84-109 kg N ha-1, 68-82 kg P2O5 ha-1 and 401-577 kg K2O ha-1 on alluvial soils. This supply was not sufficiency for sugarcane growth. The NPK fertilizer uptake to achieve a yield of 154-172 tons ha-1 was 285-296 kg N ha-1, 131-148 kg P2O5 ha-1 and 564-869 kg K2O ha-1 in the NPK treatment. Therefore, the fertilizer equation of 268N-91P2O5-122K2O and 268N-89P2O5-120K2O were recommended for applying to sugarcane in Cu Lao Dung and Long My in order to achieve a specific yield target of 180 and 160 tons per ha.

Constraining factors of sugarcane yield and economic profitability in Soc Trang province

Trinh Thanh Nhan
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study aimed to determine factors that influence yield and economic return of sugarcane production in Soc Trang province in the period of 2013-2014. Data were collected through structured interviews with 198 households practicing sugarcane production in Cu Lao Dung district of Soc Trang province. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple linear regression analysis were used to determine variables significantly influencing sugarcance yield and income. Results showed that sugarcane farming scale was small with an average of 0.7 hectare per household. Sugarcane yields increased with increasing fuel input levels for irrigation during early growth stages of the crop in the dry season, and with the appropriate crop duration (i.e. about 11 months). In contrast, ratooning and late crop establishment (after April) lowered sugarcane yields. Economic return of surgacane production increased with farmer association’s members, farm size and fuel input levels for irrigation, while fertilizer, pesticide, seedling and hired labor input levels constrained the income.

Rearing white leg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) following bio-floc technology at different water column levels

Chau Tai Tao, Ly Minh Trung, Tran Ngoc Hai
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The study aimed to investigate the effects of water column levels on bio-floc formation in tank, survival rate and growth performance of white leg shrimp postlarvae. The experiment included three treatments with different water column levels as (i) 40 cm, (ii) 60 cm and (iii) 80 cm, respectively. Postlarvae PL12 were stocked in composite tanks (0.5 m3) at stocking density of 2.000 PL/m3 and salinity of 15 ‰. The experiment was lasted for 28 days. Cassava and soybean powder, two sources of carbohydrate, were used to facilitate bio-floc forming at C/N ratio above 12. Results showed that Vibrio spp. and total aerobic bacteria counts were not significant difference among water column levels (p>0.05). The highest floc volume was found in water column level 80 cm (12.7 ± 6.2 ml/L) which was significantly higher than other water column levels (p

Studying on long fence trap nets activities in Hau Giang province

Nguyen Thanh Long
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Studying on long fence trap nets activities was conducted at Hau Giang province from May to November 2014 to evaluate technical and financial aspects of the fishery through interviewing 45 long fence trap nets households. Results showed that the average of labor in household was 2.67 people/household. The number of long fence trap nets was 20.6 nets/household. The average mesh size was smaller than 2a=18 mm. The average yield was 590 kg/year and the ratio of trash fish was 49.1%. With the average investment cost was 4.14 million VND, the long fence trap nets got average net income at 6.12 million VND/year. Long fence trap nets had an important role in household income. The biggest difficulty of the long fence trap nets are decreased productivity.

The effects of vitamin C on non-specific immune parameters and bacterial resistance of striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus)

Bui Thi Bich Hang, Truong Quynh Nhu, Pham Van Thi, Nguyen Minh Tan, Nguyen Thanh Phuong
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of vitamin C on non-specific immune response as well as protection of striped catfish against bacteria such as Aeromonas hydrophila and Edwardsiella ictaluri. The experiment was set up with striped catfish (15-20g), which were suplemented with different levels of vitamin C (0, 50, 500 and 1000 mg/kg diet) for 4 weeks. Fish blood were collected after 2 and 4 weeks administration of vitamin C for analysis of haematology, lysozyme and complement activity. After 4 weeks of feeding vitamin C, challenge test were made with E. ictaluri and A. hydrophila. The results revealed that total of leucocyte, lysozyme and complement activity were slightly increased after 2 weeks administration and increased higher after 4 weeks administration. Especially, total of leucocyte, lysozyme and complement activity displayed highest value in treatment 1000 mg vitamin C/kg diet. After challenge test with bacteria, mortality of fish in vitamin C suplemented treatments (500 and 1000 mg/kg) were lower than those of control fish. These results indicated that administration vitamin C (500-1000mg/kg diet) can stimulate non-specific immune reponse and protect striped catfish from bacterial damage.

Combined effects of salinnity and Bacillus subtilis supplementation on the growth and reproduction of Artemia franciscana

Ngo Thi Thu Thao, Nguyen Thi Bao Trang, Pham Thi Tuyet Ngan
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of salinity on the development and the contributions of Bacillus subtilis on growth and reproduction of Artemia franciscana Vinh Chau. Experiment was set up with 6 treatments and was run triplicates per each treatment with two factorial design, in which salinity (30, 70 and 90‰) combined the supplementation or without B. subtilis into Artemia culture medium. Artemia were cultured at the density of 500 ind./L and were fed by commercial feed No.0 for nursing tiger shrimp. After 15 days, Artemia obtained highest survival rate (61.5%) at 90‰ with B. subtilis supplementation. Artemia in this treatment also reached highest values in length (8.35 mm), mating rate (51.3%) and fecundity (45 offspring/female), these results was significant difference from other treatments (p

The current status of technique and finance in the seed production of white-leg shrimp in the Mekong Delta

Ly Van Khanh, Pho Van Nghi, Tran Ngoc Hai, Vo Nam Son
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of seed production of white-leg shrimp postlarvae in the Mekong Delta and to propose solutions for sustainable development. The study was carried out in Can Tho, Ben Tre, Tra Vinh, Soc Trang, Bac Lieu and Ca Mau provinces through interviewing key informant persons from Aquaculture Departments and 48 hatcheries. The results showed that there were 48 hatcheries in surveyed area. The actual production of model 1 was the lowest at 47.5 million PL/year, and the highest one was model 3 with 1,873 million PL/year. Model 1 and Model 2 mainly used nauplii purchased from the central provinces and model 3 used imported broodstocks from oversea (100%) for spawning and larval rearing. Productivity of shrimp PL was in range of 96,700 - 100,000 PL/m3. The total production cost was lowest in model 1 (48.8 million VND/million PL) and highest in model 3 (61.2 million VND/million PL). Net income was lowest in model 2 (31.8 million VND/million PL), and was highest in model 3 (36.0 million VND/million PL). However, the cost effectiveness and cost benefit ratio was highest in model 1 (1.72 and 0.72, respectively). The cost effectiveness and cost benefit ratio was lowest in model 3 (1.6 and 0.6, respectively).

Isolation and determination of the ability to cause acute hepatopancreatic necrosis syndrome of Vibrio parahaemolitycus bacteria isolated from cultured shrimp in Bac Lieu province

Nguyen Trong Nghia, Pham Anh Tuan, Truong Quoc Phu, Dang Thi Hoang Oanh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Acute hepatopancreatic necrosis syndrome (AHPNS) on shrimp is considered as a dangerous disease on shrimp. In Vietnam, the disease appeared in 2010 and caused significant damage to shrimp farming in the Mekong Delta. The study was carried out to isolate, identify and determine the ability to cause AHPNS of bacterial strains isolated from shrimp collected in intensive shrimp ponds in Bac Lieu province which displayed typical pathology of AHPNS such as hepatopancreatic atrophy, empty gut and showed hepatopancreaic changes including disfunction of hepatopancreatic cells, hemocytic infiltration and bacterial infection in histopathological diagnosis. The isolated bacteria were gram-negative, short rod-shaped, motile, positive with oxidase and catalase, fermentation of glucose in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions, colonies grow on thiosulfate citrate bile salt agar with green colored, round, convex and 2-3 mm in diameter. All 3 strains revealed beta hemolysis. The bacteria were identified as Vibrio parahaemolyticus (99.9% ID) by using API 20E kit (BioMerieux). Results of experimental infection in the white leg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) at 104 CFU/g, 105CFU/g, 106CFU/g showed that bacteria are capable of causing AHPNS pathology similar in shrimp collected from cultured ponds in the groups injected with 105CFU/g (after 9 days) and 106CFU/g (after 6 days).

Actual situations of using analogy in teaching mathematics education students - Can Tho University through microteaching course

Bui Phuong Uyen
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Teaching with analogy is an effective strategy in mathematics teaching. Therefore, this strategy is selected by many teachers to promote positive activities of students. The article investigated 52 mathematics education students, Can Tho University through the microteaching course and the result showed that only 5 students selected used analogy of teachers to promote positive activities of students.

Mathematical organizations of the integral concept: A study based on approach to mathematical didactics

Nguyen Phu Loc, Huynh Thanh Liem
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
In Grade 12 math program, students have an opportunity to learn the concept “integral” and its applications. Thus, they know the practical significance of mathematics in general and calculus in particular. In addition, they also recognize that mathematics is a unified whole, the subjects of mathematics are consistent and mutually supportive. For example, thanks to integral, one can find the formula for calculating the area and volume of shapes that students have learned in Geometry, and can calculate the area and volume of shapes that it is very hard to find by geometrical tools. With such an importance of integral concept, the question is that in calculus Grade 12 textbook, what are mathematics organizations related to mathematical concepts?  And what are students’ restrictions on the application and the perception towards concepts “integral”? This paper presents some results relating to the above two questions.

Human factor in Southeast Asia reforms (from the second half of the 19th century to the early 20th century)

Pham Thi Phuong Linh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
From the second half of the 19th century to the early 20th century, the role of human factor in Southeast Asia reforms is criticallyimportant. The most important factor is position and power of reform leaders deciding successful reforms or not.  Because successful reforms depend on top-down path, the factor deciding successful reforms is the upper class not the peasant one. The reform in Thailand (Siam) was successful because the upper class was the leader of this reform. On the other hand, the reforms in Philippines, Indonesia and Vietnam failed because the peasant classes were leaders of these reforms.

Investigating students’ perceptions on the concept of fractions through a pedagogical experiment

Duong Huu Tong
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
In the history of the concept of fractions, they were approached in ways such as: based on the number of part / whole, the division, the real line, the theory of sets, or the ratio. However, current mathematics textbook in Grade 4 does not have any contents which require students to represent fractions on the real line. May that actually create conditions for students to understand the concept of fractions correctly? Therefore, the paper will develop a pedagogical experiment to find out the awareness of students about the concept of fractions.

Integrating environmental education into History-Geography of Grade 4 at Tran Quoc Toan primary school in Can Tho city

Le Ngoc Hoa, Huynh Thi Hong Loan
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Integrating environmental education into History-Geography of Grade 4 is one of important missions in primary education. In this paper, we presented: (1) conducting integrating instruction through defining the lessons whose contents can be involved environmental education; and synthesizing teaching methodologies used in integrating instruction (2) And carrying out empirical teaching through applying the lesson plans of environmental education in the subjects. The data collected in this research include: teachers’ lesson plans, questionnaires about the Grade 4 students’ environmental protection at Tran Quoc Toan primary school in Can Tho City.

The role of History toward high school students in defending maritime sovereignty awareness in the present international circumstances

Nguyen Duc Toan
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
So far, the security situation and the maritime sovereignty of countries in East Sea have been more complex, including Vietnam. The issue of maritime sovereignty of Vietnam for two islands Paracel and Spratlys has been gotten the attention of everyone, even students. Therefore, educating students to defend the sovereignty of the sea and islands isvery important in the current national context. In this article, the author would like to discuss the role of teaching history to high school students with education patriotism to arouse their national spirit and devote themselves in the effort of defending the nation.

Application of problem solving method in teaching the national defense and security course at Can Tho University

Cao Ngoc Bau
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Currently, improving the quality of the national defence and security training course at Can Tho University is necessary. This paper is a continuation of previous research precisely assessing the drawbacks in teaching the national defence and security training course. Hence, the writer of this paper suggests we should activate the teaching process through problem-solving method which has been proved to be of great success. This method has been playing an important role in activating learners to improve their results in the discipline; threfore it is confirming the feasibility of the method. Inevitably, the change in method is tightly interwoven with the change in school facilities and evaluating and testing procedures.

The concept of  Chu nghia nhan van and Chu nghia nhan dao (Humanism) in Vietnamese literary studies from 1945 up to date

Nguyen Dang Hai
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Chu nghia nhan van and Chu nghia nhan dao (Humanism) are theoretical and historical categories in Vietnamese literary studies whose assessments have still caused many disputes. Therefore, the article included two basic aims: (1) presenting an overview of the origin, content and meaning of the concept of humanism in the West; (2) and analyzing of contents, meanings and different trends in the use of the concept of Chu nghia nhan van and Chu nghia nhan dao in Vienamese literary studies from 1945 up to date.

The exile in the patriotic short stories at Southern urban area in the period from 1965 to 1975

Bui Thanh Thao
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Postcolonial criticism is one of the new research tendencies that bring a new approach for literature. Exile is one of key concepts in postcolonial studies. It “involves the idea of separation and distances from either a literal homeland or a cultural and ethnic origin”. In this paper, we studied exile in the patriotic short stories at Southern urban area in the period from 1965to 1975. Many characters were in painful moods because of their separation. They felt that they were not subjects in their homeland. These short stories were a voice full of responsibility of these writers. They contributed a positive action to a strong struggling movement at the Southern urban areas at that time.

Factors affecting the satisfaction of citizen towards water supply service in Ninh Kieu  district, Can Tho city

Le Thi Dieu Hien, Vo Phuong Thao, Hoang Thi Hong Loc, Nguyen Quoc Nghi
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The cronbach alpha test, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and linear regression analysis were used in the study to identify factors that affect citizen's satisfaction on water supply services (WSS) at Ninh Kieu District, Can Tho City. Research data from the study were collected from 228 people, who have been using water supply services at Ninh Kieu District. The research results identified the factors that affected the level of people’s satisfaction on WSS is the confidence and assurance, the ability to meet and means of tangible and empathy. In particular, the factor of the ability to meet is the most influential to the people’s satisfaction towards WSS. A number of recommendations are proposed in order to improve people's satisfaction with WSS at Ninh Kieu District in Can Tho City.

Current Use of Web 2.0 in Vietnamese Academic Libraries and proposing the Web 2.0 model for Can Tho LRC and university libraries in Vietnam

Lam Thi Huong Duyen, Ly Thanh Luy, Nguyen Thi Kim Tri
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This paper aims to provide an overall picture of the application of Web 2.0 technologies in Vietnamese university libraries. The focus of the research was what types of Web 2.0 technologies were applied in such libraries as well as their purposes and features through the survey libraries’ clients. Besides analyzing the users’ behaviors and perspectives on the adoption of Web 2.0 in libraries, this paper proposes a library Web 2.0 model that can be considered relatively standardized website for Can Tho University LRC (Learning Resource Center) and other libraries in Vietnam. This study also opens a driving edge for further research to thoroughly understand and explore the breakthrough of Web 2.0 applications and other new technologies for libraries.

Factors affecting the level of response to the job requirement of public officers at Ninh Kieu ward, Can Tho city

Nguyen Quoc Nghi, Tran Tien Dung, Bui Van Trinh, Ha Vu Son
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The study aims to identify and evaluate the objective and subjective factors that affect the level of response to job requirements of district public officers, Ninh Kieu District, Can Tho City. Research data were collected from 125 district public officers who have been working in the administrative and management units in Ninh Kieu District. The exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and linear regression analysis were used in the study to solve the target set. Research results indicated the subjective factors that impact on the level of response to job requirements of district public officers are "Confidence and recovery", "Hope" and "Age”; whereas there is only one objective factor that impact on this issue is "Leadership and relationships".

The factors impacting on learning results of undergraduate students in Rural Development Discipline of Can Tho University

Nguyen Cong Toan, Trinh Minh Tri, Huynh Van Hau, Nguyen Thi Cam Hong, Nguyen Van Quan
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The objectives of the study aimed to analyze the factors impacting on learning results of undergraduate students in Rural Development Discipline of Can Tho University (CTU). The data of the study were collected from 120 undergraduate students at the Mekong Delta Development Research Institute (MDI) and School of Rural Development of CTU through the questionnaires. The analysis methods of this study included descriptive statistics, comparative analysis, and binary logistic regression analysis by IBM SPSS software with version 20.0. The results of regression analysis showed that four variables impacted significantly on learning results including gender, number of  self-study hours, number of absentism in classes of school and documents from teachers, in which, two variables such as number of  self-study hours and documents from teachers correlated positively with students’ learning results, then, two variables, namely gender and number of absentationin classes of school correlated negatively with students’ learning results.

Graduate students’ work reality of Vietnamese Studies from Can Tho University

Nguyen Trong Nhan, Ly My Tien, Nguyen Mai Quoc Viet
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study surveyed 91 graduate students of Vietnamese Studies from Can Tho University through methods of convenient sampling colllection. The Descriptive Statistics, Bivariate Correlate Analysis, Scale Reliability Analysis, and Exploratary Factors Analysis were used to analyse primary data. The results indicated that after graduating, students have work, accounted for a high proportion and it is not long for them to have a job. The announcement of recruitment offices and introduction of acquaintances are two sizeable information resources for students to find a job. Students only use learned knowledge and skills for their occupation moderately. The position has positive correlation with income; the income has positive correlation with love of one’s work and satisfaction with work. Some elements related to quality of training in their field, are moderate and somewhat good. The ability, work characteristics and income of students affect their job getting.