Published: 23-06-2016

Nhiệt độ, cảm biến, Arduino, MATLAB, giám sát, ao nuôi

Duong Thai Binh, Vo Minh Tri
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This project is to initially build a system to collect data and build models of distribution of important parameters in aquaculture ponds. Simulated temperature of pond was selected as the monitoring parameter, and stratification of temperature is simulated based on actual acquisited data. Temperature sensor DS18B20 was used with Arduino microcontroller circuit and MATLAB software to develop a tool for collecting, saving, and accessing 3D temperature data in a simulated environment in a self-built pond. The main contribution of the project is the design and construction of an automatic monitoring system for environmental parameters in aquaculture ponds, which brings significant efficiency for aquaculture activities.

Synthesis of biodiesel from sludge under subcritical condition of methanol and water

Huynh Lien Huong, Do Thi HoNg PhuoNg, NguyeN Thi NhieN, Ho Quoc Phong
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
In the presence of water, biodiesel can be produced from the reaction of methanol with feedstock oil under subcritical condition without the need of conventional catalysts such as potassium hydroxide and sulfuric acid. In this study, in-situ transesterification under subcritical condition of methanol and water was studied and compared with conventional catalyzed transesterification method. Sludge was used as raw material. Experimental results showed that fairly high biodiesel conversion rate (90.46%) could be achieved in a reasonable reaction time of 6 hours at 200°C under subcritical condition. The conversion rate reached 97.05% when sulfuric acid was used as catalyst under the reaction condition of 55°C in 24 hours. Since no catalyst was employed in the subcritical condition, the process was simpler and more environmental friendly than traditional methods. In addition, the removal of water was unnecessary since it had been employed as acatalyst under subcritical condition. Therefore, in-situ transesterification under subcritical condition is potentionally applied with low grade feedstocks with high FFA and moisture content.

Research on approaches manages total float of activities by network diagram for project management

Vo Minh Huy, Nguyen Thanh Tam
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Management of construction projects by network diagrams is one of effectively approaches in order to complete the project on schedule. Through scheduling the project, identifying the project comletion date and calculating of the total float for each task which is a relatively valuable resource, project management engineers will be able to propose several possible methods to significantly limit project delays by optimizing project time, resources, and construction costs. However, the problem is which parties involved in the project are in charge of the float of the project activities. Additionally, if the total float is completely used up, the project may be delayed and who will take the main responsibility for. This study heavily focuses on analyzing a number of management approaches for the total float of project activities by network diagram, and proposes a method that can be broadly applied for project management. The results reveals that the total float of the project tasks is used and managed strictly and there should be strong agreement for all project parties in contract construction.

Recommender system for assisting document search

Tran Nguyen Minh Thu, Nghi Huỳnh Quang
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Document searching for research is a frequent and necessary task for all students as well as lecturers. It is an absolutely necessary process in any library or learning resource center. However, the search function is almost based on keywords so the search results are not rich and not really effective to meet the needs of readers. In order to assist the readers better in searching documents, this study proposed applying the collaborative filtering method of recommender system and the keyword search index functionality (Elastic Search) to the search function. The result of this study is a recommender system for library – RecoLRC – which ensures the success of the document searching by the keywords, and creating a list of recommendation based on the document names, keywords and book borrowing histories. RecoLRC enhances the efficiency of the document searching in The Learning Resource Center of Can Tho University.

A proposal for the final exam schedule system at Can Tho University

Truong Quoc Dinh, Nguyen Thanh Hai
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
In this paper, we propose the process for organizing the final exam at Can Tho University and then build the information system to adapt to this process. The limitations of organizing one week for “private” exams and one week for “common” exams can be overcome by applying the proposed process. We build the information system that allows lecturers to register the type of exams they want. The schedule for “common” exams will automatically be generated by the system itself in the manner that there is no student that has two exams in the same session.

Effects of the endocrine disrupting compound Nonylphenol on the survivorship and reproduction of three micro-crustacean species, Ceriodaphnia cornuta, Daphnia lumholtzi and Daphnia magna

Vo Thi My Chi, Dao Thanh Son, Nguyen Thanh Son
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The presence of endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) in aquatic environment leads to a risk for living organisms. Nonylphenol (NP), an endocrine disrupting compound, is one of the very common used compounds in industrial activities in the world. However, chronic effects of this chemical on organisms in general and zooplankton in particular have not been fully understood. In this study, negative influences of NP on micro-crustacean Ceriodaphnia cornuta and Daphnia lumholtzi at the concentration of 110, 560 and 2280 µg NP/L, and the effects of NP at the concentrations of 280, 560 and 1120 µg NP/L on Daphnia magna were evaluated over a period of ten days. The results showed that NP significantly decreased the animal survivorship and reproduction. Especially, at the concentration of 560 µg NP/L for both D. lumholtzi and D. magna and at the concentration of 110 µg NP/L for C. cornuta, the impacts were found signigicantly in comparison to the referenced experiment. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the presence, distribution and effects of EDCs, particularly NP on aquatic organisms and ecological balance.

Developing a groundwater GIS data for water supply in the Soc Trang province

Truong Thi Thuy Quynh, Nguyen Xuan Thinh, Van Pham Dang Tri, Tran Thi Le Hang
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The Soc Trang Water Supply Company and Center for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation are the two main offices managing water supply in the Soc Trang province. To extract groundwater, the main source for water supply, the offices need to access permission, and regularly examine and monitor water level and quality following the national groundwater resources protection regulations. However, data on groundwater stations, extraction licenses, and regular monitoring reports are archived in either paper or simple excel-spreadsheet, leading to issues of data storage, assessibility and security. This study aims to develop GIS data platform to support groundwater management and water supply in the Soc Trang province. The data are collected at the Department of Natural Resources and Environment in the Soc Trang province and the two offices (i.e. the Soc Trang Water Supply Company and Center for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation). The spatial maps and attribute data were successfully developed to support groundwater management for water supply in the study area.

Water quality in mainstream and tributaries of Hau River

Nguyen Thi Kim Lien, Vu Ngoc Ut, Truong Quoc Phu, Duong Thi Hoang Oanh, Lam Quang Huy
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study aims to assess the characteristics of water quality in mainstream and tributaries of the Hau River as the basis for the management and protection of water resources on the Hau River. Water samples were collected in the rainy season (June, 2013 and September, 2013) and the dry season (December, 2013 and May 2014) at 14 sites on the mainstream and 22 sites on the tributaries to analyze water quality parameters. The results showed that the temperature and pH were suitable for the aquatic life. Turbidity and TSS concentration in the rainy season were higher than that in the dry season in most sampling locations. Oxygen concentration in study areas ranged from 1.76-7.96 mg.L-1 with mean of 4.9±1.4 mg.L-1. In addition, the concentrations of nutrients and organic matter in the dry season were higher than those in the rainy season. Mean values ​​of TAN, N-NO3-, TN, P-PO43-, TP and COD were 0.26±0.26 mg.L-1, 0.11±0.07mg.L-1, 1.17±0.6mg.L-1, 0.1±0.07mg.L-1, 0.29±0.25mg.L-1, 14.3±6.3 mg.L-1 and 5.7±1.4%, respectively. The results of PCA analysis showed that there was a variation trend of water quality parameters in the study area. Concentration of suspended solids reaches a peak in the rainy season, while nutrient and organic matter contents had the highest value in the dry season. In general, water quality on the Hau River was reletaively eutrophic, especially in the areas affected by aquaculture and agriculture activities.

Analysis of the factors affecting efficiency of agricultural land use patterns in the Ba Tri district, Ben Tre province

Le Tan Loi, Le Thi My Tien, Pham Thanh Vu
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The aims of the study were to determine factors affecting efficiency of different agricultural land use patterns in the Ba Tri district, Ben Tre province. Different methods such as the Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), expert interview Key Informant Panel (KIP) and household interview were used to collect relevant data in three different agricultural ecology zones, including: freshwater ecology, brackish water ecology and saline water ecology. Through Decision Support System software (mDSS) combined with the Drivers - Pressures - State - Impacts - Responses (DPSIR) models, it is possible to determine the interaction and driving factors that affect the sustainability of each ecological zone. In addition, with the application of the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process-Group Decision Making (FAHP-GDM) method for hierarchical analysis, it is also possible to determine the influence levels of each factor to the cropping systems. Research results showed that factors, including: water, diseases, capital ability, capital efficiency and technical support, were important to the development of agricultural production. According to capital efficiency, in the freshwater zone, coconut production is of the first priority followed by double rice crops and upland crops; and, in the saline water and brackish water zone, salt production and rice-shrimp are of promising respectively. The results were found similar to the environmental efficiency. The research results is as the basis to help local policy-makers better ideas on supporting and deciding agricultural land use planning efficiency and sustainable in the future.

The application of a one-dimensional (1D) hydraulic model to simulate dry-months flows in the Hau river

Pham Le My Duyen, Van Pham Dang Tri
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The Hau river is one of two main branches of the Mekong River contributing a large amount of fertile sediment for agriculture and maintaining the Vietnamese Mekong Delta system. Given projected impacts of hydropower dams along the Mekong River, flows and sediment loaded along the Hau River have been projected to be strongly modified. A one-dimension hydraulic model (HEC-RAS) was applied to simulate two dry months flows in the current condition. Besides, assumptions were set out in the research, including: (i) tributaries of the Long Xuyen Quadrangle region were added to represent the out-flows from the Hau River, and (ii) the existing river network in the Dong Thap, Vinh Long province and the Can Tho city was ignored. The calibration and validation processes with n= 0.022 (in the Hau river) and n= 0.032 (in other rivers) made reasonable agreement between the measured and observed stages. In addition, the linear correlation index (R2) between simulation and observation values was greater than 0.5; therefore, the one-dimension hydraulic HEC-RAS model could be used to simulate and assess the water resource dynamics along the Hau river.

Using k - Nearest Neighbors (kNN) to estimate stand volume of tropical evergreen broadleaved forest using multi-spectal satellite imagery

Nguyen Thi Thanh Huong
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The continuous variables of forest such as biomass or stand volume are important in forest management planning. This study used the kNN method (k-Nearest Neighbors) to estimate stand volume of natural evergreen broadleaf forest which have been impacted in different degrees. Different approaches were tested on SPOT 5 images via the calculated NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index). The estimates were carried out on different stratum and the whole forest stand. The independent field data was then used to validate the results using Root Mean Squared Error (RMSEs) as a criterion of accuracy assessment. The result show the accuracy of estimation was significantly improved with separate stratum analysis in comparison to the whole stand volume. The better results were found in case of using SPOT 5 in comparison to those with the application of NDVI. The RMSE and RMSE% were of ± 27,7 m3ha-1 and 15,6% respectively while these were 37,7 m3ha-1  and 20,9% respectively when using the NDVI. However, in case the stand has been heavily disturbed as the Class 1, the NDVI turns to be the most suitable choice in comparison to others with RMSE and RMSE% of 25 m3ha-1and 28%, respectively while these were 25 m3ha-1 and 28% for RMSE and RMSE%, respectively.

Formulation and in vitro evaluation of liposome metformin

Le Trong Nghia, Nguyen Thien Toan, Le Thuy Dung, Tran Thanh Xuan, Le Thanh Phuoc
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Metformin is recommended to treat type 2 diabetes for first-line by ADA (American Diabetes Association). Because of its short plasma half-life and rapid administration, patients need to repeat administration of high doses. This reduces patien’s compliance and induces more side-effects. The purpose of this study is to design the extended-release formulation to maintain steady state of plasma concentration for a longer period of time in order to reduce the frequency of administration, reduce toxicity and increase the treatment efficiency. Liposomal suspensions containing metformin hydrochloride with main membranous components being phosphatidylcholine (PC) and cholesterol (CHL) at different proportions changing from 20 to 30% (w/w) were prepared by the thin film hydration method. They were evaluated for mean size, drug entrapment efficiency, in vitro drug release in order to choose the optimized formulations. The results showed that all of the formulations had high degree of entrapment (61.7-74.3%) with sustained release of the drug being 8 hours. They were also affected by PC/CHL ratio (w/w) and liposomal membrane/metformin ratio (w/w). The most optimized formulation (F) showed the highest performance of over 74%, mean size of 521 nm and the best extended release (only 60% of drug was released after 8 hours). This formulation could be used to develop a new sustaining drug carrier system for metformin.

Statistical analysis the factors affecting the studying results of students at College of Natural Sciences, Can Tho University

Vo Van Tai, Nguyen Thanh Luan, Tran Quoc Anh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Based on surveyed information and by using univariate and multivariate statistical analysis methods, the article analyses the factors affecting the studying results of students at Colleges of Natural Sciences (CNS), Can Tho University Analysis data show that studying result depends on many factors: Level of foreign languages, the love for studied subjects, seft-education, organized activity participation. Analysis results also show that the studying result depends on ology, academic year and university entrance examination marks. The obtained research results provide useful information for establishing and innovating managing issues in order to enhance the training quality of CNS.

Upper semicontinuity of solution maps to the strong equilibrium problems involving Lorentz cone

Lam Quoc Anh, Nguyen Huu Danh, Le Minh Huy
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
In this paper, we consider the strong equilibrium problems involving Lorentz cone in metric space. Sufficient conditions for upper semicontinuity and closedness of the solution maps of these problems are established. We provide numerous examples to show that all the imposed assumptions are essential. As applications of the main results, the stability of solutions for the vector variational inequality problems involving Lorentz cone in metric space are derived.

Formulation of niosome metformin

Le Thuy Dung, Le Trong Nghi, Le Thanh Phuoc
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Metformin is recommended to treat type 2 diabetes for first-line by ADA. However, metformin has short plasma half-life and rapid administration.  This study was performed to find a new formulation for metformin in order to maintain the steady metformin concentration in blood which would lead to an increase in treatment and economic effects. Different nonionic surfactants (tween 80, span 80, span 60) and cholesterol (1:1, mol/mol) were used for the preparation of metformin-loaded niosomes by the thin film hydration method. The study surveyed the influences of different nonionic surfactants, sonication time, metformin loading method to mean particle size and encapsulation performance. The results showed that when the sonication time was 30 minutes, the formulations had smaller mean particle size and better encapsulation efficiency compared to that of being 15 minutes. Between the two studied loading methods, the active method created bigger mean size particles and better encapsulation performance than the passive method. The mean particles size ranged from 0.6 µm (span 60) to 9.8 µm (tween 80+span 60). The highest encapsulation performance was 19.9% (tween 80) and 36.3% (tween 80+span 80) using the passive and the active method, respectively. Almost all formulations were stable over 30 preservation days.

Effects of supplementation of Beta-glucan and Tra catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) by-product protein hydrolysate on the performance of weaned piglets

Nguyen Thi Thuy, HuyNh Thi ThaM
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of combination of Catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) by-product protein hydrolysate (BTP) and Beta-glucan in diets on the performance of weaned piglets. The study was conducted according to a randomized complete design with 3 treatments and 4 replications (pen) as the experimental unit (3 piglets/pen). A total of 36 castrated male weaned piglets (Landrace x Yorkshire) at 26-28 days of age were allocated in the experiment. The control diet contained marine fish meal (BC) as the sole protein supplement diet (ĐC) and the others were two experimental diets in which crude protein (CP) from BC in ĐC was replaced by the CP from BTP and with (BTPB) or without (BTP) Beta-glucan supplementation. Results showed that, the highest and the lowest average daily gain (ADG) over the 5 week period after weaning were recorded for piglets on BTPB (393.3 g/day) and ĐC (315.7 g/day) diets. Average daily feed intake (ADFI) were of non significant differences (p >0.05) in all treatments. Therefore, feed conversion ratio (FCR) was lowest in BTPB (1.76 kg feed/kg gain) and highest in ĐC (2.18 kg feed/kg gain) (p

Risk factors affecting the prevalence of helminth infection in domestic dogs in Long Xuyen city, An Giang province

Nguyen Phi Bang, Nguyen Thi Chuc, Nguyen Huu Hung, Nguyen Ho Bao Tran
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The cross-sectional study was performed to determine the extent of endemic helminths in domestic dogs in Long Xuyen city, An Giang province from 06/2014 to 06/2015. The relative risk (RR) was used to evaluate the effect of risk factors on infection rate of parasitic helminths in dogs. Results showed that the prevalence of helminth infection in dogs was rather high (73.67%). In total, four species of Nematoda (Ancylostoma sp., Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonine, and Trichocephaplus vulpis) and three species of Cestoda (Dipylidium caninum, Spirometra mansoni and Taenia sp) were found. Considerably, three risk factors including raising methods, animal hygiene and regular deworming were in close relation with the infection rate of parasitic helminths. These factors showed their influences to increase the prevalence of parasitic infection in dogs, of which free-ranging dogs, bad hygiene conditions (bathing and grooming once a week), and not applying deworm treatments were at the relative risks of 1.71, 1.40 and 1.83, respectively.

Evaluation and selection of salt-tolerant sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) regenerated from ethyl methane sulphonate treated-callus

Pham Dinh Dung, Duong Ngoc Kieu Thi, Doan Thi Quynh Huong, Pham Van Thang, Pham Thi Thi
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
To produce new sugarcane varieties with high yield, good quality and saltwater resistant, the sugarcane individuals regenerated after mutant treatment were evaluated on two kinds of substances (Agar and Phytagel) at different salt concentrations from 70 ÷ 160mM in in vitro condition. Phytagel was identified as a substance suitable for evaluation and reliable for selection of salt-tolerance sugarcane strain. In addition, the strains of salt-tolerance sugarcane selected in different salt levels to evaluate in ex vitro conditions are D1 (160mM), D2 (135mM) and D3 (120mM). Based on the growth dimensions such as number of leaves, plant height and number of nodes, the D1 line was in sustainable growth and development in the salt concentration of 100 mM.

Study on improvement of  survival of Actinomycetes in freeze-frying formulation

Doan Thi Kieu Tien, Huynh Van An, Nguyen Thi Thu Nga
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Actinomycetes 54 RM is promising actinobacterium for controlling many fungal plant diseases. Study on additives to protect and recovery Actinomycetes 54 RM cells in formulation during and after freeze - drying condition is necessary if this bacterium will be used for applying in large scale for controlling plant diseases. In the first study on protecting effect of additives, results showed that gelatin 5% and 10% and sucrose 5% gave good effect and therefore sucrose 5% was selected for further experiments. In the second study surveyed on  six different additives glucose (5% and 10%), mannitol (5% and 10%) and skim milk (10% and 20%)  for recovery effect of Actinomycetes 54 RM cells from the freeze-drying state to vegetative growth state, compared to the control without additive,; results showed that four additives skim milk (10% and 20%), glucose 10% and mannitol 10%  gave good effect in the recovery of Actinomycetes cells from freeze-drying state to vegetative growth state. Survey the survival of actinomycetes 54 RM cells in the formulation after freeze-drying during five months storage, with four treatments adding each additive such as skim milk 10% and 20%, glucose 10% or mannitol 10% after freeze-frying, and control without additives; results showed that skim milk 10% and 20% were good additives to help Actinomycetes 54 RM cells recovery after freeze-drying with higher density compared to the other treatments in all storage periods. Freeze-drying formulation of Actinomycetes 54 RM did not reduce significantly of living cells after 5 months storage in room temperature.

Effects of NPK fertilizers application on rice growth and yield on acid sulphate soils in Mekong Delta

Khương Nguyễn Quốc, TraN Van HuNg, Ngo Ngoc Hung, Nguyen Van Nghia
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The objective of this study was to evaluate effects of NPK fertilizer application on rice growth and yield in different locations and crop seasons on acid sulphate soils in the Mekong Delta. The on-farm research has been conducted in four district areas in Mekong deta, including Hon Dat, Phung Hiep, Hong Dan and Thap Muoi. The treatments included (i) Fully fertilized plot (NPK); (ii) Potassium omission plot (NP); (ii) Phosphorus omission plot (NK); (iv) Nitrogen omission plot (PK) and Farmers’ fertilizer practice (FFP). The results showed that exchangeable aluminum content in Thap Muoi and Hong Dan soils were lower than that of in Hon Dat and Phung Hiep. Due to this reason, the higher grain yield response (2.0-2.5 tons ha-1) received in these sites. The nitrogen fertilizer application significantly increased rice yield through improved panicle per m2 and grain number per panicle, while phosphorus and potassium fertilizers have not improved grain yield in all experimental sites, except for Thap Muoi. The average grain yield of wet season was lower approximately 3.0 tons than dry season, even though the fertilizers applied (kg N - kg P2O5 – kg K2O per hectare) for dry season crop (100-60-30) was little different than that of wet season (80-60-30). This is because the latter had significantly higher number of panicle per m2 and filled grain percentage than the former. The grain yield has not been reduced in treatment of without phosphorus, but in number of panicle per m2, grain number per panicle and 1000-grain weight. Thus, it is considered to continue with phosphorus omission research in order to apply P effectively for rice in the acid sulfate soils.

Effects of organic manure and chemical fertilizer on the soil characteristics and yield of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)

Le Vinh Thuc, Nguyen Bao Ve
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The experiment was carried out in a Randomized Complete Block Design with four replications, consisting of seven treatments: 80 kg/ha N + 170 kg/ha P2O5 + 210 kg/ha K2O (control-chemical fertilizers), 4 and 6 tons/ha of organic manure and the combinations of organic manures with 100% and 50% dosage of control treatment; planting density was 20 x 15 cm. The results showed that plant growth and yield of soybeans in 4 ton/ha of organic manure and 50% of control treatment were at par with the control treatment. The physical and chemical characteristics of soil in organic manure treatment were improved in comparison with before planting.

Correlation between phosphatase activities and phosphorus content in pineapple-growing acid sulphate soils at Tan Phuoc district - Tien Giang province

Tat Anh Thu, Nguyen Van Qui
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Phosphatases that are enzymes catalysing the hydrolysis of both esters and anhydrides of phosphoric acid play an important role in the mineralization processes of organic phosphorus leading to the release of phosphate available to plants. The study aimed at investigating the correlation between phosphatase activities and soil characteristics in pineapple cultivated acid sulfate soils at Tan Phuoc district, Tien Giang province. Soil samples (0 - 20cm) were taken from 20 different pineapple fields at Tan Phuoc district, with five samples per field as replications, to analyze soil chemical and biological properties. The results showed that there was no correlation between phosphatase and total soil nitrogen as well as microbial density grown in TSA environment. Whereas phosphatase activities were strongly correlative to pH, EC, soil organic matter, CEC, total P, available N, available P and  microbial density grown in Pikowskaya environment containing easily soluble P (KH2PO4) and insoluble P (Ca3(PO4)2. The analysis of multiple linear regression showed that pHH20, PH20 and PBray2 were important factors in explaining the activity of phosphatases; therefore they could be used to evaluate phosphatase activities in the soils. The sensitivity analysis result of the model indicated that pH was the factor that most affected phosphatase activities in the soils among others. Enzyme phosphatase là enzyme tham gia xúc tác sự thủy phân các esters và phosphomonesterases phosphoric acid, giữ vai trò quan trọng trong các tiến khoáng hóa lân hữu cơ dẫn đến phóng thích lân hữu dụng cho cây trồng. Mục đích của nghiên cứu là nhằm đánh giá mối tương quan giữa hoạt tính enzyme phosphatse và một số đặc tính đất canh tác khóm trên vùng đất phèn tại Tân Phước- Tiền Giang. Mẫu đất (0-20 cm) được thu tại 20 ruộng canh tác khóm thuộc huyện Tân Phướcmỗi ruộng thu 5 mẫu xem như 5 lần lặp lại, dùng để phân tích các chỉ tiêu hóa học và sinh học đất. Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy không có mối tương quan giữa hoạt tính enzyme phosphatase với đạm tổng số, mật số vi khuẩn nuôi cấy trên môi trường TSA. Ngược lại, hoạt tính enzyme phosphatase có mối trương quan chặt với pH, EC, chất hữu cơ, CEC, lân tổng số, N dễ tiêu, P dễ tiêu, mật số vi sinh vật nuôi cấy trên môi trường Pikovskaya có chứa lân dễ hòa tan (KH2PO4) và lân khó hòa tan Ca3(PO4)2. Kết quả phân tích hồi qui đa biến cho thấy các tính chất của đất như pHH20, PH20 và PBray2 có vai trò quan trọng giúp giải thích  hoạt tính enzyme phosphatase, và vì vậy có thể dựa vào kết quả phân tích các chỉ tiêu này để đánh giá hoạt tính enzyme phosphatase. Kết quả phân tích độ nhạy của phương trình hồi qui đa biến cho thấy, pH đất và PH20 là hai yếu tố ảnh hưởng nhiều nhất lên hoạt tính enzyme phosphatase trong đất.

Study on the morphological and biological characteristics of the eggplant fruit and shoot borer, Leucinodes orbonalis Guenée (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) under laboratory condition

Pham Kim Son, Lam Thi Xuan Mai, Thach Anh Thao, Le Van Vang
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Eggplant is cultivated extensively in many places in Vietnam and is considered to be one of the vegetables that contains many nutrients and vitamins necessary for human health. However, the eggplant growers suffered from severe yield losses mainly due to the eggplant fruit and shoot borer, Leucinodes orbonalis Guenée (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) being the most serious insect pest. Therefore, the morphological and biological characteristics, fecundity and longevity of this insect have been investigated under laboratory condition at 29.9oC and 59.8% RH. This basic information is very useful in formulating a stable integrated pest management programme. Results of our studies revealed that the developmental periods including the egg, larval with 5 instars and pupal periods were of 5.1±0.30, 12.9±1.08 and 9.33±1.0 days, respectively. The adult longevity of male and female was 5.03±1.47 and 5.66±1.6 days, respectively. These biological parameters indicated that this insect can complete a life cycle within a month (29.73±2.14 days). Results on the potential fecundity showed that after 1-3 days of emergence, adult mating and egg laying activities were seen and the fecundity of female adults was of 206.7 eggs in a 3.9-day period with a egg hatching rate of 56.19%.

Effects of three row distances on agronomic traits and yield of five soybean varieties [Glycine max (L). Merr.]

Nguyen Phuoc Dang, Phan Thi Thanh Thuy, Thai Kim Tuyen
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] yield is responsive to chang­es in plant population and row spacing. The objective of this study was to compare some agronomic traits and yield of soybean varieties cul­tivated in three different row spaces in a field of Tra On district, Vinh Long province. The experimental design was a split-plot arrangement of treatments in a randomized complete block, with three replications. Main plot factor was inter-row spacing of 30, 40, and 50 cm, and the sub-plot factor was soybean cultivars (MTĐ 176, MTĐ 517-8, MTĐ 760-4, MTĐ 860-3 and MTĐ 878-2); the spacing between plants (intra-row spacing) was 15 cm. The results showed significant differences among tested five cultivars of soybeans for all of data collected. The MTĐ 517-8 and MTĐ 878-2 cultivars had the greatest number of branches, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per plant resulted in the highest grain yield of 2.95 tons ha-1 and 2.73 tons ha-1, respectively. While row spacing effects were significant on the plant height, the height of the lowest pod, number of branches, number of seed per pod, and grain yield. Number of branches were greatest in the 50 cm row space. However, the plant height and the grain yield were highest in the 30 cm row space, 45.2 cm và 3.17 tons ha-1, respectively, while grain yield in two remaining row spaces were not differed significantly. Among the tested five soybean varieties, therefore, MTĐ 517-8 or MTĐ 878-2 would give the highest grain yield to soybean farmers in this region and the probability of obtaining maximum yields with narrow row space (30 cm).

Effects of phophorus fertilizer application to the P availability in the soil and rice yields on the soil cultivated with three rice crops at Hoa Binh district of Bac Lieu province 

Vu Van Long, Nguyen Van Qui, Chau Minh Khoi, Nguyen Minh Dong
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Increased application of phosphorus (P) fertilizer for rice fields in the Mekong Delta region in line with increasing cropping intensity has been speeding soil P accumulation over the years. This study was carried out to determine the changes of soil P-fixing capacity, P availability and the contents of P in rice straw and grain as well as rice yield when the soil was applied with P fertilizer at different rates. The field experiment was carried out continuously for 7 crops in the triple rice cropping area of Hoa Binh district, Bac Lieu province. Experiment was designed in completely randomized blocks, consisting of four treatments: no P fertilization; 20 kg P2O5 per ha, 40 kg P2O5 per ha and farmer’s practice of 60 kg P2O5 per ha. The soil samples were collected in the 7th crop to evaluate the changes of soil P availability and soil P-fixing capacity. The contents of P in rice straw and grain were also analyzed. At the harvest, rice yield components and yields were recorded. The results showed that the soil at the experimental site had a high P-fixing capacity and there was an evidence of P accumulation. The contents of available P and P in rice straw were significantly low in the treatment receiving no P fertilizer during seven consecutive crops (P < 0,05).  Applying P fertilizer at reduced rates of 20 and 40 kg P2O5/ha over the course of 7 crops did not significantly affect soil P availability, the contents of P in rice straw and grain and rice yield as compared with applying fertilizer P at 60 kg P2O5/ha.

Evaluation of impacts salinity to snakeskin gourami (Trichogaster pectogalis) and ability of farming in salinity intrustion condition by climate change in Hau Giang province

Le Thi Phuong Mai, Duong Van Ni, Tran Ngoc Hai, Vo Nam Son, Do Thi Thanh Huong
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study was conducted with 2 components including (i) Study on the effects of sallinities on the growth and survival rate of snakeskin gouramy fish (Trichogaster pectogalis) and (ii) Evaluation of the current status of snakeskin gouramy culture and adaption to climate change, especially. For the first study, the experiment was conducted in tank with 6 treatments at water salinities of 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 ‰. The results showed that fish growth were hightest at salinity of 9 ‰(6.15 g in BW; 7.67 cm in BL) and survival rate was highest at salinities 3 ‰(92.2%) which is significantly different (p

Technical and financial aspects of the freshwater prawn-rice-tiger shrimp farming systems in Bac Lieu province

Huynh Kim Huong, Tran Ngoc Hai, Do Thi Thanh Huong, Le Quoc Viet
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study was conducted in 2013 through the interview of 60 households applying the giant freshwater prawn - rice - tiger shrimp farming systems in Bac Lieu province. The study aimed to evaluate the effects of different factors on the efficiency of the prawn farming in order to contribute to sustainable development of faming system in the brackish water area of the Mekong Delta. The results showed that the farms were in average area of 2.2ha; ditch area of 29.1% of total farm area. Water salinity of the farming region during the cropping season were in range of 2-10ppt. Prawn seeds were stocked at average density of 1.1 inds/m2, and only 50% of the prawn farms were fed with by-products or trash fish. After 6-8 months of culture, average prawn yield of 110 kg/ha/crop and net income of 11.5 millions VND/ha/crop were obtained. Prawn farming covers only 11.8% of total production cost of the whole system including prawn, rice, and tiger shrimp but contribute up to 22.7% of total net income of the prawn-rice-tiger shrimp system. Short grow-out period, prawn seed nursing, supplementary feeding and partial harvest improved the efficiency of the farming. Water salinity in the range of 2-10 ppt did not affect significantly on prawn yields but higher salinity (5-10 ppt) improved the cost-benefit ratio. The results indicated this system could be good potential for further development.

Effects of selenium on growth, survival rate and salinity tolerance of anemone fish (Amphiprion ocellaris Cuvier, 1830)

Pham Thi Anh, Ho Son Lam
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study was carried out for eight weeks to evaluate the effects of organic selenium (OS) on growth, survival rate and salinity tolerance of Amphiprion ocellaris. The initial weight and length of fish were 0.7 g ± 0.1g and 3.5± 0.5cm, respectively. Fish were fed twice daily. Four treatments were designed with 4 different selenium levels including of 0.1g/kg; 0.3g/kg; 0.5g/kg and 0.7g/kg and control treatment–no OS. Each feeding treatment was run triplicates in 30 L cultured tank at stocking density of 15 fish/tank. As a result, organic selenium clearly affected on the growth, survival and the tolerance to salinity shock. The highest growth rate was obtained at 0.5g/kg treatment with the final lengh and weight of 4.24 ± 0.10cm and 1.40 ± 0.10g, respectively. However, there was no significant diffirence in weight gain between 0.3g OS/kg and 0.5g OS/kg treatment. The highest survival rate (91%) and tolerance to salinity shock was achieved at 0.5g OS/kg treatment.

The effects of some drugs and chemicals to Microsporidiosis impacted on Striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus)

Nguyen Thi Thu Hang, Dang Thi Hoang Oanh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The effect of some chemicals and drugs impacted on spores of microsporidia was identified to be prerequisite for experiments in prevention and treatment of diseases caused by Microsporidiosis disease on pond catfish. Spores in cysts collected from infected fish were cleaned, detemined the density of 107 spores/mL then the spores were exposed to drugs and chemicals at different levels. The results showed that the chemicals were commonly used as formalin and alcohol (40-70% concentration), chlorine dioxide, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, chlorine (0.1-0.7% concentration) killing effectively microsporidia spores. However, the time that spores were killed, was identical in all treatments ranging from 1.05-39.50 minutes depending on the concentration and type of chemicals. Three antibiotics such as albendazole, fumagillin and TNP-470 also showed the ability to destroy spores of microsporidia in the concentrations of 0.1; 0.2; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 µg/mL. The time that spores were killed from 3.20 to 11.75 hours, 4.03 to 13.67 hours and  5.37 to 13.75 hours corresponding to albendazole, fumagillin and TNP-4 used.

Evaluating flocculation efficency and quality of flocculated Chaetoceros sp. algae at different concentrations of chitosan

Ngo Thi Thu Thao
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study was conducted to determine the suitable concentration of chitosan to flocculate Chaetoceros sp. algae and to feed juvenile of blood cockle, Anadara granosa. There were 2 experiments in this study, each experiment included 4 treatments and triplicates per each. In experiment 1, Chaetoceros sp. algae were flocculated by difference concentrations of chitosan at 10, 40, 70, and 100 mg/L. In experiment 2, blood cockle juveniles were fed flocculated algae with three concentrations of chitosan at 40, 70, 100 mg/L and centrifugal algae was used as control diet in 60 days. Results from experiment 1 showed that Chaetoceros sp. algae were flocculated with chitosan from 40-100mg/L resulting in similar flocculation efficiency (91-92%) after 7hours. Concentrations of chitosan increasead from 10-100 mg/L resulted in total bacteria density decreased (p0.05) after 14 days of preservation. In experiment 2, the highest growth rate of blood cockles was observed in chitosan flocculated algae at 40 mg/L after 60 days of culture and the results were similar to those from centrifugal algae diet. Results from this study indicated that Chaetoceros sp. algae were flocculated by chitosan at 40 mg/L being suitable for rearing blood cockle juveniles.

Effect of constructed wetlands surface area on water quality and whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) growth in closed recirculating intensive tank culture system

Ngo Thuy Diem Trang, Bui Thanh Luan, Nguyen Hong Khoa, Hans Brix
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study was conducted to evaluate effects of three different surface areas of constructed wetlands as 1.77; 0.78 and 0.41 m2 on water quality in intensive closed-recirculation whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) culture tanks. Each wetland system was arranged in serial connection of vertical subsurface flow and horizontal subsurface flow systems. Canna sp. is grown at a density of 10 plants/m2 in the systems. The study was carried out for 70 days. The results showed that the larger surface area was the better water quality obtained. Although water exchange did not required in entire study, concentration of pollutants in all treatments was within the threshold for normal shrimp growth. The growth of whiteleg shrimp was not affected by surface area of constructed wetlands, the feed conversion ratio (FCR) of three treatments was in the range 1.49 – 2.47. In this study, surface area of 0.78 m2 was suitable for further research to bring application of constructed wetlands in reality because of securing water quality and normal growth of whiteleg shrimp.

Building the consumer confidence in safe vegetables consumption: A case study in Can Tho City

Vo Minh Sang
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Consumer confidence is an important factor which impacts consumer trends and decisions. The present study was done in using safe vegetables. These samples were selected by the quota method of 194 consumers in Can Tho city. Methods of descriptive statistics, Exploring Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were used to analyze data. The result indicated that the safe vegetables consumption in Can Tho city was not popular. Only about 30% of consumers used safe vegetables. The main reasons were recorded that was the trust for safe vegetables which has not been created and the inconvenience in their use. This situation is the basis to propose some of solutions which will create the consumer confidence for safe vegetables consumption .Those solutions should focus on some elements such as  package, product and so on as well as increasing the convenience in buying safe vegetables. Those will contribute to promote safe vegetables consumption in the future.

Job performance and necessary skills for employment after graduate - a case of International Business students in CanTho University

Phan Thi Ngoc Khuyen, Nguyen Huy Hoang
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study investigates 168 International Business graduates (IB) from 2011 to June, 2015. The findings show that after graduation, 74.4% students are employed, 7.1% of those are continuing to study at their Master level, and 18.5% are still looking for a job. There is a quite high correlation between job opportunities and their final results, in which students who obtained an excellent or very good degree find a job easier than students who did not. There is also a statistically significant correlation between courses and employment, namely students course 33 and 34 finds more congenial jobs than others. The results of EFA show that there are eight groups of skills factors affecting the possibility of having a job of IB graduates including: sales, leadership, negotiation, foreign trade techniques, applied informatics, cooperation and self-discipline, self-control and Adaptation, Communication.

Organizing for students in Grade 4 to approach the fractions based on parts of a whole through problem-solving activities

Duong Huu Tong
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The mathematical history showed the different approaches to fractions as follows: based on the number of part / whole, based on the division, the real line, the theory of sets, and the ratio. Each approach was associated with problem-solving activities and brought its own meaning. Current math textbook in Grade 4 recommends for students to approach the fractions based on parts of a whole. However, this activity only takes place through the representation model that does not solve a problem in a real situation. To overcome this limitation, the paper would organize for students in Girade 4 to approach the fractions based on parts of a whole through problem-solving activities.

The survey on the personality of engineering students using DISC profile for academic consultant activitie

Vo Tran Thi Bich Chau, Doan Thi Truc Linh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
DISC Profile (Dominance – Influence – Steadiness - Conscientiousness) is called the thorough person’s skill, become an effective tool for everyone to identify his or her personality, as well as the associate should revise for having good at communication habits of highlight. However, the model has been applied in some large companies but has not been used in Vietnamese universities. This research presents a survey of 237 students in the field of Industrial Management such as 65 students of freshmen, 92 students of sophomores, 40 students of juniors, and 40 students of seniors. The purpose of this research aims to determine the students’ personality so that academic consultants can provide their students with a better orientation strategy such as promoting their strengths, being the professional direction from the beginning. DISC Profile (Dominance – Influence - Steadiness - Conscientiousness) - Thuật thấu hiểu lòng người là công cụ để mỗi người tự nhận diện tính cách của mình cũng như đối phương, từ đó có cách giao tiếp phù hợp nhất. Mặc dù, mô hình đã được áp dụng tại một số công ty lớn, nhưng chưa được áp dụng trong môi trường đại học tại Việt Nam. Bài viết trình bày kết quả khảo sát 237 sinh viên các năm như 65 sinh viên năm nhất (K41), 92 sinh viên năm hai (K40), 40 sinh viên năm ba (K39), 40 sinh viên năm cuối (K38) của ngành Quản lý Công nghiệp. Mục đích của nghiên cứu là xác định tính cách sinh viên từ đó giúp cố vấn học tập định hướng giáo dục sinh viên tốt hơn như định hướng cách phát huy tính cách nổi trội của họ, định hướng nghề nghiệp từ ban đầu.

Using series of educational e-maps in teaching and learning geography at Grade 11 (the experimental study at Cai Tac high school in Hau Giang province)

Ho Thi Thu Ho, Ho Thi Ngoc Huyen, Le Van Nhuong
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This paper presents the results of the experimental application of the series of educational E-maps in teaching and learning Geography at Grade 11 in Cai Tac high school, Hau Giang province. This series of educational E-maps was built from scientific research project with basic level, T2013-64 by the group of Geography Education Department, School of Education, Can Tho University (CTU) in 2014. The experimental study was carried out through two Geography lessons of Grade 11 towards competency development of students, with comparisons between the experimental class and the controlled class. The results demonstrated that students in experimental class mastered the lesson better than students in controlled class. The experiments also experienced issues to improve the series of educational E-maps to enhance the efficiency of these applications in teaching and learning Geography at Grade 11.

Exploiting intangible cultural heritage to develop tourism in the Mekong Delta

Cao My Khanh, Nguyen Duc Toan
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Over more than 300 years of development, the Mekong Delta maintains a thickness of traditional cultural values of ethnic groups such as Kinh, Cham, Chinese, Khmer with nuances, characteristics delta's unique. The cultural heritage in the MeKong Delta has not only educated human personality but also  promoted the roles, potentials and strengths in tourism activities. The tangible cultural heritage and especially intangible cultural heritage such as type of performing arts, customs, traditions, religious beliefs, cuisine, festivals, craft villages and so on are the core elements making up the appeal and uniqueness to attract domestic and foreign tourists to the Mekong Delta. In this article, we will focus on analyzing a number of intangible cultural heritages in the MeKong Delta and propose some approaches to exploit more effectively in tourism activities, contribute to preservating and promoting intangible cultural values of the region.

Background theory of floating market tourism

Nguyen Trong Nhan, Le Thong
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Floating market tourism is emergence activities basing on interaction of tourists with concentration trade activities of merchandisers on the river with community participation in tourism, preservation and enhancement of floating market culture values to have sustainable tourism development. Floating market toursim belongs to type of indigenous tradition and commerce tourism. Like other tourism types, floating market toursim also has positive and negative impacts on destinations. To develop floating market tourism, destinations have to follow six fundamental principles. The stakeholders of floating market tourism comprise of local authorities and tourism related departments, local people and merchandisers, tourists, tourist companies and tour guides. The system of floating market tourism includes tourist generating region, transit route region and tourist destination region. Availability of attractions, accessibility to markets, local people’s and merchandisers’ participation in tourism, availability of services, labour force of tourism, order and safety, price of services, cultural links, geographical proximity to markets are factors affecting formation and development of floating market tourism.

The situation of rural labors, the impact of vocational training, employment, and income of rural laborers in Vinh Long province

Nguyen Quang Tuyen, Le Hoang Phuc
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Research on “The situation of rural labors, the impact of vocational training, employment, and income of rural laborers in Vinh Long province” was conducted to find out: (1) The situation of labor, vocational training, employment and income, (2) The impact of vocational training, (3) Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of vocational training and employment, (4) Solution for improving the quality of vocational training, creating employment and enhancing income. The research was conducted through the group discussion and interview of 180 households. Descriptive statistics, cross tabulation, linear regression and SWOT matrix were used in the research. The research findings were concluded that (1) the labor was abundant, educational level was limited, the awareness of labor towards vocational training was good, the demand of vocational training has been increasing in Vinh Long province. However, the ability of co-operation between the organizations of vocational training, business and the trainees was still limited; (2) the factors affected to the household income such as the number of times participating in the vocational training, time training and the linkage after training; (3) the vocational training faced difficulties as lacking in equipment and the laborers did not have free time to participate in the vocational training courses.

The role of language and category in literature reception

Le Thi Nhien
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This essay interprets the influence of philosophical thinking to the process of receiving documents of the reader literary perspective language and genre. In particular, the characteristics of language rule over meaning of the text and open up diverse possibilities for receiving the reader. Features category would prescribe reading and writing decoding process.

Researching customs as conception and interdisciplinarity

Ta Duc Tu
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Custom is one of the most essential elements of culture. There are a variety of books about Vietnamese custom. However, most of them describe only customary but not a full scientific understanding of customs and related matters on theoretical aspects. In this research, we try to figure out a possible concept in cultural research based on its content; and suggest a wide range of methodological issues on the basis of interdisciplinary research.

The wedding presents of Vietnamese in Mekong Delta

Tran Thi Hoang My
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Vietnam has numerous customs such as Tet holidays, funerals, marriages and so on, in which, marriage custom is considered one of the rituals with most attention because of its influence on life of a person. An indispensable part in all weddings is wedding presents. In the scope of this article, we only survey some special features in the wedding presents of Vietnamese in the Mekong Delta to display special cultural features of the area.

Increasing net return through reducing production cost of rice production in the Mekong Delta

Le Canh Dung, Vo Van Tuan, Pham Thi Nguyen
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This paper is aimed to analyze the financial dimension of rice production in term of agro-input reduction in the Mekong Delta as well as generalize major constraints facing rice growers and indicate potential solutions for a better application of “1 must 5 reductions” technical package. The research was conducted in 2013 by interviewing 555 rice growers in 6 intensive rice-producing provinces, including An Giang, Dong Thap, Long An, Kien Giang, Tien Giang, and Soc Trang. Non-parameter T-test was used to compare costs of various agro-input and financial benefits between the traditional production model and the reduced input models. The research results showed that the reduced input models brought higher financial benefits as compared with the traditional one. However, intensive rice production was usually confronted with high risks of pest attacks in the context of climate variability; therefore, a majority of rice growers practices traditional farming. Moreover, a lack of access to new technologies is one of reasons causing low rates of the application of the reduced input techniques. Proper policies and extension measures should be applied to enhance rice growers’ awareness associating with “1 must 5 reductions” application for production cost reduction.

Researching state of Vietnamese realistic short story 1932-1945 from the view of narratology

Pham Thi Luong
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Recently narratology has increasingly been paid attention to by extensive research on several levels. From the research achievements of narratology in the world, the theoreticians in our country has actively introduced and applied research in Vietnamese literary criticism. It was found that when you looked from the perspective of narratology, the content, ideological, aesthetic value of the work were seen as a comprehensive and theoretical basis more reliable. The study of the realistic short stories of Vietnam 1932-1945 from the perspective of narratology is increasingly being focused. However, the survey shows that after 2000, really there have been the research projects of the short stories at this stage in some aspects of narrative theory. As in previous years, almost all research projects from the perspective of sociology and poetics are crucial.

Research and evaluation on the reality and contribution of the Unions of science and technology of Central  Highland provinces from the innovation period to date

Nguyen Danh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The paper reflects research findings on the organization, staffing and working conditions, the current status of human resources, the contribution of the Union of Science and Technology through five provinces of Central Highland by tasks, the contribution of scientific and technological knowledge to the development of the local economy. The result of the research  reflecting the situation and the inadequacies of the association in the Central Highland, has created a scientific basis and significant practice in assessing the situation and identifying the reasons human existence, limitations and propose solutions, contributing to policymaking and raise awareness of the Unions in the Central Highland, and have a positive effect on socio –,economic development, strengthening solidarity between the Unions, help implement effective policies of the Communist Party and State in the Central Highlands.

Contrastive rhetoric: A theoretical resource for cross-linguistic studies at the discourse level

Do Xuan Hai
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Though a large number of cross-linguistic studies have been conducted in Vietnam, the proportion of discourse-level research remains small. A possible reason may be that necessary theoretical frameworks for such studies are not found by novice researchers, which deters them from conducting one. This article first traces the origin and development of contrastive rhetoric, an established field of study interested in contrasting languages at the discourse level. It is recommended that novice researchers undertaking discourse-level contrastive studies in Vietnam should utilize important tenets in this area of inquiry as theoretical resources for their research. However, it is also pointed out that these important theoretical insights offered by the field of contrastive rhetoric are not sufficient for all contrastive studies at the discourse level. Therefore, in their particular studies, researchers may need complementary theoretical models from other areas of inquiry as well. 

Analyzing the factors affecting the satisfaction level of student with the quality of training services ofTayDo University

Le Thi Anh Thu, Nguyen Ngoc Minh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The study was conducted to assess the level of student satisfaction with the quality of training services ofTayDo University. The data were collected from 325 students by convenience sample. The Cronbach’s Alpha test, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and multiple-variable linear regression analysis were used to determine the factors affecting student satisfaction with the quality of training. The research results showed that five factors affected the level of citizens’ satisfaction, including: (1) The auxiliary program of the school; (2) The level of faculty; (3) The quality of the faculty; (4) The ability to implement commitments; and (5) The facilities of the school. In general, the students showed that they felt satisfied with the quality of the training of the university.