Published: 06-06-2016

Finite element method applied in circular arch calculation

Lam Thanh Quang Khai
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Although calculating the frame structure (column and beam) has become quite simple, it is very complicated to calculate the vaulting system (column and arch) due to the development of the stiffness matrix for the arch. Depending on the shape of the arch under consideration, e.g., circular shape, parabolic shape or cycloid shape, different stiffness matrix will be developed. In this paper, the stiffness matrix for a circular arch was developed based on the the state equations at its two ends and finite element method was applied in calculating a circular arch that was subjected to static loads.

The teaching system with gesture recognition

Huynh Ngoc Thai Anh, Pham Nguyen Hoang
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Gesture recognition technology has been researched and developed in the world by large corporations and universities in domestic and foreign countries. However, its applications are mainly focused on game control, computer control, robot control, interactive television, etc. There are very few applications focused on supporting education. In addition, presenters can take notes by hand on the screen or perform  zoom content by sweeping hands. With the exceptional capabilities, the  research brings the most visual feeling about teaching presentation, thereby enhancing the ability to acquire and create  strong interest for learners.

Evaluation methods for  recommender systems  

Tran Nguyen Minh Thu, Pham Xuan Hien
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Recommender system is a decisive support tool to provide users the most useful choice in the era of “information explosion”. When a recommender system is built, the effectiveness of the system is usually more concerned. However, evaluating the effectiveness of the recommender system depends a lot on the purpose of building the systems, kind of data, and conditions to evaluate the system. These conditions can be online or based on available data (offline). In this article, we will focus on analyzing and introducing the evaluation methods based on a system of qualitative criteria (diversity, novelty, covers) as well as quantitative criteria (precision, recall, F1, MSE, RMSE). The process to evaluate a recommender system for each kind of database is also mentioned in this article.

Evaluation and selection of global climate changes models (GCMs-CMIP5) for the Mekong Delta

Nguyen Trung Tinh, Tran Van Ty, Huynh Vuong Thu Minh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Climate change is one of the serious challenges to human-being recently. Climate changes have had negative impacts to production practices, livelihoods and environment all over the world. This study aims to evaluate and select the global climate models (GCMs) from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) which is suitable for the Vietnamese Mekong Delta. Statistical method has been used to evaluate the reliability of GCMs through different criteria, including: Normalized Root MeanSquare Error (NRMSE), Normalized Mean Error (NME), Percent Bias (PBias), and then the selected GCMs are integrated using weighting factors (Wi). From this result, the trend of future rainfall (2015-2040 from CMIP5) under low (RCP2.6), intermediate (RCP4.5) and high (RCP8.5) emission scenarios has been analyzed and evaluated. The statistical results (of 16 models) show the rainfall simulation capability of different GCMs is relatively different. From this result, five GCMs models including BBC-CSM1.1, GFDL-CM3, MIROC5, MRI-CGCM3, and NoESM1-M have been selected (based on aboved criteria) to integrate using weighting factors (Wi). The integrated results of 5 models show a good capability of rainfall simulation for the study area, with PBias and NSE (Nash Sutcliffe Efficiency) values of +2.3% and 0.87, respectively. Therefore, all of these five models have been selected to evaluate the trend and effects of changing rainfall on water resources management in the future for the Vietnamese Mekong Delta.

Salinisation of soil and water on agricultural and aquacultural systems in Bình Dai district, Ben Tre province

Nguyen My Hoa, Nguyen Hong Giang, Tran Son Tung, Vo Thi Guong
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The study was conducted to investigate salinisation of soil and water in Binh Đai district, Ben Tre province by determining  pH, EC, SAR and ESP in canal water and soil saturation extract at three agricultural and aquacultural models which are (1) rice-water melon-water melon in zone 1 with salinity < 4‰,  (2) rice integration with fresh water prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) in rainy season – marine shrimp (Penaeus monodon) in dry season and (3) rice in rainy season – marine shrimp in dry season in zone 4 with salinity >10 ‰. Results showed that in zone 1, at the end of the dry season, salinity of cannal water increased up to 4‰, SAR was 3,68-6,21; but soil salinity was low. At zone 4 on the two models, soil and water salinity, SAR and ESP were low during the rice crop. In the dry season during shrimp cultivation, salinity was high (5,59- 16,06‰), SAR was 8,8-49,2, ESP was 11,7-42,5 in cannal water; soil salinity was high (5,47-9,34), SAR was 13,9-25,0, ESP was 17,28-27,31 in soil saturation extract; hence, soil was at sodificated level. The results also showed that soil was at sodificated level in the dry season, but soil salinity can be leached in the rainy season for rice cultivation. However, due to climate change, saline water may intrude early and largely into land and, soil may be at risk of sodification. Therefore, care should be taken in selecting the farming system.

Evaluation the change of land properties updated in 2012 in comparison with those established in 1999 of  Bac Lieu province

Tran Van Dung, Phan Chi Nguyen, Ngo Minh Huong, Pham Thanh Vu
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Evaluation of changes in soil properties play one of the important crucial roles in the planning, meanwhile it is also considered as the foundation and scientific evidence in determining the planning methods. Objective of the study was to determine the change of land use status and influence factors in order to find out the causes and propose ways of improvement for land use resources efficiently and sustainably. The study used the method of evaluation with the participation of experts, managers and interviewed farmers. Results showed a strong shifting in the productional structure of the province since 1999. Especially the conversion from the inefficient agricultural production into seawater and brackish aquaculture (over 45% of agricultural land was transferred to aquaculture) leading to the change of soil type in the environmental regions of changing land production structure and even the surrounding areas. Land of the coastal area had changes in the nature and type due to influence of salinization process, the scale of medium and heavy salty soils developed broadly in the province. For inland regions, soil properties had obvious changes than previously due to the land use and the development of irrigation systems. Therefore, in terms of nature, most of the acid soil turned into operating acid soil with the quite deep aluminum floor (> 50 cm). These areas are irrigated cultivating rice with 2-3 crops/year, soil acidity and toxicity of salinity influence decreased markedly.

Classification of risk zones in agriculture under impacts of salt water intrusion in Bac Lieu province

Phan Hoang Vu, Pham Thanh Vu, Van Pham Dang Tri
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study was conducted to identify risk areas due to sea-water intrusion and sea level rise inducing inundation in order to support decision-makings for agricultural production under possible impacts of climate change-sea level rise in BacLieu province. The participatory rural appraisal approach (PRA) was used to collect data as it is rather quick and effective with multiple stakeholders’ involvement. The integrated approach of physical land evaluation (developed by FAO in 1976) and GIS tools was used to identify agricultural areas at risk. Results showed that agricultural production in the study area was strongly sensitive by sea-water intrusion. The areas at risks in agriculture were classified into two levels of high risk and productivity loss. Brackish and sea water-dominated sub-regions with rice-shrimp and aquaculture cropping system were of higher risk in comparison to that of the freshwater-dominated sub-region. The risk areas changed according to the upstream discharge from the Mekong river and local rain patterns of the area; sea water intrusion in the year of abundant rainfall might lead to severe damages in comparison to those of the average and dry years.

Land potential evaluation for agricultural production in Bac Lieu province under climate change conditions

Pham Thanh Vu, Le Quang Tri, Vuong Tuan Huy
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Bac Lieu is one of the areas strongly affected by the climate change (sea level rise and salinization), especially on agricultural production, in the Mekong delta. The present study was conducted to determine suitable land areas for land use types at three agro-ecological zones in the province, including freshwater, brackish water and saline water areas. Based on land evaluation method (FAO, 1976; 2007) in combination with the climate change scenarios, results showed the suitable areas in present and future conditions for nine main land use types in Bac Lieu province (LUT1: 3 rice crops; LUT2: 2 rice crops; LUT3: shrimp-rice; LUT4: intensive cultivation shrimp; LUT 5: rice-vegetable/upland crops; LUT6: vegetable/upland crops; LUT 7: mangrove-shrimp; LUT8: Shrimp-other aquacutural activities, LUT9: salt - aquaculture) corresponding to sea level rise and salinization scenarios which have been affected and not affected by infrastructure. These achieved results could help the decision-makers to plan suitable land uses in the future condition.

Characterizations and methyl orange adsorption capacity of activated rice husk ash

Phan Phuoc Toan, Nguyen Trung Thanh, Ngo Thuy Diem Trang
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The adsorption capacity of rice husk ash could be improved by activation steps. In this study, rice husk ash from the combustion furnace of brick manufacture was activated by a chemical corrosion with hydrofluoric acid (HF). The objectives of this study were to: (1) determine the characterization of activated rice husk ash (A-RHA) and (2) compare the methyl orange (MO) adsorption capacity of A-RHA and activated carbon (AC) adsorbents. Characterizations of A-RHA (including, Fourier Transformation Infrared (FTIR), X-Ray Diffraction, and specific surface area (Brunauer Emmett Teller method - BET)) were analysed. Our results show that the specific surface area of A-RHA is ~ 410 m2/g greater than that of fresh rice husk ash (i.e. ~ 16 m2/g). The equilibrium time for MO absorption is short recorded for the A-RHA material (~ 15 min.). Besides, the MO adsorbent capacity of A-RHA is ~ 1.7-fold greater than that of the AC. It suggests that the A-RHA material is a potential adsorbent for removing organic compounds from wastewater.

Evaluation of impacts and solutions to deal with the climate change in the improved extensive culture system in the Mekong Delta

Le Thi Phuong Mai, Duong Van Ni, Tran Ngoc Hai, Vo Nam Son
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study aims to assess the awareness, influences and solutions of the farmers in the improved extensive culture system due to the impact of climate change by interviews 94 farmers in Soc Trang (30 households), Bac Lieu (31 households) and Ca Mau (33 households). The information was collected such as the production efficiencies, the adopted solutions in the past and the future due to the climate change such as the fluctuation of rainy season, rainfall, temperature, salinity and tidal levels. Results show that the improved extensive culture system had an average shrimp yield of 0.47 ton/ha/crop resulting in net income of 21.3 millions VND/ha/crop with the ratio of net-loss as 23.4%. Most of the farmers (92 - 99%) were awareness of climate change and its impact in the past and the future. Solutions of scientific techniques such as using antibiotics, chemicals and environmental management were choosen to apply (70 – 90%) more than the others.

Stability of stochastic equilibrium problems and application

Nguyen Xuan Hai, Nguyen Hong Quan
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
In this paper, we propose a stochastic equilibrium problem involving parameter of probability measure (SEP). By introducing some probability metrics, we establish sufficient conditions for the solution map of (SEP) to be upper semicontinuous. Applications to stochastic programming problems are given.

Controlling hemi-cellulose and cellulose thermal chemical carbonization

Vo Thi Diem Kieu, Ma Thai Hoa, Ly Cam Hung
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The cashew nuts shell residue after oil extraction can be used for the production of activated carbon. This salvage could contribute to enhance economic benefits, gain more job opportunities as well as reduce environmental pollution. However, the process of producing activated carbon from the cashew nuts shell residue has not been seriously investigated and commercialized. Generally, the process has two steps – carbonization and activation, in which the former normally occurs in inert conditions whereas the latter involves the use of KOH and CO2; and the quality of the formed activated carbon is still not good enough. In this paper, the process of carbonization has been improved by adapting the heating rate in order to control the conversion rate of cellulose and hemicellulose; and by using the steam for activating carbon at 850oC. The activated carbon was obtained with better quality, e.g. BET surface area of 1171m2/g and total pore volume of 0.7cm3/g. The results showed that the conversion rate of cellulose and hemicellulose in the residue was effectively controlled and it was the key step in the process. The results from this fundamental research also provide a new concept of carbonization process for activated carbon production at an industrial scale.

Classification problem and applying in medicine

Vo Van Tai, Dong Yen Nghi
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This paper presents methods of classifying Fisher, logistic, SVM, Bayes and their calculating problems. The article also solves real application problem from discrete data of these methods by programs which are built on Matlab software including programs to estimate probability density function, to classify an element and to compute Bayes error. A real application in medicine is presented in detail: Finding the suitable model  for assessing hypertensive patient from variables. The result shows that Bayesian method is always the best model. This application is not only as an illustration of the presented theories, to test the logic of the established programs but also to show the application potential of the studied problem.

Studies on structure properties of ZnO nanorods

Nguyen Tri Tuan, Vu Thi Hang, Nguyen Trong Tuan
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
ZnO nanorods with the average size of 60 nm×450 nm were successfully fabricated by hydrothermal synthesis method in the presence of ZnCl2 and NH3 solution as the starting materials at 190-230oC for 20 hours. The powder samples was characterized by means of X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), Field Emission Scan Electron Microscopy (FESEM) and Energy-Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). The photoluminescence (PL) properties of the sample were investigated. Some factors affecting the morphologies and optical properties were also studied.

Phân biệt chủng virus gây bệnh gumboro trên đàn gà với chủng virus vaccine qua vùng siêu biến đổi gen VP2 ở Trà Vinh

Tran Ngoc Bich, Nguyen Van Loc, Ngo Phu Cuong, Nguyen Phuc Khanh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
A total of twenty bursa samples were collected from 16 outbreaks of suspected IBD in Tra Vinh province. Identification and differentiation of viruses were performed using conventional reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and sequencing particular VP2 hypervariable gene followed by a comparative sequence analysis with an appropriate database. In the present study, all suspected samples were positive with IBDv. Phenogenetic analysis based on VP2 hypervariable region showed that the IBDV isolates had high identity to most virulent strains in Viet Nam and China such as G202, GPT, GT1ST and GTG25 (Viet Nam) and QX110609, WM12061 and Xin1 (China). The IBDV isolates had the highest identity to virus strain of vaccine Medivac Gumboro A-Medion (Indonesia) (97.9% identity). IBDV isolates also had close sequence relationship (90.4%, 91.8% and 95.2% identity) with virus strains of vaccine Gumboro Navetco (Viet Nam), BUR-706(France), and IBD BLEN (US), respectively.

Investigation on ctx-m, tem and shv genes in esbl producing Escherichia coli isolated from chickens in Tra Vinh province

Bui Thi Le Minh, Luu Huu Manh, Nguyen Nhut Xuan Dung
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study was carried out to determine the presence of CTX-M, TEM and SHV genes in E. coli ESBL and antimicrobial susceptibility of ESBL-producing E. coli isolated from liver, meat, lung and feces of 110 chickens collected from chicken households in Tra Vinh province by the combination disc methods (CLSI, 2014). The results showed that 65,45% (72/110) of chickens contained ESBL E. coli. 231 ESBL E. coli isolates were selected for the investigation of their susceptibility to 13 antimicrobial agents by the disc diffusion method. Resistance was most frequently observed to ampicillin (96,10%), cefaclor and trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole (93,94%), cefuroxime (90,91%), streptomycin (85,28%), gentamicin (70,13%). However, the isolates were still sensitive to fosfomycin (91,77%), norfloxacin (74,03%) and ofloxacin (71,43%).  Thirty multidrug-resistant ESBL E.coli isolates were selected for the determination of β-lactamase coding CTX-M, TEM, SHV genes by polymerase chain reaction. The result showed that CTX-M and TEM genes were frequently detected in the tested isolates (93,33% and 90%, respectively) and the SHV gene was detected at 16.66%. This is the first report for E. coli ESBL isolated from chickens in Tra Vinh province.

Observation on virulence and pathogenicity of duck hepatitis A virus genotype 3 in duck embryos

Pham Cong Uan, Ho Thi Viet Thu
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
An examination on the virulence and the pathogenicity of a duck hepatitis A virus strain genotype 3 isolated in Hau Giang province  was carried out by injecting 0.2 ml of virus suspension into allantoic cavity of 10-day-old duck embryos. The results showed that this virus was virulent and the ELD50 titer of the original virus suspension was 108,17/0.2ml.The earliest embryo death was recorded after 24 hours of inoculation and the latest death was 66 hours post inoculation. Most of embryos died after 30 to 45 hours of viral inoculation. Dead embryos had typical lesions of duck viral hepatitis infection, including stunting, edema, hemorrhagic skin, enlarged and yellowish liver with punctate or diffuse hemorrhages, discolored heart muscles. The embryos which died after 66 hours of inoculation had dark green liver and greenish allantoic fluid.

Factors affecting juice extraction ability of acerola fruit (Magnolyophyta glabra) by enzyme

Mai Thanh Trung, Nguyen Vuong Tuong Van, Nguyen Cong Ha, Le Nguyen Doan Duy
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Acerola (Magnolyophyta glabra) is rich resource of human nutritious benefits. The study was undertaken to examine the change of compound to prevent from oxidizing as well as the enhancement for juice extraction performance for the processing procedures of the diversified range of product from acerola. This study focused in the factors that affect juice extraction efficiency by using the combination of pectinase and cellulase. The results showed that this fruit could be blanched at 90oC for 120 seconds to ensure the highest recovery efficiency (50%), while ensuring vitamin C content, total polyphenol content, antioxidant activity and flavonoid content at 643.86 mg%, 5 mgGAE/mL, 72.92% and 199.67 µgQ/mL. When pectinase-cellulase combination in percentage 2P:2V was used [Pectinex Ultra SP-L (P) và Viscozyme L (V)], the results showed that the retrieval performance was 55.32% at 50oC, pH 4.5 for 60 minutes. Overall antioxidant activity remained at 83.52%, total polyphenolic content could also be maintained at 5.29 mgGAE/mL, flavonoid content at 233.67 µgQ/mL and vitamin C content levels decreased from 679.07 mg% to 602 mg%.

The influence of additives on the quality of snakehead fish floss

Tran Thanh Truc, Nguyen Van Muoi, Tong Thi Quy
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Humpback snakehead fish (Channa striata) which is currently considered second-class product with 20% of total quantity of snakehead fish in the market and has noticeably low price. Processing of this second-best material, using mainly the flesh, into food products such as fish floss has benefitted farmers in the Mekong Delta areas by improving the economic value of snakehead fish. This research aims to investigate the influence of seasonings and additives on the quality of snakehead fish floss so that a healthy and quality product can be supplied to consumers. The study examined the impact of the proportion of fish sauce, sorbitol and tripolyphosphate added on the quality of the floss as well as on the subsequent storage. The results showed that the most suitable proportion of fish sauce, sorbitol and tripolyphosphate added was 7%, 2% and 0.3% respectively. This combination of seasoning and food additives increased water holding capacity and reduced water activity (aw) of the product which would allow long term storage.

Effects of the different levels of potassium combined with nitrate fertilizers on tuber qualities of Japanese purple sweet potato at Vinh Long province

Le Thi Thanh Hien, Nguyen Bao Ve, Le Vinh Thuc
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The experiment entitled effects of different levels of potassium combined with nitrate fertilizers on tuber qualities of Japanese purple sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) at Vinh Long province was carried out to determine the optimal amount of potassium combined with nitrogen levels for increasing qualities and prolonging preserved times. The experiment was set up in a randomized completed block design with 3 replications and 7 treatments, 35 m2 per each replication. The treatments were 100 kg N.ha-1 - 80 kg P2O5.ha-1 combined with 5 levels of K2O (0, 100, 150, 200 and 250 kg K2O.ha-1) and 80 kg P2O5.ha-1 - 250 kg K2O.ha-1 combined with 125 kg N.ha-1 and 187 kg N.ha.-1. The results showed that the level of potassium at 200 kg K2O.ha-1 combined with 100 kg N.ha-1 and 80 kg P2O5.ha-1 induced high qualities of Japanese purple sweet potato such as dry matters, total sugars, starchs, total anthocyanins and low crude fibers. In addition, the postharvest storage period was prolonged. Therefore, growers should apply 200 kg K2O.ha-1 level combined with 100 kg N.ha-1 and 80 kg P2O5.ha-1 for increasing qualities and preserved times.

Effects of density of golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata) on growth and survival rate of Pila polita

Ngo Thi Thu Thao, Tran Ngoc Chinh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study was carried out in 60 days to evaluate the effects of density of golden apple snails (GAS) on the growth and survival rate of black apple snails (BAS). The experiment was designed with 5 treatments such as 1).100% BAS, 2). 75% BAS:25% GAS, 3).50% BAS:50% GAS, 4).25% BAS:75% GAS and 5).100% GAS (by quantity) in triplicates. The snails’ initial weights were from 0.70 - 1.00 g and stocked in cultured tanks at the density of 200 snails/m2. Diet for snails included vegetable and pellet with ratio of 1:1(dry weight) and daily quantity feeding equivalent to 4% of snail biomass. Results showed that growth rate of BAS was lower than GAS in all treatments (p

The roles of the Hau river ecosystem services to livelihoods of aquaculture and fisheries communities in Long Xuyen city, An Giang province

Nguyen Thi Kim Quyen, Amararatne Yakupitiyage
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The study was conducted from July, 2013 to April, 2014 aiming to analyze the roles of the Hau river ecosystem services (ES) to aquaculture and fisheries communities in Long Xuyen city, An Giang provinces. The study used methodologies of KIP interviews, group discussions and household surveys (90 samples). The study reveals that provisioning services were well recorgnized (100%) whereas cultural services were poor recorgnized (20.7%). The importance of ES was expressed in terms of economic such as creating income (775Mil.VND/Pangasius farming household/year; 602 Mil.VND/cage culture household/year and 32.8 Mil.VND/fishing household/year); providing food (328 ton of Pangasius/ha/crop, 54 ton of fish/m3/year 2,63 ton/household/year); providing land and fishing grounds for aquaculture and fisheries. Besides, ES also shown their important in terms of society such as creating jobs (2,62±0,61 score), providing water for domestic use (2,97±0,10 score) or other importance belong to ecological and cultural aspects. Provisioning services were evaluated with highest important (3.77±0.65 score) whereas cultural services were the lowest important (2.16±1.01 score). Key difficulties in communities’ livelihoods were market instability, decreasing productivity due to environmental impacts and livelihood diversification.

Potential use of rice bran as a feed for sea cucumber (Holothuria scabra) juveniles

Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh, Nguyen Van Binh, Mai Thi Bao Tram, Tran Ngoc Hai
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of using rice bran as a feed on survival and growth of juvenile sea cucumber (Holothuria scabra) cultured in tanks. Experiment comprised 4 feeding treatments, (i) commercial shrimp feed No. 0 was considered as a control feed (TA), (ii) rice bran (CG), (iii) and (iv) mixture of feed consisting of rice bran and shrimp feed with ratios of 1:1 (1CG+1TA) and 2:1 (2CG+1TA), respectively. Initial weight of H. scabra juveniles was 3.59 g. They were reared in the 500-L round tank at stocking density of 30 individuals/m2 with sandy substrate, slightly continuous aeration and salinity of 30 ppt. After 75 days of feeding trial, survival rate of sea cucumber was 100% for all feeding treatments. Final weight and length of experimental sea cucumber were in the ranges of 15.7-51.6g and 7.5-10.9 cm, respectively. Growth rates of H. scabra in terms of weight and length were highest in the 1CG+1TA treatment and differ significantly (p0.05) in growth rate between the 2CG+1TA treatment and control diet. The poorest growth of animals was obtained in the CG treatment. Moreover, proximate composition of experimental sea cucumber in term of protein and lipid contents in the 1CG+1TA treatment was relatively higher than other feeding treatments. These results show that the mixture of rice bran and shrimp feed with ratio of 1:1 could be considered as suitable feed for juvenile of H. scabra.

The effect of oxygen shortage, temperature and salinity to the reproductive method of Artemia franciscana

Nguyen Van Hoa, Pham Nguyen Huyen Trinh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The study was carried out to find an appropriate time of oxygen shortage effect, temperature and salinity to stimulate Artemia to favour for cyst production. The contents of this study includes: (i) the effect of period to turn off aeration (i.e. 30, 60, 90 minutes, respectively) and (ii) Combination effects of different temperatures and salinities on reproduce and cyst biometric.  Results from experiment 1 show that total embryo of Artemia was highest in the control (708 embryos), the lowest one was in treatment without aeration for 90 minutes (512 embryos). However, treatment without aeration for 30 minutes had the highest Cyst (244 cyst/female). Diameter of cysts and embryos in the control was the highest (231.5 µm and 201.5 µm, respectively), and smallest at treatment with 30 minutes oxygen shocking (221.1 µm and 195.1 µm, respectively). In the second experiment, at 26oC combined with different salinity (40; 60; 80 ppt) had the highest survival rate (up to 91.8%) and the lowest survival rate was at 34oC (max 41.8%) and the same salinity range (40; 60; 80 ppt). Total embryo/female and total cyst/female in treatment with 26oC and salinity 80 ppt was the highest (814 embryos/female and 326 cyst/female, respectively).

Histopathological characteristics of hemorrhagic disease and white spots in cultured snake-head fish (Channa striata)

Nguyen Thi Ngoc Huyen, Dang Thi Hoang Oanh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The study was conducted to determine histopathological characteristics of diseased snake-head fish that displayed hemorrhagic and white spots symptoms. Diseased fish were collected from 5 grow-out ponds in An Giang province. Clinical signs of diseased fish including lethargic swimming, hemorrhage on the body skin and fins, having white spots on the liver, kidney and spleen. Results of histopathological examination of hemorrhagic diseased specimens revealed structural changes, congestion and haemorrhage in liver, kidney and spleen tissues. Besides, there were slight necroses in muscle and secondary gill filaments sticked together. Whereas, diseased specimens with white spots in the internal organs showed many necrotic areas and granulomatous lesions on the liver, kidney and spleen. This study provides basic information for diagnosis and further research in prevention and treatment of diseases in snake-head fish.

Identification of Microsporidia pathogen infected in muscle of catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus)

Nguyen Thi Thu Hang, Dang Thi Hoang Oanh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study was carried out to determine the species composition and  infection intensity with microsporidia spores infected in the fry, the fingerling and commercial size of catfish. 473 microsporidia-positive samples were recorded from 578 fish samples collected in An Giang, Can Tho and Vinh Long provinces from April 2013 to November 2014. Fry and fingerling stages had higher infection rates than commercial period. Infection prevalence was 93.3% in the fry stage, 70-96.6% in fingerlings and 40-73.3% in commercial size fish. The infection intensity in fry ranged from 2-14 cysts/fish, 1-119 cyst/fish in fingerling and 1-83 cysts/fish in commercial fish. Histological determination of infected fish muscle showed structure loss and necrotic, the tissues of fish were lysed completely by Mirosporidia spores. PCR analysis of fish muscle infected with spores showed the amplification product at the size of 1100 bp. Results of identification by morphological observation together sequenced technique confirmed the infected mirosporidia belonged to Kabatana genus.

Determination of antibacterial character of Lactic acid bacteria to Streptococcus agalactiae isolated from haemorrhagic diseased tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

Ngo Thi Ngoc Tran, Nguyen Trong Nghia, Dang Thi Hoang Oanh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study was conducted to determine lactic acid bacterial strains that can antagonize Streptococcus agalactiae bacteria, which causes pop eye and hemorrhage in tilapia, by using well diffusion method. Thirty bacterial strains which were isolated from diseased tilapia were identified as S. agalactiae based on morphology, physiological and biochemical characteristics along with PCR analysis. Eleven out of the fifteen lactic acid bacteria strains were capable of antagonize from two to eight S. agalactiae strains with inhibition zone from 6-20 mm. The result suggests further research prospects on using lactic acid bacteria for prevention and treatment of S. agalactiae in tilapia.

Composition of benthic in water-bodies affected by agricultural activities in the Hau Giang province 

Nguyen Phan Nhan, Bui Thi Nga, Pham Van Toan
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The study was conducted in the Hau Giang province from May 2013 to January 2014 to assess differences of composition and numbers of benthic macroinvertebate between irrigation canals and main rivers influenced by agricultural activities. Results showed that richness and density of benthics were not correlated with water quality parameters, including: temperature, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), dissolved oxygen (DO) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) and other physicochemical variables of sediments including: pH, EC, organic matters and soil texture of water bodies affected by agricultural activities. The composition and numbers of benthics at bottom of the affected canals were found to decrease with 25 species and density of 20 – 7,700 individuals.m-2, compared to that at bottom of the rivers with 43 species and density of 210 – 35,990 individuals.m-2. Further studies on assessing the effects of pesticides on the benthic macroinvertebates are needed.

Detection of Streptococcus dysgalactiae causing hemorrhagic disease in mudskipper (Pseudapocryptes elongatus) by using polymerase chain reaction

Nguyen Thu Dung, Le Thanh Can, Dang Thi Hoang Oanh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Streptococcus dysgalactiae, the causative agent of haemorrhagic disease, is responsible for most economic loss in the productivity in cultured mudskipper (Pseudapocryptes elongatus) in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. The reasons for ineffective treatment of the disease include slow, inaccurate and cost effective diagnosis procedure. To overcome this matter, a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) procedure using a primer pair STRD-DyI and dys-16S-23S-2 to detect a specific 16S-23S rDNAregion of S. Dysgalactiae (Hassan et al., 2003) was optimized for detection of S. dysgalactiae bacteria in mudskipper. This PCR procedure amplify a specific product of 259 bp by using DNA template extracted from bacteria cultured in brain heart infusion broth. The optimized protocol has detection limit approximately of 50 ng DNA and the specificity was tested with common pathogenic bacteria in fish such as Streptococcus agalactiae, Aeromonas hydrophila, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Edwardsiela ictaluri and Flavobacterium columnare. The application of this protocol was examined with 9 strains of S. dysgalactiae which were isolated from haemorrhagic diseased mudskippers from different farms. The obtained results suggested that optimized protocol can be used for early, accurate and less expensive diagnosis of S. dysgalactiae in mudskipper. In addition, the time to diagnose using this PCR procedure is shorter (1/4 time) than conventional bio-chemical method.

Technical, allocative and cost efficiencies of watermelon farming households in Phong Dien district, Can Tho City in 2014

Doan Hoai Nhan, Do Van Xe
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This paper is focused to measure the technical efficiency (TE), allocative efficiency (AE) and cost efficiency (CE) in the watermelon farming of households in Phong Dien district, Can Tho city. Along with this, the R software was applied to estimate the production efficiency. From the cross-sectional data obtained from 110 watermelon farming houlseholds in 2014 randomly selected in Phong Dien district, the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach was used to estimate the technical, allocation and cost efficiencies. The empirical results indicated that watermelon farm households’ technical efficiency is high (TE=96.9%). However, due to limits in approriate use of input factors, the economic and allocative efficiencies were as low as of 65.1% and 63.2%, respectively.

Factors affecting the brand awareness of Lai Vung mandarin orange of the customers in the Mekong Delta

Khuu Ngoc Huyen, Luu Thanh Duc Hai
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study is aimed to determine the factors affecting the brand awareness of Lai Vung mandarin orange of the customers in the Mekong Delta. Analytical data was directly collected from 150 respondents. Application of analytical methods to explore factors (EFA) shows that five important factors affecting to the brand awareness of Lai Vung mandarin orange include: "safety in using the product", "quality of the product", "external appearance of the product", "popularity of the product" and "familiarity of the product". In particular, variable "obvious origin of the product" has the strongest effect to the brand awareness of customers.

Factors affecting the demand for forming commercial neighborhoods in Ninh Kieu district, Can Tho city: A case study of tourist demand

Nguyen Quoc Nghi, Nguyen Thi Bao Chau, Bui Van Trinh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study is aimed to determine factors affecting the tourists’ demands’ for commercial neighborhoods in Ninh Kieu district using methods of Exploratory factor analysis (EFA). The study results show that there are three factors affecting the tourists’ demands’ for commercial neighborhoods in Ninh Kieu including “Salers”, “The prices of goods” and “Goods and selling space”. This is an important scientific basis for applying to the research project “Development of the commercial neighborhoods in Ninh Kieu District, Can Tho City”.

Identifying the constituent elements of corporate culture in Vietnam Export Import Commercial Joint-Stock bank - Can Tho Branch

Ong Quoc Cuong, Ho Hong Lien, Nguyen Pham Tuyet Anh, Vo Thanh Danh, Nguyen Ngoc Ha
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The main purpose of this research is to identify the constituent elements of corporate culture in Vietnam Export Import Commercial Joint-Stock bank - Can Tho Branch. The methods of data analysis including descriptive stastistics, Cronbach’s alpha test, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were used. Result of CFA indicates corporate culture in Vietnam Export Import Commercial Joint-Stock bank - Can Tho Branch is constituted of the elements: learning, clients care, agreement, adaptability, and strategic orientation.

Factors affecting the attractiveness of tourism resources in Phong Dien district, Can Tho city

Nguyen Thi Bao Chau, Ong Thi En Nga, Nguyen Quoc Nghi
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study is aimed to determine the factors affecting the attractiveness of tourism resources in Phong Dien district, Can Tho city. Research data from the study were collected from 116 domestic and foreign tourists visitting and experiences in Phong Dien district. The methods of exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and multiple regression (MLR) were used. The study results showed that there are 4 factors affecting the attractiveness of tourism resources in Phong Dien including: value of history, value of spirituality, value of arts and value of ecology. The value of history, in particular, is the highest impact factor to the appeal of tourism resources in Phong Dien district.

Impacts of land acquisition in rural zones on household incomes in Vinh Thanh district, Can Tho City - Case of Thanh My flood-prone residential project

Le Thanh Son, Tran Tien Khai
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Land acquisition by the government for the purpose of socio-economic development has been the inevitable trend of development towards industrialization and urbanization. In the process, local people being lost production land have switched their careers and livelihoods have also been changed accordingly. Descriptive statistics and double difference methods were used in the study on impacts of land acquisition in rural area on the income of people in the Vinh Thanh district, Can Tho city to describe and quantify the changes in people's livelihoods. The results showed no difference in the income of the people after two years since the government implemented land acquisition.

Tourism potentials and solutions to develop tourism in the coastal zone of Ha Tien - Kien Luong, Kien Giang province

Cao My Khanh, Dao Ngoc Canh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The coastal zone of Ha Tien - Kien Luong is a main tourism area of Kien Giang province where there are many valuable resources for tourism. However, there still exist limitations and ineffectiveness in the tourism potential exploitation which influence development goals of Kien Giang and the Mekong Delta tourism. Using the methods of data analysis and fieldwork, the paper is to point out the tourism development potentials, and to propose the solutions to overcoming the difficulties in tourism development at the coastal zone of Ha Tien - Kien Luong.

Factors affecting the meeting level of tourism occupation standards of tour guides

Nguyen Trong Nhan, Nguyen Cam Phi, Huynh Tuong Ai
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This research is aimed to contribute to improving tour guides’ quality to meet the needs of Vietnam tourism development in the future. The research sample consists of 107 participants selected conveniently from those who have been working for tourist agencies in Can Tho City and Vinh Long Province. A questionnaire with a six-point Likert style scale was used for the survey. Descriptive statistics, scale reliability, exploratory factor and multiple-item linear regression analysis were used to analyze the data. The results of research reveal that six factors influencing the level of tourism occupation standards of tour guides comprise “interpretation activities”, “formation, maintenance and development of relationships in process of tour programme organization, and situations solving in guiding activities”, “learning and practice of enhancing foreign languages level, and tourism product selling”, “preparation for tour programme execution, level enhancement learning and practice, and customer care”, “tour programme organization”, and “advertisement and marketing assistance of tourism programme”.

Solutions for improvement in distribution system of salt product in the Mekong River Delta

Mai Van Nam, Truong Quynh Nhu, Nguyen Quoc Nghi
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Based on the data collected from 416 agents involving   the distribution system of salt products in the Mekong Delta and using the methods of descriptive statistic, CCA, marketing margin, the study has generalized the distribution system of salt products in the Mekong Deltal including six agents such as salt farmers, traders, salt warehouses, processing enterprises, salt retailers and non-specialized salt retailers. There are seven main distribution channels of salt products which are rather complicated and not closely linked. Non-specialized salt retailers have got the most profits, followed by salt retailers, processing enterprises, salt warehouses, traders whereas salt farmers are the ones who have got the least profits. However, thanks to the great deal, the traders and salt wareshouses can get the biggest profits in the distribution channels of salt products in the region. From the analysis of the limitation towards the distribution system, an “ideal” distribution system for salt products in the Mekong Delta was proposed with four main distribution channels. Moreover, a number of specific solutions for each agent in the distribution channels were suggested; of which links of production and trade should be prioritized.

Evaluating the enforcement of land user’s financial obligations in Phan Thiet City - Binh Thuan Province

Phan Thi Thanh Truong, Ha Thuc Vien
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study is aimed at evaluating the enforcement of land users’ financial obligations in Phan Thiet City and recommending effective solutions in order to enhane land financial administration. The study was based on secondary data collected from different sources and primary data collected from the surveys of 30 key experts and 130 land users in the city on the process of financial obligations, advantages and difficulties in the implementation of financial obligations of land. The main research methods include investigation, analysis and synthesis. The research results showed gradual increases in the revenue collected from land users during 2006 - 2012, but low rates of land users fulfilled their financial obligations. Main reasons leading to the poor enforcement include financial incapability of land users, lack of understanding land financial regulations among land users, inadequate land price and forms of enforcing land finance.  Effective solutions to solve mentioned obstacles and raise financial management of land in Phan Thiet city were proposed.

Evaluation the impact of part -time job on the adademic result of students in Can Tho University

Vuong Quoc Duy
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This paper is aimed to investigate the impact of part-time job on the student’s academic results in Can Tho university. Data was gathered from direct interviews of 400 students from faculties of Can Tho university. Beside the descriptive statistics, the Probit model and propensity score matching were used to define the determinants of access to part-time job and its impact on study results of the students. The findings showed that decision to get part-time job is affected by six factors such as the year studied, income of student, expenditure, free time, experience and the study results. The propensity score matching found that the study results of part-timers are likely lower than those of their counterparts.

Assessment on efficiency of intensive white leg shrimp farm forms in the Mekong Delta

Do Minh Vanh, Tran Ngoc Hai, Truong Hoang Minh, Tran Hoang Tuan
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The study was conducted from September 2014 to February 2015 through a randomized survey of 90 small scale white leg shrimp farmers (HH), 12 cooperatives (Co), 12 Farms (F), and 12 companies (Com) using questionnaires. The results indicated that the total cultured area (ha/HH) and cultured ponds (ponds/HH) of HH, respectively 4.6 and 4.9, were the lowest amongst other forms such as Co (32.4; 30.3), F (15.1; 13.1) and Com (92.9; 83.7). Stocking densities, survival rate, cultured periods and harvested size of shrimp were highest in Com, followed by F, Co, HH, respectively. Shrimp yielded respectively 13.9, 10.6, 10.9 and 8.37 tons/ha/crop. The production costs were lowest in F and highest in Com (67.5 and 73.9 VND/kg, respectively). The profits (millionVND/ha/crop) of all cultured forms were rather high, HH (596), Co (692), F (696), and Com (1,038). Benefit-cost ratios were of 1.00. 0.85, 1.03, and 1.04 times respectively. Profitability ratio in this research was very high, except for HH (unprofitable 6% of HH). Biosecurity level and staff capacity building activities were more considered in Com form than in the others.

Pangasius farming households’ production efficiency in An Giang province

Le Thi Thanh Hieu
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This research was conducted based on a survey of 66 Pangasius farming households (PFHs) in Chau Phu and Phu Tan districts of An Giang province, using the method of Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) in order to measure Pangasius farming households’ cost efficiency. The result indicated that the mean cost efficiency of PFHs was 71%, and that there were differences in cost efficiency among these households. The result obtained from this research also recognized that using certified fingerlings and raisers’ high level of education had a significantly positive impact on PFHs’ cost efficiency. Therefore, appropriate policies towards an increase in supply amount of certified fingerlings are considered as necessary to improve PFHs’ cost efficiency in An Giang.       

Copyright in anomymous works in the Vietnam Inlellectual property Law

Nguyen Phan Khoi
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Copyright in anonymous works is a special case in field of copyright providing protection for works of which author is not identified since its publication. The protection for this kind of works has been noticed in copyright law system through its development. However, in the current law, there are some inadequate provisions in definition of anonymous works such as term of copyright protection for anonymous works, lack of provisions for anonymous works resulting from contracts and the deadline of author's appearance to own copyright. Providing a glance at Vietnam copyright law and The Berne Convention relating to anonymous works, the paper aims to point out some inconsistencies and inadequacies, which should be resolved by some suggested resolutions.