Published: 02-05-2024

Diversity of useful plant resources in Nam Du island, Kien Giang Province

Tran Tu Trinh, Ho Thi Phi Yen, Dang Van Son, Truong Ba Vuong, Nguyen Thi Kim Thanh, Dang Minh Quan
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study was conducted to assess the diversity of useful plant resources on Nam Du Island which is a scientific basis for more effectively exploiting, using, managing, and conservating plant resources on this island. In this study, the PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal), field investigation, morphological comparison, and classification, with the aid of specialized useful plant books were used. The results showed that a total of 562 species of plants belonging to 388 genera of 127 families in 5 divisions. Most taxa were concentrated in the Magnoliophyta with the proportion of taxa at each category of family, genus, and species accounting for over 85%. All species were classified into 12 use value groups, among them, the most diverse were medicinal, ornamental, and edible plants. Twenty-seven species were listed in the "Vietnam Red Book" (2007) and the Decree 84/2021/ND-CP. The useful plant species were divided into eight life forms and distributed in six biotopes, but species diversity was recorded in the natural forest on the rocky mountain and home garden biotopes.

Representations of the Bishop-Phelps cones in finite-dimensional spaces

Pham Thanh Duoc, Lam Thi Van Khanh, Vo Thi Mong Thuy, Dang Thi My Van
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The aim of the article is to study representations of Bishop-Phelps cones in finite-dimensional spaces under various norms. First, the definitions of cones in finite-dimensional spaces are recalled, accompanied by examples illustrating Bishop-Phelps cones with both empty and non-empty interiors. Next, the article explores the properties of Bishop-Phelps cones. Finally, these cones are utilized to represent foundational cones in finite-dimensional spaces, including the non-negative Orthant cones, Lorentz cones, and other related cones.

Applying social - emotional learning model in teaching Ethics for primary students

Tran Thanh Du, Trinh Thuy Xuan Thao, Nguyen Thi Chuc Vi, Mo Ly Ly
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The Ministry of Education and Training promulgated the 2018 General Education Curriculum with a fundamental and comprehensive, changing from a content-oriented approach to a competency-based approach. The subject of Ethics is one of those whose roles are crucial in forming and developing students’ qualities and competencies. Social-emotional learning (SEL) is important to support and engagement in the school environment, particular in the Ethics teaching process in particular. The research was conducted to propose a process for designing lesson plans to support teaching Ethics for primary students according to the SEL model, meeting the requirements of developing learners’ qualities and competencies.

Factors affecting the teaching of Vietnamese language and Literature in Grade 10 under the 2018 General Education Program

Nguyen Hai Yen, Nguyen Thanh Liem, Bui Thi Tuyet Phuong, Bui Dien Nguyen
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
To explore the objective factors affecting the teaching of literature under the 2018 Program, a research survey was conducted to understand the opinions of 144 literature teachers teaching Grade 10 at high schools in the Mekong Delta region on five factors, including (1) The textbooks, (2) Teaching conditions, (3) Learners, (4) Support from colleagues and leaders, and (5) Professional learning and exchange. The results showed that teachers tend to agree that these factors impact teaching, with support from colleagues and leaders having the most positive impact, and teaching conditions having the most negative effect. In addition, of the six proposals to support teachers in implementing the 2018 Program, the proposal for a document guiding the implementation of the Program was considered the most necessary, with a selection rate of 63.9% (N=144).

The belief of the Ha Ba deity among the people of Dong Thap (the case study of An Khuong temple, Sa Dec City, Dong Thap Province)

Do Thi Ha Tho, Ngo Trong Phuc
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Conceptions of the god Ha Ba vary from region to region, with some believing him to be an evil spirit, while others believe him to be a benevolent spirit. Regardless of the conception, people have built temples to worship him in the hope of his protection. Currently, Dong Thap province has only one temple dedicated to Ha Ba, the An Khương Temple, located at 2 Tran Van Voi Street, Hamlet 2, Ward 4, Sa Dec City. Through a field survey, the An Khương Temple currently holds a royal decree bestowed upon Ha Ba in the ninth year of the Khai Dinh reign (1924), a historical testament to the legitimate worship of this god in the past. In this article, we will introduce the fundamental beliefs of the people of Dong Thap in the worship of Ha Ba that will help us to better understand the beliefs and the changes in the way this belief is received in the cultural life of the people of Dong Thap and the Mekong Delta in the present.

Existence and upper semicontinuity of solutions of parametric split equilibrium problems

Tran Ngoc Tam, Lam Van Day, Nguyen Quoc Thanh, Nguyen Chi Thang
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This paper considers split equilibrium problems. By using the well-known KKM-Fan lemma, existence conditions for the considered problems are established. When the objective functions and the constraint maps of such problems are perturbed by parameters, sufficient conditions under which the solution maps being upper semicontinuous are investigated.

Developing critical thinking competences for students through debate in teaching perpendicular relationships in space

Doan Thanh Phuc, Le Viet Minh Triet
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Cultivating students' thinking skills, including critical thinking, is essential and aligns with the competency-based and character-building educational goals of the 2018 Vietnamese General Education Program. Argumentation in mathematics teaching is a valuable tool for fostering critical thinking skills as it encourages students to consider multiple perspectives, reason, debate, and make decisions. However, research on argumentation-based mathematics teaching in Vietnam is limited. This study investigates how to organize argumentation-based mathematics instruction to develop critical thinking skills in high school students. An experimental teaching situation on the topic of perpendicular relationships in space was implemented, and Rasiman's critical thinking competency assessment tool was used. The results demonstrate that argumentation in teaching is effective in developing students' critical thinking skills.

Assessing student capability development when teaching 'Waste classification and treatment' with an electronic handbook in Experience-Based activities grade 3

Tran Thi Phuong Dung, Ngo Thanh Tan, Ngo Dinh Vu, Luu Tang Phuc Khang
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The article presents the teaching process using electronic handbooks with the content of Waste classification and treatment in the subject Experimental Activities 3 to develop capacity in experiential activities (adapting to life, designing design and organising activities, career orientation) and meet the educational goals of the new general education program 2018. Research using pedagogical experimental methods on 02 classes through three stages: before teaching, during the teaching process, and after teaching. The study evaluates the difference between the ability groups of the two experimental classes using the T-test of the mean value for 2 independent samples (Independent Samples T-test) before and after the experiment through the ratio (%) student groups achieved the corresponding experiential competency components in each grade. The results show that teaching through electronic handbooks helps students develop competencies in experiential activities, other qualities and general abilities.

Difficulties facing physics student teachers in study and life

Le Nhu Thuat, Do Thi Phuong Thao
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This research was conducted through a survey of 110 students majoring in Physics Teacher Education courses 46, 47, and 48 to find out the difficulties they encounter in study and life, the causes, then proposals to improve training quality. Among the difficulties that students encounter, "Learning content is difficult, cannot keep up" and "Teaching methods of lecturers are difficult, cannot keep up" are the two barriers that most students encounter. The main reasons leading to the above difficulties mainly come from the students themselves, due to: "Not being able to adapt to the teaching methods of some lecturers"; "The self-study ability is weak."; and "Lack of self-discipline". However, there are still some reasons from the lecturers and modules. This result will be an important basis for stakeholders to take appropriate measures to improve the quality of training in the major in particular and other majors in general.

Advantages and difficulties in student exchange activities of the school of education, Can Tho University.

Dinh Minh Quang, Le Thi Bao Ngoc, Mung Tran Thi, Lam Quoc Anh, Huynh Anh Huy
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This research was carried out with the aim of assessing the benefits and challenges in student exchange activities for students of the School of Education, Can Tho University in order to propose the an effective student exchange program with foreign universities to improve students professional capacity. The survey results show that to improve this program and make it more effective, it is necessary to grasp the advantages that students could achieve on the trip. In addition, it is important to overcome difficulties arising during the study trip to create a good result for the exchange program as well as enhance the effectiveness for the organization of student exchange activities of universities.

Building and applying STEM teaching oriented process for grade 10 Biology

Tran Thi Cam Ly, Vo Thi Thao Lam, Nguyen Le Hoang Phuc, Vo Thi Thanh Lam, Nguyen Thi Kim Han, Dinh Minh Quang
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study was conducted to collect information about the feasibility of the STEM lesson-building process and the level of knowledge application by students after applying the process. Most teachers evaluated that the process helped them design better STEM lessons and were more confident when using and teaching them to give some comments on the process. Although the team specified the process, teachers still encountered difficulties and limitations in widely applying it. To have a more detailed view of this situation, we proposed to conduct further research to find out the causes that affected the feasibility of the process and the level of knowledge applied by students.

Optimization algorithm to compare two sets and applications toreal-world models

Truong Ngoc Hien, Lam Thi Van Khanh, Thach Tan Phong, Truong Thi Thu Ngan, Pham Thi Vui
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Set order relations used in set optimization problems play an important role in applying them to real-world problems. Building an algorithm to compare sets based on set order relations is essential and a prerequisite for further research on algorithms for solving set optimization problems. This study focuses on constructing algorithms to compare two sets and applying them to real-life economic and social models.

Developing problem solving capacity for primary school students through STEM activities in teaching Sound content (Science 4)

Tran Thi Phuong Dung, Pham Nguyen Song Lien, Truong Vinh, Luu Tang Phuc Khang
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
STEM education is a model that ensures comprehensive education in forming and developing the capacity and qualities of students. The article uses a pedagogical experimental research method to compare the level of problem-solving capacity development for elementary school students through two STEM activities, "Soundproof room" and "Sound amplifier speaker," which belongs to the Sound content of Science subject 4. Research on using pedagogical methods in an experimental class after teaching through evaluating the difference between natural class ability groups using an Independent Samples T-test after the experiment through the percentage (%) of student groups achieving the problem-solving capacity components. The research results showed that the average problem-solving capacity score in STEM lesson 2 was higher than in STEM lesson 1. In particular, behavioral performance D2.2 had a clear improvement. Students improve their ability to learn knowledge and design products, understanding how to identify and propose solutions based on analyzing information from practical problems.

The issue of annotation and teaching of Vietnamese literary works written in Chinese in high school curriculum

Do Thi Ha Tho, Dang Thi Hoa
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Vietnamese literary works written in Chinese play a crucial role in transmitting the cultural and historical values of the country while shaping the character of modern individuals. However, due to the evolving nature of time, differences in space, and particularly language barriers, certain challenges arise in fully grasping the essence of these works. Access to Vietnamese literary works written in Chinese chosen for inclusion in the high school curriculum, is often restricted to Sino-Vietnamese translations. These translations, which focus on expressing meaning and poetic expression, regrettably do not fully capture the essence of the original works. Furthermore, the annotations and word glossaries provided in textbooks are often limited, exacerbating the difficulty of comprehending the text. Based on the practical challenges encountered in teaching Vietnamese literary works written in Chinese in high school curriculum, we propose several approaches to address the requirements of the Literature curriculum in 2018.

Using support vector machine classification to evaluate positive learning attitude of students

Le Khanh Duy, Nguyen Ngoc Dang Khoa, Truong Huynh Ky, Huynh Phuoc Nghia, Le Phuong Thao
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The classification problem has been used in many fields, especially in medicine. A positive learning attitude is one of the critical factors directly influencing students‘ academic performance in an autonomous learning environment at the university level. This study builds a data set to evaluate the positive aspects of learning, then applies an effective classification model to this data set and proposes a classification model to diagnose "learning fatigue" promptly in individual students, thereby implementing timely support.

Diversity of higher flora system in Lai Son island, Kien Giang province

Thi Phi Yen Ho, Tu Trinh Tran, Van Son Dang, Truong Ba Vuong, Nguyen Thi Kim Thanh, Dang Minh Quan
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The study was conducted to provide data on the composition of higher plant species on Lai Son island, which is a scientific basis for more effectively using, managing, and conservating plant resources on this island. In this study, the PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal), field investigation, morphological comparison, and classification, with the aid of specialized plant books were used. The results showed that a total of 663 species of plants belonging to 435 genera of 129 families in 5 divisions were recorded. Among them, Magnoliophyta was the most diverse with taxa in each category accounting for over 86%. The plant species were divided into eight life forms and distributed in six biotopes. The most species diversity was recorded in the natural forest on rocky mountains and home gardens biotopes. Lists of useful plants and endangered plants were also recorded including 652 useful species accounting for 98.34% of species and 46 species listed in the "Red Book of Vietnam" (2007) and Decree 84/2021/ND-CP. The flora on this island has a close relationship with the tropical Asian flora.

Qualities and professional competencies of teachers and expectations of physics pedagogy students in training

Tran Thi Nhu Anh, Do Thi Phuong Thao
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study presents the results of the self-assessment of Physics student teachers at Can Tho University regarding the current status and development of their professional qualities and competencies during the training process. Eighty-three students from courses 46, 47, and 48 self-assessed their professional qualities and competencies on a 5-level Likert scale. At the time of the survey, the average value of teacher qualities and competencies was rated from 3,75 (Good level) or higher, and there was an increase compared to when students started studying (from 3,36). The increase rate  averages from 0,16 to 0,38 proving that the training process has brought certain effects. The study also pointed out the courses that learners rated highly or not highly in the development of professional capacity and some suggestions from learners to contribute to improving the quality of training.

The novel The catcher in the rye by J.D. Salinger and Beloved 20s by Nguyen Huy Thiep in a comparative perspective

Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh, Dang Tran Kim Ngan, Pham Tuan Anh, Nguyen Thuy Thuy Duong
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Progressive literary works are essential in educating human awareness and action. Literature written for teenagers increasingly plays a role in forming and fostering the qualities and personality of the young generation. Learn about the novel The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger and Nguyen Huy Thiep's Beloved 20, readers will notice the strange meeting between two writers from the United States and Vietnam in building the image of a teenage character with thoughts and "rebellious" actions in the early life collisions to gain valuable lessons. For that reason, studying the two novels from a comparative perspective helps identify unexpected similarities and interesting differences in the aspect of narrative art as well as the content and educational significance of literature for society in general and adolescents in particular.