Published: 29-04-2020

Study on aquatic products processing wastewater treatment efficiency by the 5-stage Bardenpho tank combined with USBF tank

Le Hoang Viet, Nguyen Van Thieu, Nguyen Vo Chau Ngan, Nguyen Chi Linh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The study is aimed to put the 5-stage Bardenpho tank in practice on treating aquatic products processing wastewater through survey its operation parameters. The tests was carried out at the lab-scale of 5-stage Bardenpho model connected to the USBF tank. The study results showed that when operating Bardenpho tank with loading rate of 1.54 kg BOD/m3, the total hydraulic retention time of 8 hours, inlet wastewater has COD, BOD5, TN and TP concentration of 933.25 ± 20.67; 515.67 ± 25.49; 122.49 ± 7.06; and 18.33 ± 1.25 mg/L; the pollutant values of treated wastewater reduced to 27.53 ± 4.47; 12.58 ± 1.05; 21.53 ± 1.11; and 7.30 ± 0.08 mg/L respectively. All monitoring parameters met standard of QCVN 11-MT:2015/BTNMT (column A). With the total hydraulic retention time of 7 hours, the loading rate of 1.83 kg BOD/, inlet wastewater has COD, BOD5, TN and TP concentration of 998.68 ± 27.49; 523.67 ± 32.05; 124.13 ± 8.29; and 17.50 ± 1.47 mg/L; the outlet wastewater has reduced pollutants concentration to 50.74 ± 6.73; 26.21 ± 1.14; 26.14 ± 1.31; and 8.12 ± 0.30 mg/L respectively. All monitored parameters met the standard of QCVN 11-MT:2015/BTNMT (column A). The results showed that the 5-stage Bardenpho tank could be used to treat aquatic products processing wastewater reaching the national discharge standard.

Diversity and genetic relationship of earthworm species in Binh Duong and Binh Phuoc provinces, Vietnam

NGUYEN NAM Q., Phan Thanh Quoc, Nguyen Thanh Tung, Nguyen Duc Anh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study aimed to know the diversity and genetic relationship of earthworm species in Binh Duong and Binh Phuoc provinces. The results showed that, a total of 25 earthworm species belonging to 10 genera, 6 families were recorded from Binh Duong and Binh Phuoc provinces. Of which, Drawida beddardi and Eukerria saltensis were recorded for the first time in the southeastern part of Vietnam. Two previously recorded species, Amynthas modiglianii and Metaphire californica, were re-identified as M. neoexlis and M. planata. The earthworm fauna of Binh Duong – Binh Phuoc region clearly contains the tropical elements. The genus Metaphire belonging to the family Megascolecidae is dominant with 13 recorded species. The genetic distance between earthworm species ranges from 0.033-0.217, with the mean of 0.111. The phylogenetic tree shows the unresolved relationship between Metaphire and Amynthas. Within the genus Metaphire, the M. houlleti species group (M. houlleti, M. cf. campanula, Metaphire sp.1 and Metaphire sp.4) and the M. bahli species group (M. bahli, M. peguana and M. kiengiangensis) were separated from other linages, but with low supportive bootstrap value (60% and 43%, respectively).

Adsorption of gas molecules on sawtooth Penta-graphene nanoribbon

Nguyen Thanh Tien, Tran Yen Mi, Le Vo Phuong Thuan
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The adsorption of gas molecules (CO, CO2, and NH3) on Sawtooth Penta-Graphene Nanoribbon (SSPGNR) has studied by using first principles methods. The adsorption geometries, adsorption energies, charge transfer, density of states, and electron difference density are obtained. It was found that the adsorption of CO and CO2 on SSPGNR shows chemical adsorption properties, meanwhile the adsorption of NH3 shows physical adsorption properties. The current voltage (I–V) characteristics have also been investigated using non-equilibrium green’s function (NEGF) approach. The results indicate that the gas molecules have little effect on modifying the conductance of SSPGNR. A comparison about absorption capacity NH3 on SSPGNR at possible absorption sites has been implemented. Quantum transport calculations further indicate that NH3 molecules can be detected by the SSPGNR-based sensor.

Improving the cluster analysis algorithm for discrete elements

Vo Van Tai, Chau Ngoc Tho, Nguyen Trang Thao, Huynh Van Hieu, Tran Thanh Tien
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study proposes a new concept to evaluate the similarity of cluster for discrete elements called the Cluster Similar Index (CSI). CSI is also used as a criterion to establish the algorithms in building the fuzzy and non-fuzzy clusters, and the algorithm used to determine the suitable number of clusters. The established algorithms can be quickly performed by the Matlab procedures. The numerical examples illustrate the proposed algorithms and show its benefits overcome the others. Analyzing the cluster of images from the proposed algorithm shows potential in the practical application of this research.

Effects of pre-starter diets on growth performance and immune responses of Luong Phuong broilers

Nguyen Thi My Nhan, Tong Thi My Vinh, Che Minh Tung, Nguyen Thanh Hai
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The objective of the experiment was to evaluate effects of pre-starter diets on growth performance and immune responses of Luong Phuong broilers. A total of 240 female Luong Phuong chicks were randomly assigned to 2 dietary treatments in a completely randomized design: (1) birds were fed a commercial diet throughout the experimental period (control), and (2) birds were fed Vistart B from 1 - 7 days of age and then given the same commercial diet as the one used in the control. The experimental results showed that the birds fed Vistart B consumed less feed and had a better feed conversion ratio than those fed the control from 1 to 7 days of age (P = 0.05). Additionally, the serum antibody titers against infectious bursa disease virus (IBDV) of birds fed Vistart B were greater (P = 0.005) than that of birds fed the control at 3 weeks post-vaccination. Over a 63-d study, however, the birds fed Vistart B had the growth performance, diarrhea incidence, flock uniformity, and survivability of birds no differences as those fed the control (P > 0.05). Briefly, the Vistart B diet improved feed efficiency during the first 7 days after hatching and enhanced the serum antibody titers against IBDV of color-feathered broilers, but it did not clearly affect their growth performance over the experimental period.

Effects of mannan oligosaccharides and colistin on growth performance and immune responses of Luong Phuong broilers

Tran Pham Tien Thinh, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Dung, Che Minh Tung, Nguyen Thi My Nhan
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The objective of the experiment was to determine effects of dietary supplementation of mannan oligosaccharides (MOS) and colistin on growth performance and immune responses of Luong Phuong broilers. A total of 288 female chicks at one day of age (Luong Phuong breed) were randomly assigned to 3 dietary treatments in a completely randomized design. The dietary treatments included (1) basal diet, (2) As (1) + colistin (20 ppm, from 1 to 21 days of age), and (3) As (1) + MOS (400 ppm of feed throughout the experiment). Each treatment was replicated with 8 pens of 12 birds each. The experimental results showed that during 15 - 35 days of age the average daily feed intake of broilers fed the MOS-supplemented diet (57.93 g/bird) was lower (P = 0.005) than that of broilers fed the colistin-supplemented diet (62.25 g/bird). Over the entire period, there were no differences in average daily gain, feed efficiency, flock uniformity, and survival rate of birds among the treatments (P > 0.05). At 28 days old, birds fed with the MOS-supplemented diet had greater serum antibody titer against infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) than those fed the control and colistin diets (P = 0.001). Briefly, MOS added to a diet resulted in the same growth performance of broilers as colistin used at a concentration of 20 ppm and enhanced the serum antibody titers against IBDV.

Characteristics of Bacillus spp. from white leg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in Kien Giang province

Huynh Ngoc Thanh Tam, Huynh Van Thinh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study is aimed to isolate beneficial Bacillus spp. strains for producing biological products to control pathogens. Twenty Bacillus spp. strains was isolated from digestive system of white leg shrimps (Litopenaeus vannamei) collected from shrimp ponds in Kien Giang province. The results show that 11 isolates acted as an antagonist of at least one of pathogenic strains including Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Aeromonas sp., and Pseudomonas sp. Eleven isolates have the potential production at least two extracellular enzymes including amylase, cellulase and protease. The AM2 and AM3 were selected to examine salinity and pH tolerance ability, and both strains represented their abilities to grow at the pH ranges from 4 to 9 and the salinity ranges from 1 to 5%. The results of 16S rRNA genotype sequencing for the two strains, AM2 and AM3 indicated that the AM2 sequence was homologous up to 99% with B. sutilis, and AM3 strain sequence was homologous up to 99% with Bacillus cereus and registered on GenBank with the code consecutively MN907469 and MN907471.

Cloning and expressing human recombinant interleukin 2 (IL-2) in Escherichia coli

Ngo Thi Kim Hang, Nguyen Phan Vien Phuong, Tran Van Hieu, Tran Nguyen Thao Suong
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Immunotherapy using interleukin 2 (IL-2) was approved by FDA for the treatment of some solid tumors and for the combination with AIDS/HIV’s HAART. In order to produce recombinant interleukin 2 with low price, the project was initiated to clone and express IL-2 in Escherichia coli. The il2 gene was amplified by PCR, using the pIDT-IL2 as template with two specific primers (IL2-F and IL2-R) containing BamHI and NdeI sites. The PCR product was digested with BamHI and NdeI then inserted into an expression vector pET-His to construct a recombinant plasmid termed pET-il2 capable of expressing IL-2 under the control of T7 promoter. The recombinant plasmid pET-il2 was transformed into E. coli strain Origami(DE3) to form the Origami(DE3)/pET-il2 clone. This clone was cultured and induced with 0.5 mM IPTG over-expressed IL-2 protein as inclusion body in cytoplasm. The expressing of the target protein was confirmed by SDS-PAGE and Western Blot with anti-IL2 antibody.

Data based modeling approach for control of uniform temperature cans in pasteurization process

Nguyen Duc Toan, Vo Minh Hoang, Vo Tan Thanh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Uniforming product temperature when pasteurizing is a matter that needs to be controlled to ensure safety and quality. In this study, a data-based mechanistic modeling approach was used for controlling the three-dimensional temperature uniform of the product during the pasteurization process. The flow rates were varied between 0,6-1,8 m3/hour. In each experiment at a specific flow rate, the inlet temperature was adjusted from 35 to 60oC. During the experiment, 20 sensors for hot water in the equipment and 18 sensors for inside cans were recorded by datalogger Keithley 2700. The 231 cans containing 2,5% CMC were used in this research. The simplified refined instrument variable (SRIV) algorithm was used as the model parameter identification tool to obtain the best model order and parameters. A third-order transfer function from the dynamic response of product temperature from hot water with a high coefficient of determination and a low standard error explained the heat exchange in a system. The measured data and the model providing a physically meaningful parameter related to a heat transfer coefficient from hot water to products could be used for online controlling of the temperature distribution of products in the pasteurization equipment.

Effect of concentration of naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and types of branches on rooting of Blue bell (Desmodium unifoliatum (Merr.) Steen.) cuttings

Le Van Hoa, Mai Vu Duy, Diep Thuy Hang, Mai Van Tram
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The study aimed to determine the optimal concentration of naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and types of branches on the rooting to propagate by cuttings of Blue bell (Desmodium unifoliatum (Merr.) Steen. The experiment was carried out in two-factor completely randomized design with five replications. The first factor included four levels of NAA (0; 500; 750 and 1000 ppm), and the second factor included two types of branches (small branches 0.5 cm in diameter and large branches 1 cm diameter). The results showed that small branches with a diameter of 0.5 cm are better than large branches with diameter of 1 cm. Blue bell cuttings developed best at NAA concentrations of 750 and 1,000 ppm had the longest shoot and root length, and highest number of leaves, number of roots and rooting rate after 8 weeks of cutting.

Effect of different NAA and BA concentrations as foliar application on growth and flower quality of potted Tuong Vi rose (Rosa  sp.)

Pham Thi Phuong Thao, Le Van Hoa, Nguyen Thi Kieu Mi, Bui Thien Quang
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The aim of the study was to test the different concentrations of naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and benzyladenine (BA) as foliar application on growth and flower quality of potted Tuong Vi rose (Rosa sp.). The experiment was laid out in completely randomized design (CRD) included five treatments: control (sprayed water), NAA and BA at two different concentrations at 25 and 50 ppm in six replications with one potted rose for each replication. The chemical solutions were applied with three sprays at an interval of fifteen days. The experimental results revealed that four pre-harvest foliar sprays of NAA and BA at 25 and 50 ppm concentrations showed maximum chlorophyll values (SPAD) (>50), length of flower branches (>27 cm), flower bud parameters and the flowering duration as compared to the control treatment. The maximum SPAD values at 30 days after pruning were obtained in NAA and BA at 25 ppm (recorded values of 53,8 and 543 respectively) and the minimum SPAD value (

Impacts of irrigation system on agriculture in Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province

Hong Minh Hoang, Van Pham Dang Tri, Huynh Minh Duong, Tran Duong Ngan Thao
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The study aims to assess the current quality and impacts of irrigation systems on agricultural activities in Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province. The participatory rural apraisal (PRA) approach and the sustainable livelihoods framework were applied to collect data and evaluate impacts of the irrigation systems on livelihood asset sources of local rice farmers by the Likert scale with 5 levels. The study has conducted key information panel (KIP) interviews at province, district, and commune levels, farmer group discussions, and structured interviews with 135 rice-cultivated farmers in 4 communes of the semi- and full-dyke area in Hong Ngu district. The results show that the current irrigation systems ensured suitable water about 90% for the total rice-cultivated area in the study district. The irrigation system raised incomes of local farmers but also led to the degradation of soil and water quality, and fishery resources of the study area. The semi-dyke systems were built with main purposes to protect the second rice crop each year therefore there was no function to support transportation as it is with the full-dyke systems. The regional management of irrigation systems is weak, and it is proposed to have a regional management unit which will be responsible for operating irrigation systems in the district.

Effect of salinity on growth of Vibrio spp. in vitro conditions

Pham Thi Tuyet Ngan, Vu Ngoc Ut, Nguyen Hoang Nhat Uyen, Nguyen Thanh Phuong
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The study was conducted to evaluate the influence of salinity on the growth of Vibrio spp. in vitro condition. Two hundred and forty-three Vibrio strains were isolated from 108 samples of sludge and water of My Thanh River, Soc Trang province. The isolates were characterized and identified by API 20E and 16S-rRNA sequences, resulting in three strains of Vibrio cholerae, three strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus, and three strains of Vibrio campbellii. Growth of these strains was tested at different salinity (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45‰). The bacterial density in the test was quantified by colonies counting on agar plates method. The results show that bacterial densities were lowest at salinity 5‰ in all strains, significantly different from the other treatments (P

The extraction and antibacterial ability of water-soluble chitosan from white leg shrimp shell (Litopenaeus vannamei)

Pham Van Du, Le Thi Minh Thuy, Nguyen Thi Kim Thuong, Nguyen Van Thom
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The aim of research was to produce water-soluble chitosan and inhibit bacterial growth from the white leg shrimp shell (Litopenaeus vannamei) through deacetylation of chitin in NaOH solution to obtain the crude chitosan. Next, crude chitosan was treated in acetic acid solution at various concentrations and different times to convert it into the water-soluble chitosan. The result showed that chitin was treated in NaOH at the concentration of 50% for 36 hours to collect chitosan with degree of deacetylation (93.1%), viscosity (20 mPas) and high recovery yield (46.8%). The crude chitosan was soaked in acetic acid 2% in the presence of H2O2 4% for 4 hours to collect the water-soluble chitosan. The solubility of water-soluble chitosan reached to 88.6% and FTIR spectrum showed that the functional groups were almost similar to crude chitosan. The antibacterial activity of water-soluble chitosan was lower than the crude chitosan with the concentration inhibited Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhimurium of water-soluble chitosan was 8% while the concentration of crude chitosan was 2%. However, the water-soluble chitosan could be enhanced the application in food processing field.

Generating Nanoluciferase reporter protein for development of biosensor detecting antibiotics

Tran Thi My Duyen, Tran Thi Tuyet Hoa
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study is aimed to in vitro synthesize nanoluciferase (NanoLuc) reporter protein using cell-free protein synthesis system to develop biosensor for antibiotics inhibiting bacterial protein synthesis. The template for protein synthesis was prepared by amplifying and column purifying the DNA fragment coding for NanoLuc. This result indicated that NanoLuc protein was successfully synthesized through its presence on CBB staining SDS page at 21 kDa and be able to emit light when react to Furimazine. The synthesized NanoLuc protein could detect antibiotics inhibiting bacterial protein synthesis via some representatives including oxytetracycline, chloramphenicol and erythromycin. Specificity was also determined. This information gives a good starting point for further studies on development biosensor for antibiotics inhibiting bacterial protein synthesis; however, the effect of other parameters influencing on in vitro NanoLuc protein synthesis needs investigating.

Deltamethrin and gill covers flared up in black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) and white leg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei)

Dang Thi Hoang Oanh, Truong Quoc Phu
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The experiment was carried out to determine the potential of deltamethrin active ingredient to cause gill covers flared up in black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) and white leg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). Experimental shrimps with an average body weight of 2.15 ± 0.31 g/individual were set up with 5 treatments (in triplicate) at deltamethrin concentrations of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% LC50. Resuts showed that shimps death started from day 3 after adding deltamethrin to the experimental tanks. Shrimps exposed to deltamethrin concentrations 5%, 10% and 15% LC50 had lower mortality than those exposed to of 20% and 25% LC50 and displayed gill covers flared up. Histopathological analysis showed that shrimp with gill covers flared up had healthy gill (no deformation on primary and secondary gill filaments) and hepatopancreas (no changes in the structure of the hepatopancreas).

Reproductive biology of black apple snail (Pila polita) in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam

Le Van Binh, Ngo Thi Thu Thao
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The study on reproductive biology of black apple snail (Pila polita) was conducted on 5152 individuals (2513 females and 2639 males), which were collected from November 2016 to October 2017 in Dong Thap, Vinh Long and Hau Giang provinces, in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. The results showed the weight, height and width of the snails increase with their sizes. The relationships between total height and the total weight of black apple snail has followed the regression equation W = 0.0008*H2.6399 (R2 = 0.9078) for females and W = 0.0008*H2.6404 (R2 = 0.9033) for males. Conditional factor ranged from 0.00075 - 0.00098 g/mm. In the rainy season, the visceral somatic index (VSI) of snails were higher than that in the dry season. In contrast, in the rainy season, the condition index of black apple snail was lower than that in the dry season. Water content in the snail meat, however, did not change significantly by season. The VSI increased gradually to the size group of 46-50 mm (male) and 50 -55 mm (female), then gradually decreased to size group >65 mm in both sex groups. The female snail has a higher condion factor than the male snail’s.

Effects of dietary inulin supplementary duration on immune responses of striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus)

Bui Thi Bich Hang, Nguyen Thanh Phuong
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study aims to evaluate the effects of inulin suplementary duration on immune parameters of striped catfish. Experiment was randomly designed with 5 treatments including control (NT1); supplemeted 1% inulin in the first two weeks (NT2); supplemented 1% inulin with two weeks interval  (NT3); supplemented 1% inulin in the first four weeks (NT4); supplemented 1% inulin for eight weeks (NT5). The experiment was conducted for 8 weeks and sampled  at week 4th, 6th and 8th. Haematological parameters and lysozyme activity were analyzed for fish immune response. After 8 weeks, fish were challenged with bacteria and observed fish mortality. Results showed that growth performance, haematological parameters and lysozyme activity of treatments NT3, NT4 and NT5 are significantly higher than control. NT3 treatment was signinficantly increased in the growth performance, haematology, lysozyme activity and decreased fish mortality after infection with Ewardsiella ictaluri (p

Climate change awarenes of students at Faculty of Tourism, Kien Giang College

Truong Tri Thong, Nguyen Thi Tuong Vi
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study is aimed to evaluate factors influencing awareness of students at Faculty of Tourism, Kien Giang College about climate change. The data were collected from 450 students studying at Faculty of Tourism. The method of independent samples T-test, one-way ANOVA, exploratory factor analysis and multiple regression analysis (with SPSS 20.0) used to analyzed the data. This study outcomes indicated that there are six factors influencing the awareness of students at Faculty of Tourism, Kien Giang College about climate change in descending order: (1) Solution to climate change mitigation, (2) Information and media, (3) Educational activities, (4) Cause of climate change, (5) The effects of climate change, and (6) Climate change knowledge. Based on the outcomes, some suggestions were proposed to raise awareness of students at Faculty of Tourism, Kien Giang College in the future.

The process of transforming Phan Boi Chau’s thought of saving the nation to the Vietnamese revolution

Le Thi Ngoc Nu
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The process Phan Boi Chau’s ideation is a long process with both success and failure and is filled with hardship and sacrifice for his revolutionary activities. However, because of the limits of a traditional confucianist, Phan Boi Chau could not reach the final victory of saving the country. However, the great merits of Phan Boi Chau is that he pointed out the right direction for the Vietnamese Revolution, from which the next generation patriots continued and led to the victory of people’s liberation and independence of Vietnam.

Factors affecting household’s application of rooftop solar power systems in Ca Mau province

Le Tran Thanh Liem, Pham Ngoc Nhan
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The study was conducted from May 2018 to August 2019 in some town areas of Ca Mau province. The current status of some kinds of energy consumption and factors affecting the decision to install the solar photovoltaic system on the house rooftop of above-average income households have been analyzed. The study was conducted through awareness-enhancing training activities and interviewing 120 households. In particular, households with main sources of livelihood were shrimp farming, crab farming or shrimp - crab farming system accounting for the highest proportion (55%). All of 120 households have a monthly income of over 1.5 million VND, in which a proportion of over 12 million VND accounts for 6%. The research results show that grid electricity, industrial gas, and petroleum are the main sources of consumed energy. In addition, the results from the Binary Logistic regression model discovered four factors that influenced the decision on installing solar power systems on the house rooftop. They include installation and repair costs, warranty and customer care, environmentally friendly in product use, and diversity of local photovoltaic supply businesses.

Khanh An residents’s willingness to pay for U Minh Ha forest conservation project

Huynh Viet Khai, Hoang Mai Phuong
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study estimated local resident’s willingness to pay for the U Minh Ha forest conservation project using the contingent valuation method approach. A survey was conducted by interviewing 125 local residents living around the forest (Khanh An commune). Results showed that respondents were willing to contribute to the conservation project with an equivalent value of about 3.77 kg of rice per month. Those who earn more than 3 million VND per month were more likely to contribute to the conservation project. If respondents knew that their neighbors participated in the conservation project, they were more likely to contribute to this project. However, respondents who are male or had previously contributed to charitable funds did not really believe in the feasibility of the project, so their agreement to contribute is lower than that of others.

Factors affecting the sustainable ecotourism development - A case study in Ca Mau province

Nguyen Phuoc Hoang
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study is aimed to determine factors affecting the sustainable ecotourism development in Ca Mau, thus making recommendations for the sustainable development of Ca Mau ecotourism. Factor analysis and linear resgression were used. The study results showed that six factors affected the sustainable ecotourism development in Ca Mau including (i) Economic resources, (ii) Natural resources, (iii) Cultural and social resources, (iv) Environmental resources, (v) Tourism management policy, (vi) Human resources. Of which, Economic resources and Human resources had the greatest influence on sustainable ecotourism development in Ca Mau. Some recommendations were proposed to enhance sustainable ecotourism development in Ca Mau.