Published: 31-12-2013

Present status and solutions for solid wastes managements in rice cultivations in Hau Giang province

Bui Thi Nga, Vo Xuan Hung, Nguyen Phan Nhan
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The study was done to assess quantities of hazardous waste from using pesticides for rice cultivation in the Hau Giang province. The hazardous solid wastes from rice farming included paper, nylon bags, metal glass and plastic bottles corresponding to 1%, 2%, 23% and 74%, accordingly. The average solid wastes were removed approximately 12.8 kg.ha-1.year-1, of which 52% was left in the rice field, 30% was recycled and 18% was burnt. The model of hazardous waste management at household scale showed that the proportion of waste recycling occupied 53% of total wastes, contributing to reduction of environmental pollutions and enhancing people?s awareness on rural environment protecting assignment. In order to minimize the hazardous waste quantity, training on effective use of pesticides, the socialization of wastes collection from agriculture and studying on the effective treatment of hazardous solid  wastes in the Hau Giang province were recommended.

The role of Typha orientalis in constructed wetlands for treatment close-recirculated intensive catfish culture

Lam Thi My Nhien, Ngo Thuy Diem Trang
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The purpose of the study was to evaluate treatment performance of vegetated and unvegetated horizontal sub-surface flow in constructed wetlands in purifying intensive catfish wastewater. The re-growth ability of Typha orientalis L., its biomass and nutrient uptake were determined in this study. The treatment systems were operated with recirculation rate of 200% of fish tank volume per day. Excessive nutrients of discharged water from fish tank were purified in the wetlands and re-circulated back to the original tank. Nitrogen and phosphorus concentration were in a suitable range for normal catfish growth during the culture period of 4 months without any water-exchanged. Remarkably, T. orientalis helped to further remove about 17%N and 34%P from wastewater via vegetative uptake. In addition, algae growth and clogging were observed solely in the unplanted wetlands. The results indicated that T. orientalis played an important role in nutrient removal and in improving wetlands condition by time.

Texture zero of neutrino mass matrix with seesaw mechanism and leptogenesis

Nguyen Thanh Phong, Le Tan Phat
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
We studied the seesaw realization of seven textures of the neutrino mass matrix with two zeros, which were presented by Frampton, Glashow and Marfatia. It is found that once the Dirac neutrino mass matrix is fixed, only texture A2 out of the seven textures is realized by the seesaw with three textures of heavy Majorana right handed neutrino (RHN) mass matrix. As a consequence of the seesaw mechanism, the out of equilibrium decay of the lightest RHN generates a lepton number asymmetry. By the sphaleron process, this lepton asymmetry is converted to the asymmetry of baryon number (BAU), which is called leptogenesis. By a properchoice of parameter space of the model satisfying the low energy experiment data, the BAU is successfully explained by both flavored and unflavored leptogenesis of the model. It is also shown that the predictions of Dirac CP violation phase, , for some fixed parameters of high energy physics can be constrained by the current observation of baryon asymmetry (BAU).

Effects of hydraulic retention time on organic removal and membrane fouling in sponge membrane bioreactor treating catfish pond watewater

Le Nguyen Tuyet Nguyen, Bui Xuan Thanh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Performance of the sponge MBR with a moving-cube sponge medium (20% v/v) was evaluated at different HRT for removing organic from catfish pond wastewater and membrane fouling.  The sponge MBR was operated at different HRT values of 8, 4 and 2 hours, corresponding to membrane fluxes of 5, 10 and 20 L/m2.h, respectively.  The results showed that the COD removal efficiencies were maintained at 94%, 93% and 87% at a HRT of 8, 4 and 2 hours, respectively,  indicating that HRT affected the permeate quality in an inversely proportion with HRT (h). This fouling rate was defined by the increase of the TMP according to operating time (kPa/day). The freely movement of sponges inside the reactor could reduce membrane fouling due to sweeping of sponge media on membrane surface and attaching of MLSS on the interior and surface of sponge media.

Three flavonoid compounds from leaves of Cassia grandis L.f

Ngo Quoc Luan, , Vu Duy Khanh, Huynh Minh Tien, Dũng Lê Tiến
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
From the ethyl acetate extracts of the leaves of Cassia grandis L.f collected in Cantho City, three flavonoid compounds (astragalin, (-)-epiafzelechin, and (-)-epicatechin) were isolated. Their structures were interpreted by spectra including 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, HSQC, HMBC, MS and based on published data.

Design and produce USBF system for treating the aqua-product pre-processing wastewater

Ngo Quoc Dung, Nguyen Vo Chau Ngan, Nguyen Huu Chiem, Le Hoang Viet
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study was carried out in order to propose an appropriate wastewater treatment approach with following characteristics of compact, cost effectiveness, suitable operation approach and movability; such the approach would be  applied to meet demands of small aqua-processing factories. The results on the lab-scale system showed that feasible hydraulic retention time for both technical and economic aspects was 8 hours with the operational parameters of MLVSSanoxic = 2.773 mg/L, MLVSSaerobic = 2.515 mg/L, DOanoxic = 0.53 mg/L, and DOaerobic = 4.18 mg/L. At these operation parameters, the effluent quality met the national technical regulation of QCVN 11:2008/BTNMT (class A) and QCVN 40:2011/BTNMT. In fact, the BOD5, COD, SS, TKN, TP removal efficiency were 98.2%; 96.68%; 98.8%; 94.18%; and, 97.83% respectively. The USBF system could therefore be applied to treat aqua-product pre-processing wastewater.

Anti-Sway control of container cranes in the presence of friction

Ngo Quang Hieu
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
In this paper, an anti-sway control scheme for a container crane that is used for vessel-to-truck and truck-to-vessel loading and unloading of containers at a container terminal is investigated. The control objectives are to move a container to a desired position and to suppress its transverse vibration produced by trolley motion in the presence of the friction force and the control input saturation. In this study, friction coefficients are estimated using the recursive least squares (RLS) method, and the friction force is incorporated into a nonlinear control law. The designed control input for control of the trolley motion is modified to satisfy the saturation condition of the actuator (electrical motor). The nonlinear control law guarantees the asymptotical stability of the closed-loop system. Simulation and experimental results verify the efficiency of the proposed algorithm.

Evaluation biogas production from batch anaerobic of co-digestion pangasianodon Hypophthalmus fishpond sludge and spent mushroom compost

Le Nguyen Bang Chau, Nguyen Truong Thanh, Nguyen Vo Chau Ngan, Mai Nguyen Thanh Nhan
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Sludge from the Pangasianodon Hypophthalmus fishpond and mushroom compost is amongst enormous wastes which is rich of carbon and nitrogen in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta. This study focuses on evaluating the biogas production from lab scale batch anaerobic of co-digestion pangasianodon hypophthalmus fishpond sludge and mushroom compost by 20L testing sets. The mixing ratio for both input materials was calculated based on ratio of COD:N:P (defined by C:N ratio) that was suitable for anaerobic microorganism system. Total five treatments were set up in different ratios of fishpond sludge and mushroom compost and 01 control treatment. The volume of produced biogas and biogas components of all treatments was recorded at every 4 days and in 60 continuous days. The anaerobic process control parameters such as ambient temperature, pH and alkalinity were also recorded. The testing results showed that the biogas production increased due to treatments with high C:N value. Comparing to the control treatment, the biogas production were 126.6%, 151.3%, 171.8%, 213.5%  and 298.6% corresponding to treatments with the C:N ratio of 20:1, 25:1, 30:1, 35:1 and 40:1, respectively.

Study on treatment of rice paper processing wastewater by USBF

Le Hoang Viet, Nguyen Vo Chau Ngan, Van Minh Quang, Le Thi Soan
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This paper presents the results of study on a lab-scale USBF system to treat rice-paper processing wastewater. The results showed that the direct treating wastewater (after added required nutrients) got very high BOD5 and COD-removal efficiency, corresponding to 91% and 92%, respectively; however, some of effluent parameters did not reach the Vietnamese standard (according to QCVN 40:2011/BTNMT, column A). In the case of wastewater from rice-paper industry pre-treated with Polyaluminium Chloride to reduce SS and organic matter, the treatment efficiency of BOD5 and COD could reach 98% and 97.2%, respectively. The applied research methodology was applied at the Rice paper export factory - Tien Giang Food Company and the concentration of main pollutants (SS, BOD5, COD, TKN and Pt)met the Vietnamese standard.

Relation of land use planning and construction planning at Vinh Long province from 1993 to 2010

Nguyen Huu Kiet, Luu Thanh Sang, Le Quang Tri
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
There were problems between two types of land use and construction plans at the provincial level (e.g. overlap and un-agreement leading to limitation of the roles of each plan in the economic and social development of an area). Therefore, research on relation of land use planning and construction planning at the Vinh Long province is necessary. Results of study showed that relation of land use planning and construction planning in Vinh Long province was not consistent in terms of time and space. Particularly, there were many differences in terms of content and adjustment procedure in planning approaches. The land use indexes at the same period of two kinds of planning were still not similar with great conflicts. During the operation period and management of planning in Vinh Long showed that the relation between construction and land use planning were not appropriate through different procedures of two types of planning. These problems presented that the cooperation between Natural Resources and Environment department and Construction Departments at Vinh Long province was not close in cooperation. As a result, the effectiveness of both the plans was low in terms of planning the land use in the study area.

The environmental factors and nitrogen forms in Ong Trang hillock, Ca Mau province

Thảo Võ Ngươn, Truong Thi Nga, Huynh Trong Khiem
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Research was carried out at the Ong Trang hillock, Ca Mau province. The results showed that soil temperature, pH and Eh ranged from 28.200C to 28.240C, 7.10 to 7.38 and -176 to 60 mV in the rainy season, and ranged from 28.680C to 28.740C, 6.62 to 7.05 and -161 to 79 mV in the dry season. The total nitrogen and N-NH4+ in the soil were of high concentration in the studied site of the Rhizophora apiculata (0.20% ± 0.018 and 26.80 mg/kg ± 4.79 in the rainy season and 0.18% ± 0.014 and 11.43 mg/kg ± 2.98 in the dry season). At Bruguiera parviflora site, high concentration of N-NO3- was found (1.37 mg/kg ± 0.15 in the rainy season and 0.48mg/kg ± 0.14 in the dry season). The water qualities including temperature, pH, DO, and salinity were characterized as 27.20oC to 27.30oC, 7.02 to 7.21, 2.78mg/L to 2.87 mg/L, and 19.30? to 19.40? respectively in the rainy season and 27.76oC to 27.84oC, 7.17 to 7.38, 3.22 mg/L to 3.42 mg/L, and 29.12? to 29.26? respectively in the dry season. The concentration of N-NH4+ in the water was high at the site of Rhizophora apiculata (0.360 mg/L ± 0.026 in the rainy season and 0.176 mg/L ± 0.012 in the dry season). The water concentration of N-NO3- was high at the Bruguiera parviflora site (0.022 mg/L ± 0.004) in the dry season.

Research on the application of thermoluminescence phenomenon in  determining irradiated products in Vietnam

Nguyen Duy Sang
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Studying thermoluminescence (TL) phenomenon suggests the potential applications of this phenomenon in the radiation field, especially in identifying irradiated product samples in Vietnam. Determining the right radiation dose will help to check the safety of irradiated products   in the market and to ensure the health of the consumers. This paper demonstrates the foundation of the irradiated product detection using thermoluminescence equipment in order to give more sufficient assessment on the application of this phenomenon in practice.

Assessment of the pollution on Sang Trang canal bases on the distribution of benthic invertebrates

Duong Tri Dung, Huynh Thi Quynh Nhu
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The study on the distribution of benthic invertebrates on the Sang Trang canal was carried out twice (the end of rain season and mid of drain season) to evaluate the water quality changes according to the pollution caused by waste water of the Can Tho industrial zone. Twenty-eight benthic invertebrate species were found, belonging to 15 families. Amongst those, Bivalve and Gastropod were of rich species and the worm Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri appeared on each sampling position with high density. The findings showed that the organic matter led to continuous pollution of the Sang Trang canal. The pollution on the canal was characterized from fair to serious levels (low ASPT score).

Classifying images with multiclass stochastic gradient descent algorithm

Do Thanh Nghi, Pham Nguyen Khang
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
In this paper, we present a new algorithm, MC-SGD (Multiclass Stochastic Gradient Descent), to effectively classify multiclass images. The representation of the images is based on the bag-of-words (BoW), which is constructed from the local descriptors (the Scale-Invariant Feature Transform method ? SIFT). The pre-processing step brings out datasets with a very large number of dimensions. We propose a new algorithm called MC-SGD that is suited for classifying very-high-dimensional datasets. The numerical test results on a real dataset showed that our algorithm MC-SGD outperforms Support Vector Machines (SVM) using non-linear kernel functions (Radial Basis Function - RBF).

Husbandry wastewater treatment at household scale - New testing on HDPE digester

Pham Minh Tri, Nguyen Vo Chau Ngan, Nguyen Thi Cam Nhung
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
To overcome the technical and financial barriers of biogas construction, this study was done to understand the applicability of the HDPE digester at household scale in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta. Three HDPE digesters and one PE digester were installed at four farmer households at the Binh Tan district, Vinh Long province for husbandry wastewater treatment. The study results showed that HDPE digester?s treatment efficiency ranged from 70ữ85%, which was not significantly diffenrent from the treatment efficiency of the PE digester. As being produced from durable HDPE layers, the HDPE offered easy and quick installation, and it was practically to fix problems that might happen to HDPE digester. In addition, the HDPE digester obtained sufficient treatment efficiency, durability, suitability of investment cost leading to new opportunity for husbandry wastewater treatment at farmers scale.

Real time controlling of inverted pendulum by fuzzy pd controller

Nguyen Van Khanh, Nguyen Ngo Phong, Dang Hai Dang
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The article presents a methodto control an inverted pendulum in real time usinga Fuzzy PD controller (Fuzzy Proportional-Derivative controller) which combines two PD controllers and two Fuzzy controllers. The PD controllers playthe role of improving thesystem?s response.The Fuzzy controllersare used mainly to stabilize theinverted pendulum at the pre-determinedposition. In addition, a classical PID controller (Proportional-Integral-Derivative controller) is also designed and implementedto compare the performance ofthe proposed controller. Experiments of stabilizing the inverted pendulum showthat the Fuzzy PD controller produces better response thanthe PID controller. The inverted pendulum can be stabilized at the predetermined position using the Fuzzy PD controller.Theinverted pendulum; however,fluctuates around the set point usingthe classical PID controlalgorithm.A graphical user interface was also developed to supervise the system during operation.

Morphological comparison between new phenotype and wild strains of climbing perch (Anabas testudineus)

Duong Thuy Yen, Trinh Trương Ngọc
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Climbing perch (Anabas testudineus) has been reported as only one species belonging to Anabas genus in Vietnam. Recently, a new phenotype of climbing perch that has faster growth and larger sizes than the normal ones has been found and was called square-head climbing perch (SHCP). This study aimed to investigate the taxonomy system of SHCP based on comparison of morphological characteristics between SHCP and wild climbing perch strains sampled in different provinces. Countable traits varied in similar ranges among climbing perch strains. Fifteen of 17 morphometric characteristics expressed as percent indices of body length or head length significantly varied among strains (p

Analysis of factors affecting the economic effects of pig farmers in  Can Tho city

Le Thi Dieu Hien, Nguyen Quoc Nghi, Vo Van Phong, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Yen
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study aims to determine the factors that affect the economic efficiency of raising pig in Can Tho city. Data for research were collected by directly interviewing 118 pig farming households in Thot Not district, Co Do district and Vinh Thanh district in Can Tho city. The descriptive statistics method and linear regression analysis were used in the study. The results show that most of pig farmers face to production risks, market risks and financial risks. The production risks and market risks are inversely correlated with the productive efficiency of pig farmers. Besides, the study also proposes some recommendations to restrict risks and enhance economic efficiency for pig farmers.

Technical and economic aspects of fishing with trammel nets in Bac Lieu province

Nguyen Thanh Long
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study was conducted from January 2013 to May 2013 in order to evaluate the technical and economic aspects of trammel net in Bac Lieu province. Primary data were collected by interviewing 33 fishermen households operating trammel nets for number of boats, fishing grounds, fishing seasons, main caught fish, production and financial performance. The results showed that the number of trammel net boats were 255 units, accounting for 36.0% of gillnet vessels and 21.9% of total fishing vessels in Bac Lieu. The trammel nets was used for boats with engines of 107.5 Hp (14.8 tons) in average. Trammel nets had 4,878 m of length and 2.5 m of height in average. The mesh size of the inner net was 50-70 mm and that of the outer nets was 200-300 mm. The trammel nets were operated in shallow waters mainly in the coastal area of Bac Lieu and Ca Mau provinces. The trammel netters can operate year-round but there were two main crops, the first crop was from March to June and the second from September to December. The average fishing production was 42.2 tons/year/boat or 8.47 kg/meter of net/year, in which trash fish accounted for 35.8% of total catches. The average gross revenues and net return were 57.6 and 25.7 million VND/trip, respectively and benefit cost ratio was 74%. The activities of trammel netters were high income and suitable for local fishermen in Bac Lieu province, therefore trammel netters need to be supported and managed properly for sustainable development.

Evaluating genetic diversity of turmeric population

Nguyen Loc Hien, To Thi Nhut, Huynh Thanh Tung, Huynh Ky
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Turmeric (Curcuma sp.) is one of the high value Curcuma which can be used in spice and medicinal purposes. The project was studied on the difference of genetic diversity to serve for genetic conservation and crop improvement based on morphological characteristics and ISSR markers in the population of Curcuma sp at 5 districts of Binh Duong province. For the morphological characteristics, there were from 3-4 alleles determined for one trait. The level of polymorphism of 13 morphological characteristics based on the phylogenic diagram analysis with the similarity coefficient was fairly high, ranging from 0.55-1.00. From the phylogenic analysis, this Curcuma polulation was classified into 4 groups with the similarity coefficient ranging from 0.71-1.00. Analysis of six ISSR markers also showed a relatively high level of polymorphism. 74 out of total 76 bands were polymorphic with a ratio of 97.37%. One primer generated an average of 12.67±2.73 bands, of which 12.33±2.94 were polymorphic. The morphological and ISSR markers analysis showed the high similarity ranging from 0.47-0.99 and able to cluster into 4 groups. The overall results showed that this Curcuma population had the high diversity which could contribute to the value for genetic conservation and utilization of turmeric population in Binh Duong province.

Systematization of rice-based production models in the freshwater ecological zone of the Mekong Delta

Nguyen Quang Tuyen
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This review paper on the historical development of rice-based farming models in the freshwater ecological zone of the Mekong Delta was synthesized from the research results of many previous authors. These authors indicated the important roles and the significance of rice production in Vietnam in general and in the Mekong Delta in particular, both to ensure the country?s food security and its food exports on the world market. In recent years, environmental, economic, and social conditions in the fresh water ecological zone of the Mekong Delta have undergone dramatic changes, brought about by the development of rural society, government investment in rural infrastructure, and technical progress in rice production due to competitive pressures from the market economy. Rice production in the Mekong Delta also faced many risks and challenges, such as from global climate change, which forced farmers in the fresh water ecological zone to adapt with the more sustainable rice-based production systems. Therefore, farmers have gradually changed from traditional extensive rice mono-cropping to intensive high-yielding rice cropping and diversified forms of rice-based crop-fish production.  

Efficiency of nitrogen fixing bacteria on the rice OM4218 grown in Chau Phu district, An Giang province

Dao Thanh Hoang, Nguyen Huu Hiep
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Two strain of Azospirillum sp. 6T1 and Azospirillum sp. 25HR were applied to the rice OM4218 grown in alluvial soil in Chau Phu District, An Giang Province in order to determine their effectiveness on the growth and yield of rice. The results showed that these two bacterial strains supported the inoculated rice increased their height (17.7-20.9%), length of blossoms (4.9-13.6%) the number of full grains on blossoms (10.2-23.5%), dry weight of plant (28.6-57.1%), 1,000 grain weight (8.1-8.5%), compared to those of Azospirillum sp. free treatments and no nitrogen fertilizer supplies. Yield of rice inoculated with Azospirillum sp. treatments was higher than those of nitrogen and Azospirillum sp. free ones (55.5-55.7%). The experimental results showed that the combination of two nitrogen-fixing bacterial strains Azospirillum sp. in cultivating rice helped replace 50-75 KgN/ha.

Effects of sodium silicate and calcium silicate on the saline tolerance of OM4900 rice cultivar grown in pots

Pham Phuoc Nhan, Diep Ngoc Lien
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Silicon has multiple functions in plant biology, particularly in responses of plants to biotic and abitotic stress present in their living environment. Under the salinity of 2? NaCl in pots, silicon from sodium silicate and calcium silicate was applied to OM4900 rice cultivar at 10, 30, and 50 days after sowing by spraying or mixing with fertilizers. For each time of application, 100 mg and 250 mg of sodium silicate and calcium silicate per pot were used respectively. Results showed that silicon addition enhanced plant height under saline condition at early stages of rice growth and showed no effect on the biosynthesis of photosynthetic pigments. Its supplement also increased the number of seeds per panicle and the ratio of filled seeds contributing to a higher yield than the control. Silicon applied plant accumulated a significantly higher silicon content in husks, simultaneously had a considerably reduction in the ratio of discoloration seeds. A remarkable finding is that there was an tightly inverse correlation (R2 = 0.77) between silicon accumulation in rice husk with the number of discolored seeds. Therefore, silicon should be supplemented to rice to improve yield and pest management.

Effect of the blanching conditions of raw materials and brine solution on quality of fermented green mustard

Nguyen Van Muoi, Tran Thanh Truc, Vuong To Trinh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Fermented green mustard is an indigenous and traditional food product in Vietnam. This kind of product is traditionally produced at home or village ? scale by blanching raw material in boil water without time control. This leads to negative changes in texture and color of product. The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of blanching conditions (temperature and time) of raw materials and brining concentrations on the quality of fermented green mustard in terms of food safety. Green mustard was blanched at different temperatures of 60 and 70°C for 60, 120 and 180 seconds, and at 80 and 90°C for 30, 60 and 90 seconds, respectively. After blanching, green mustard was fermented in brine solutions of concentrations ranging from 3 to 5%. The results showed that, blanching green mustard at 70°C for 120 seconds improved the texture characteristics and product quality with yellow brown color and natural flavor in comparison with samples at local markets. The product with the highest quality both in sensory characteristics and food safety was obtained after 8 days of fermentation in the 4% brine solution.

Effect of probiotics and glucose supplementation on the growth and reproduction of Artemia franciscana

Ngo Thi Thu Thao, Ma Linh Tam
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of the direct supplementation probiotics and glucose on the growth, survival rate and reproduction of Artemia franciscana Vinh Chau.  Artemia were cultured at a density of 100 ind./L at salinity of 30? and fed by Lansy PZ. In the first experiment, different concentrations of glucose (0, 50, 75 and 100 ?g/L) were added to the Artemia culture medium. After 10 days, the survival rate (59.0%) and the length of Artemia (7.3mm) reached highest values when adding glucose at the concentration of 100 ?g/L. The second experiment included 6 treatments: Control treatment; Glucose 100 ?g/L; Bacillus subtilis; Lactobacillus acidophilus; and combined B. subtillis or L. acidophilus with glucose 100 ?g/L. After 15 days of experiment, survival rate of Artemia was highest (61%) in treatment with only glucose adding. However, the length (7.47mm), matching rate (43.0%) and fecundity of Artemia (48 offsprings/female) in B. subtilis together glucose supplementation presented highest values and significant difference from other treatments (p

Effects of meat-type pig breeds on carcass and meat quality of fattening pigs in the Mekong Delta

Le Thi Men
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Twenty four finishing pigs at the average of 95 kg slaughter weight were used in this study. The trial was a 2 x 2 factorial design including three crossbred groups LY (Landrace x Yorkshire), DLY (Duroc x Landrace-Yorkshire) and PLY (Pietrain x Landrace-Yorkshire) and two sexes (female and castrated male). For breed factor, it was shown that carcass performances (carcass yield, loin eye area and backfat thickness) were significantly different between treatments (p

Evaluation of fish meal replacement by soybean meal in diet for Clown knifefish (Chitala chitala Hamilton, 1822)

Nguyen Thi Linh Dan, Lam My Lan, Tran Le Cam Tu, Tran Thi Thanh Hien
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of replacing protein of fish meal (FM) by different levels of protein from soybean meal (SBM) in diets for clown knifefish (Chitala chitala) fingerlings with initial weight of 6.4 g/fish. The experiment was designed completely random including six diet treatments and iso-nitrogenous (42.5% crude protein) and iso-energetic (18.5 KJ g-1). Control diet contained only fish meal protein (0% SBM) and other diets were formulated by replacing 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75% of protein from fish meal by soybean meal. After 8 experimental weeks, survival rate (SR), weight gain (WG), protein efficiency ratio (PER), and hepatosomatic index (HSI) decreased with the increasing of dietary SBM protein levels. However, there were not significant differences (p>0.05) among treatments 0, 15, and 30% SBM protein. Results from this study showed that soybean meal protein is an acceptable ingredient to supply 30% of protein without influence on the growth performance and feed utilization of Chitala chitala fingerlings.

Nitrogen adsorption capacity of biochar in soil under the aerobic incubation

Nguyen My Hoa
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Objective of the study was to investigate the NH4+ adsorption capacity by biochar a product from rice husks. Concentration of NH4+ and NO3? was investigated in 7 treatments: (1) Soil, (2) Soil+Urea, (3) Biochar+Urea, (4) Soil+Urea+Biochar 15 t/ha, (5) Soil+Urea+Biochar 30 t/ha, (6) Ash+Urea, and (7) Soil+Urea+Ash, with 3 replications at the incubation time of 1 day, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 12 weeks after incubation. Results showed that Biochar and Ash application was able to increase the adsorption of NH4+ (9.6 -11.1% of urea added); however, the amount of adsorption was lower after that due to nitrification during the aerobic incubation. The increase of biochar application from 15 to 30 t/ha gave little effect on the soluble and exchangeable N in soils with time. Further study should be conducted for better understanding the N adsorption capacity by biochar and ash under the anaerobic incubation, and the volatilization of NH3 when urea was applied directly on biochar under field condition as well as in the relationships with the NH4+, NH3 adsorption characteristics of biochar.

Isolation and selection of Azospirillum on the rice OM4218 grown in greenhouse in Chau Phu district, An Giang province

Dao Thanh Hoang, Nguyen Huu Hiep
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Twenty-five samples of high yield rice and five samples of wild rice appeared in cultivated rice field were collected to isolate nitrogen-fixing bacterium Azospirillum. These bacteria were applied to the high yield rice OM4218 grown in Chau Phu district, An Giang province in order to evaluate the efficiency of the isolated bacterial strains. The results showed that 4/30 strains including Azospirillum sp. 6T1, Azospirillum sp. 7T, Azospirillum sp. 7R and Azospirillum sp. 25HR were identified. When these four strains were applied separately to the high yield rice OM4218 grown in pots in a greenhouse, they supported the rice to increase their height (20.0-21.7%), dry weight (83.5-92.9%) in comparision to Azospirillum sp. free treatments. The number of full grains on blossoms and 1,000-seed weight of inoculated Azospirillum sp. treatments was higher (60.7-61.2%) and (5.7-6.7%) than those of nitrogen and Azospirillum sp. free ones.

Effect of NPK applied in combination with sugarcane filter cake on the growth, Brix and yield of sugarcane in Mekong Delta alluvial soils

Khương Nguyễn Quốc, Ngo Ngoc Hung
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of NPK fertilizers application and sugarcane filter cake (SFC) on the growth, Brix, yield and agronomic efficiency of sugarcane on alluvial soils. The first field experiment including treatments of NPK, NP, NK and PK in combination with 10 tons per hecta of sugarcane filter cake, and the second field experiment with two treatments of NPK-SFC and NPK-NoFSC were in a randomized complete block design at Long My (Hau Giang) and Cu Lao Dung (Soc Trang) districts, with four replications. Results showed that the nitrogen application increased the stalk height and plant diameter. The agronomic efficiency of NPK was ranked as of N>P>K. In alluvial soils, the agronomic efficiency was recorded as of 227 kg sugarcane/kgN, 186 kg sugarcane/kgP2O5  and 78 kg sugarcane/kg K2O in Soc Trang and 160 kg sugarcane/kgN, 107kg sugarcane/kg P2O5, 48kg sugarcane/kg K2O in Hau Giang. The application of NPK fertilizers and sugarcane filter cake gained 159 - 179 t/ha of sugarcane yields. The sugarcane yield increase of NPK nutrients was recorded in the following order of 48.14 - 68.22, 13.42 - 23.31 and 9.75 - 15.70 tons of cane per ha, respectively. The efficiency of sugarcane filter cake application increased the stalk height and sugarcane yield on alluvial soils at both sites but only increased the plant diameter at Cu Lao Dung and increased Brix at Long My.

Effect of Pretreatments on Quality Attributes of Dehydrated Pineapple Slices

Nguyen Minh Thuy, Hương Hồ Thanh, Nguyen Thi My Tuyen, Nhan Minh Tri, Dinh Cong Dinh, Nguyen Thi To Nhu, Nguyen Phu Cuong
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Queen pineapple from Cau Duc, Hau giang province was used for the study. The effect of pre-treatment methods on drying process and quality attributes of dehydrated pineapple slices was investigated. These included maturity stage of pineapple; osmotic solution concentrations (30ữ45oBrix); pectin coating levels (1 to 2.5%). Finally, the sample was dried at temperatures from 60 to 70°C until obtaining targeted moisture content of product (20 to 25% dry basis). The physico-chemical qualities of the fresh pineapple fruit were determined after peeling and slicing to spherical slices of 6 cm radius/1.5 cm thickness. The slices were air-dried in a cabinet drier; the quality of dried pineapple was monitored during drying and the physical and chemical qualities of the dried products were analysed at the end of the process. The data obtained were statistically analysed using the Statistical Analysis System. The results revealed that there was a significant effect (p

Relationships of doctrine of religions Buu Son Ky Huong, Tu An Hieu nghia and Hoa Hao buddhism in An Giang

Nguyen Phuoc Tai
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The process of formation and development of religions from the Buu Son Ky Huong, Tu An Hieu Nghia to Hoa Hao Buddhism in An Giang Province has made significant contributions to the reclamation process, farm establishments, and leadership towards war resistance against French colonialists. Those tasks attracted a large number of followers, An Giang people, who actively joined and voluntarily operated. In this article, we will analyze and set up a few significant relationships of the three above religions - it is considered the important point to make a success towards the religions: Buu Son Ky Huong, Tu An Hieu Nghia and Hoa Hao Buddhism in An Giang Province.

Evaluating the effects  of desining the Taekwondo syllabus for students- course 37 at Can Tho University

Nguyen Van Hoa
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Transferring the training system, from academic year-based into credit-based at Can Tho University, teaching contact hours of some courses were reduced, including Physical Education program. In the course Taekwondo, teaching contact hours decreased to 60 from 150 periods. Therefore, making decisions on teaching contents and methods in designing syllabus had to fit students? age psychology and their cognitive development. This research aimed to contribution insights into the ffects of a renewed syllabus for Taekwondo in the program of the physical education at Cantho University.

About naming the characters in the short story "The boat far out" of Nguyen Minh Chau

Tran Van Minh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Nguyen Minh Chau, a well-recognized writer, is in a leading position in the prose of Vietnamese modern liturature. His work spans over two periods: before and after 1975. If his work during the war brought bold trend epic and romantic inspiration, as in   Soldiers? Footprints, Different Airspaces, artistic conception of human reality in his works after 1075 has been a significant change. The short story The boat far out is typical of these changes. From the perspective of poetics, this article focused on how Nguyen Minh Chau named the characters, contributing to firm understanding of the value of the work.

Innovating history teacher education through improving academic relationship with high schools

Bui Hoang Tan
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The academic relationship between student teachers and high school is of signifincance contributions to teacher education activities, In implementation of Decision 43/2007/QD? BGDDT on the implementation of credit system at universities and colleges, such as relationship is highlighted in history teacher education. Initial gains have been achieved, yet issues arise.  Addressing issues so as to improve the quality of teacher education programs, including history one, should derserve the attention of stake holders.

Using Hands-on method in teaching primary school children science subjects

Trinh Thi Huong
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Hands-on methodology has been applied in teaching natural sciences in many countries in the world. This method requires students to brainstorm to present scientific ideas, to find ways by themselves to prove the scientific issues under the teacher's guidance. In Vietnam, this method has been introduced and applied in teaching many subjects such as Science, Biology, Physics... This article reports the results of using the hands-on method in teaching natural science subjects to primary school children. The method created chances for children to develop their creative ideas and foster their scientific passion. 


Nguyen Dang Hai
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Vietnamese literary theory textbooks have been the object of many research articles, essays and dissertations since published up to date. However, the literature’s “anthropological” essence in most of these textbooks has not been summaried and evaluated yet. This article aimed at analyzing and assessing the process of moving and developing of the beliefof the literature’s “anthropological” essence in Vietnamese literary theory textbooks from 1960 up to date. From 1960 to 1986, this belief depended on the class character; but since 1986, it has escaped from this character step by step, more and more featured and confirmed by theorists on many aspects.


Le Nguyen Doan Khoi
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
International marriage has received increasing attention in recent years, both from a theoretical perspectives and practical studies due to a concern with urgent policy issues arising from the emerging trends. The aim of this research is to analyze the current situations and the factors affecting to the Vietnamese ? Taiwanese/Korean marriages through evaluating factors of socio-culture of international marriages in the context of globalization. The paper will; attempt to update our knowledge of the trends in the international marriages in the region, categorize the kinds of international marriages taking place and their relative numerical importance in the overall international marriage pictures. In addition, it will discuss the factors contributing to the trends in international marriages, especially in the case of Vietnamese-Taiwanese/Korean marriages in the Mekong River Delta (MRD),Vietnam.

The art of story opening and ending in Le Van Thao's short stories

Nguyen Lam Dien, Nguyen Quoc Dai
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
One of the distinctive features of the Le Van Thao?s short stories is the art of story opening and ending. His art of story openings is diverse, natural with rustic tone and South-based; the ends of the stories, often unexpected, are able to lead the readers to deep thoughts and concerns. The writer would like to share with his readers his perceptions of the laws of life and moral lessons in life. Well-received by readers, Le Van Thao?s short stories are attractive and powerful to create the deep impression in the readers? souls.

Some problems in the history of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Korea  (From the 12th century to the mid- 19th century)

Pham Duc Thuan
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Relations betweenVietnam-Koreahas had along-term history. Vietnam - Korea has many similarities to historical factors, so in the ancient medieval period there were two national exposures, and a diplomatic and friendly relationship was basically created, more specifically, the migration of the Vietnamese community in the XII century left the important historical details in relations between the two countries. The relationship had elements of history that has laid the foundations for good relations betweenVietnam? South of Korea andVietnam? The North of Korea in the current period.

Status of teachers teaching civil education in Mekong Delta

Tran Van Hieu
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Improving the quality of civic education in high schools is an urgent task. The quality of teaching is due to many factors, in which the quality of teaching staff plays an important role. During the past years, teaching staff in the Mekong Delta in civil education has developed; however, with increasing requirements of society, teaching staff are a bit behind social expectations. This article reports the results of a research on appraising teaching staff in the field of civic education in the context of Mekong Delta, which aims to provide empirical evidences for a strategic plan for human resource development in the field under investigation.

Teaching Cauchy's inequality by project-based learning

Trinh Khanh Linh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Project-based learning is method with highly collaborative and practical characteristics. However, the application of projec-based learning to teaching at high schools, especially in mathematics, is facing many difficulties. This article presents how project-based learning has been applied in teaching ?Cauchy?s inequality? algebra grade 10; insights into its effect, advantages, disadvantages, lessons learned are presented.

The Awareness of Cultural Destiny in the Patriotic Short Stories at Southern Urban Area of 1965 - 1975

Bui Thanh Thao
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The awareness of cultural destiny is an important content of the patriotic literature at the Southern Urban area before 1975. In this writing, we studied the patriotic short stories of 1965 ? 1975 to get understanding the above- mentioned issue. The situation of being depended, the impetuous appearance of American soldiers (from 1965) and the deformation of the southern society made the writers deeply aware of their own cultural destiny and national circumstances. As a result, they raised their voices both reminded the traditions, lovely images and addressed their worries and self-examinations about cultural destiny. That was an inevitable reaction of the colonial people in order to keep the national character and to resist national assimilation, fadedness or deformation of the national culture, when the colonialists ? American neocolonial style ? always found their way to dominate both the colony and cultural aspects. That was a voice full of responsibilities of these writers and contributed a positive action tot a strong struggle movement at the southern urban areas at that time.

A study on how to conserve and develop traditionally cultural values of temple festivals in the Kinh people community at Soc Trang Province

Dao Ngoc Canh, Huynh Van Da
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Village temples and its festivals are traditionally basic culture factors of Kinh people in Soc Trang Province in specific and in Vietnam in general. Traditional festivals are mainly organized at village temples. The ceremonies in temple festivals are in various forms and still keep the values from the beginning. Due to the socio-economic development, the temple festivals are under the threats. This article discusses the village temple festivals in Soc Trang and raises the issues of conservation and improvement of cultural values of these festivals in the community in this province.

Credit training and implications for teaching methods - study ud

Nguyen Huu Thanh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Credit is the quantity used to measure the volume of knowledge and skills required in a course that students need to accumulate in an allowed amount of time. The implementation of credit ?based training system inDanangUniversitymanifests student-centered approach, in which students are exposed to and construct knowledge, towards meeting the demands of the job market. The credit-based training system allows students to choose the courses designed in the program, many of which can be replaced with each other and equally useful.