Published: 10-08-2023

Short-term forecasting wind power using feedforward neural network

Nguyen Phuong An, Do Nguyen Duy Phuong
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Due to current environmental problems and increasing energy demand, wind energy technologies have been extensively researched and developed. Accurate and fast short-term forecasting of wind turbine generating capacity is crucial for large-scale integration of wind power generation into the grid. However, the random nature of wind speeds makes forecasting a challenging task. The article proposes a predictive model using ANN (artificial neural network) model. Furthermore, the article compares and evaluates machine learning training models to improve the accuracy of prediction results. The proposed model has been trained and tested on data collected from a wind turbine installed at Hacom Hoa Binh - Bac Lieu wind farm with two forecast periods: a period of thirty minutes in 12 continuous hours and one-hour cycles for 24 consecutive hours. Experimental results show that the proposed model outperforms other models with low error and time saving.

Design and development of an automatic fabric-cutting machine system

Ngo Quoc Vinh, Pham Thanh Tam, Pham Phuong Tung, Nguyen Quoc Chi
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The garment manufacturing industry has recently contributed significantly to Vietnam's export turnover. However, most of the production stages are manual or semi-automation. Automating production processes is essential to improve the quality and quantity of garment products. This paper introduces a budget design of an automatic fabric-cutting machine system. The machine consists of a gantry system and an oscillating knife. A testbed was constructed to verify the designed system. In fabric-cutting machines, the placement of the parts on a sheet such that the material used is minimal, known as the nesting problem, is a matter of concern. In this study, the designed fabric-cutting machine system uses an open-source tool called Deepnest, developed based on the No Fit Polygon and the genetic algorithms to deal with the nesting problem.

Developing a method to analyze abamectin in aquatic samples and aquatic products by ultraperformance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

Trinh Cong Chuc, Nguyen Quoc Chau Thanh, Nguyen Trong Tuan, Dang Huynh Giao
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The study develops a method to determine the content of abamectin, an anti-parasitic drug, on aquatic samples and aquatic products to serve the quality control and inspection needs of farmed marine animals. In this work, abamectin in raw shrimp, pangasius and breaded shrimp matrices was extracted using QueChERS medthod (Quick-Easy-Cheap-Effective-Rugged-Safe) and analyzed by UPLC/MS/MS. Necessary parameters such as linear range, the limit of detection (LOD), the limit of quantitation (LOQ), sensitivity, selectivity, repeatability, reproducibility, and accuracy were investigated based on the criteria standards of domestic and international organizations. The developed method has well met the needs of analyzing and controlling residues in aquaculture and post-processed products.

Proposed algorithm to estimate riverbank elevation using 3d camera

Nguyen Van Khanh, Pham Dan Dien, Le Tran Dang Khoa, Nguyen Chi Ngon
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The study aims to propose an algorithm to estimate the riverbank elevation using a three-dimensional (3D) camera. 3D camera is applied to collect the depth map of the area of interest. Then, the geometric computer vision is utilised to estimate the relative elevation of the point in the image coordinate. The estimated elevation data in the image field will be converted into a real world coordinate system and a geographic coordinate system to increase the applicability. Experimental results show that the proposed method has a MAE (Mean-absolute error) of 0,025. The results of in-situ measurement prove the proposed method well estimated the riverbank's elevation. However, the field estimation error has not been evaluated due to the lack of conditions to collect the reference data.

Research and manufacturing model of driving car

Vo Lam Kim Thanh, Nguyen Khoi Nguyen
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study presents a method to create a self-learning car driving model by simulating driving operations on a model according to national driving license standards. The hardware of the model includes the drive train, motion and control systems, arranging similar to the actual car. In addition, the device is equipped with a 32-inch screen, seat belts, adjustable seats, warning sounds when there is a collision. The figure in the design is simulated similar to the real one through Euro Truck Simulator 2 software. The product of this research helps users practice skills including: driving, controlling clutch pedal, pedal throttle, brake pedal and skills to handle driving situations on the road. Especially, the model saves time, costs of learning to drive and low equipment costs while still achieving the same driving efficiency.

Composting of municipal organic waste

Nguyen Xuan Hoang, Le Minh Thuan, Tran Thao Nguyen, Phan Thi Thanh Ngan, Truong Danh Nghiep, Nguyen Hoang Nhan, Trinh Thi Long
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Production of compost from municipal solid waste was conducted to evaluate the quality of organic fertilizer and its effect on plant. Input material was sorted organic waste and used Trichoderma fungi as additional microorganism. The experiment was carried out on an incubation batch of 0.144 m3, in two treatments without and with inoculum of Trichoderma at a dose of 20 g/m3. After 60 days of incubation, the operational parameters such as temperature, humidity, pH, volume loss, total carbon, and total nitrogen in the treatments decreased gradually over time; In contrast, total nitrogen and total digestible phosphorus increased. Compost product with pH, ​​moisture, total carbon, total nitrogen and total phosphorus was pH 7.93, 34.2%, 15.18%, 1.52% and 2.65%, respectively. Large-scale batch composting with a volume of approximately 9.0 tons was also conducted and operational results were similar to those observed in the experimental scale. An operational composting process is recommended through the results of this study.

Evaluation of the blood lipid-lowering effects of hard capsules from hibiscus sabdariffa l. in Dak Lak

Pham Thi Nhat Trinh, Dung Le Tien
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Dyslipidemia is one of the important risk factors in the development of atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease. There are many plants that have been proved to show lipid-regulating effects. This paper indicate the results of evaluation of acute toxicity and acute lipid-lowering effect of hard capsules prepared from hibiscus calyx collected in Dak Lak. The results showed that the capsule did not exhibit acute oral toxicity in mice with the maximum dose was 30 g/kg. The capsules at dose of 155; 310 and 620 mg/kg exhibited acute lipid-regulating effects in a tyloxapol-induced hyperlipidemia mice. In which, the dose at 155 mg/kg showed pharmacological effects equivalent to that of the reference drug (fenofibrate at dose 50 mg/kg) in blood lipid regulation (p < 0.05).

Optimization of experimental conditions for in vivo virulence assay of fungus using Galleria mellonella larvaes

Le Ngoc Mai, Do Thi Thanh Hoa, Do Thi Hong Quyen, Trieu Anh Trung
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Mucormycosis is emerging as one of the dangerous fungal infections with a high mortality rate, especially in immunocompromised patients, such as those with HIV, organ transplant, diabetes, or Covid-19 . Studies on the pathogenic mechanism, the interaction between the pathogen and the host are of interest to scientists. However, the experimental conditions to evaluate the virulence of fungal pathogens in vivo have not been unified in a number of recent studies. This report investigates the optimization of experimental and culture conditions using the animal model Galleria mellonella moth larvae infected by spores of the pathogenic fungus Mucor lusitanicus.

Algorithms to control separation in simulated data for logistic regression model

Pham Thi Thu Huong, Pham Thi Thu Hoa
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Separation appearing in logistic regression data greatly influences the estimated values of the regression parameters. In classical statistics, the maximum likelihood estimation will not exist when the data appear to be separated. In Bayesian statistics, the existence of a posterior mean depends on the prior distribution and the pattern of the data. Therefore, in the simulation study, it is meaningful to control the probability of separation occurrence in the data and study the impact of this type of data in statistical analysis. In this paper, we present algorithms to simulate data for a logistic regression model where separation occurrence in the data is controlled for any sample size and dimension of the independent variable. These algorithms are proven to be very effective through simulation results.

Expression profiles of osa-miR162a involving in Magnaporthe oryzae resistance and non-resistance of Vietnamese rice cultivars

Nguyen Bang Phi, Nguyen Doan Nguyen Phuong, Nguyen Ngoc Bao Chau, Nguyen Bao Quoc
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Magnaporthe oryzae has been considered a causal agent of the rice blast disease, leading to great yield loss of rice production worldwide, particularly in Vietnam. Recently, the role of microRNA known as small non-coding RNAs has been described as their involvement in plant development and abiotic stress tolerance. The previous study showed that osa-miR162a negatively regulates rice immunity against the blast fungus, M. oryzae by suppressing the expression of the endoribonuclease dicer homolog 1 gene (DCL1). In this study, the expression levels of osa-miR162a were evaluated in M. oryzae susceptible and non-susceltible rice cultivars grown in Vietnam using real-time qRT-PCR method. Despite various expression levels of osa-miR162a across rice cultivars at different hours post infection (hpi), the increased expression of osa-miR162a in M. oryzae non-susceptible rice cultivars at 48 hpi and 72 hpi represented a statistically siginificant difference compared with M. oryzae susceptible rice cultivars. These results indicated that osa-miR162a is a potential marker in discriminating the susceptibility and non-susceptibility to M. oryzae of rice cultivars in Vietnam.

Studying some factors affecting the yield of anthocyanin from fresh blue pea flower (Clitoria ternatea)

Hùng Tràn Ngọc
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The blue pea (Clitoria ternatea) contains a high amount of anthocyanin, which has many positive effects for health and is frequently used in food. To improve the isolating anthocyanin yield, some factors affecting the anthocyanin isolation were tested, such as the forms of flowers, the picking time, the isolating temperature and time, and the pH of isolating solution. The best yield of isolating anthocyanin was recorded when using the fresh flowers at a ratio 7.5% (w/v) that were picked from 6 am to 8 am. By Response Surface Methodology (RSM), the solution isolated with distilling water at 70 oC for 20 minutes has the best concentration of anthocyanin, at 20.1 mg/L. The pH range for the isolation was 5.0 to 7.0. The rich anthocyanin solution could be added to drinks to improve health or make interesting colours for products.

Determining the mode of washing Nam Roi (Citrus grandis L.) pomelo fruit to meet food safety

Tran Bach Long, Nguyen Van Muoi, Nguyen Thi Kim Tuoi, Ha Thanh Toan
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The study aims to determine the morphological and physicochemical characteristics of da xanh and Nam Roi pomelo. The study was conducted by evaluating the physicochemical properties of pomelo, surveying the correlation between the diameter and weight of two pomelo varieties. Research results showed that six grades of pomelo have differences in composition distribution ratio and quality indicators, but it is difficult to distinguish by color. The percentage of fruit pulp and edible part of Nam Roi pomelo is about 50% and the ratio of the edible part of da xanh pomelo is more than 55%. The weight and diameter of the fruit are positively correlated, but the correlation is different between the two varieties of da xanh pomelo and Nam Roi pomelo. The quality of fruit pulp of the two pomelo varieties was good in all six pomelo grades. The total soluble solids and total soluble solids/ titrable acidity content gradually increased from birch pomelo to oversized pomelo for vitamin C content. It was in the particular pomelo classification dominant over other pomelo grades.

Affects the harvest time on the nutritional composition of Brassica integrifolia microgreen

Truong Viet Hoai, Nguyen Chi Toan, Le Dang Ha, Vu Thi Ha An, Truong Thi Tuyet Nhi, Huynh Ngoc Thanh, Ngo Thi Minh Thu, Pham Thi Nga, Pham Hoai Doanh, Hieu Nguyen Ngoc
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Sprouts are harvested after the seeds germinate for 5-10 days depending on each vegetable to ensure the yield and nutritional composition contained in them. This study examined vitamins, proteins, ash, biological compounds, and growth-stimulating compounds found in Brassica integrifolia microgreen on days 5, 7, and 9. The results showed that productivity, proteins, ash, vitamins A, B3, and K increased over the harvest time. Meanwhile, vitamin B6 was not found in Brassica integrifolia microgreen, and vitamin B3 is just starting to appear on the 7th day. Glucosinolate and Isothiocyanate decline sharply over harvest time. Brassica integrifolia microgreen on all harvest days contains neither Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) nor cytokinine 6-BA growth-loving kich. The quality of nutritional composition in sweet sprouts depends on their harvest time.

Utilization of Ri6 durian (Durio zibethinus Murr.) peel powder in biscuit making as a wheat flour substitute.

Pham Hoang Phong, Ngo Thi My Lam, Huynh Le Xuan Ai, Tran Thanh Truc
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
By-products from durian processing make up about 75-80% of the total weight, of which the husk makes up about 60-70%. This shell contains a large amount of protein, fiber, cellulose, saponins, and starch. However, it is typically only used in developing materials with pectin adsorption or recovery properties. This study has confirmed the applicability of this by-product in food technology. The study evaluated the appropriate ratio of durian shell powder to maintain the textural properties, quality, and consumer acceptability of biscuit products. In addition, the study also examined the correct cooking mode for supplemented cookies with durian shell powder Ri6 (Durio zllbethinus Murr.). The results showed that the biscuit product with durian shell powder increased at 20%, baked at 130°C for 12 minutes, maintained the structural properties (hardness reached 3814.5 g), quality (Browning Index: 15.65; L* value: 55.56) and accepted by consumers.

Effect of chemicals and treatments on the ability to reduce the bitterness in sanh orange’s peel supplemented to marmalade

Nguyen Duc Tung, Tran Hua Hong Nhan, Nguyen Viet Thuan, Nguyen Thi Kieu Tien, Tran Ngoc Nha Tran, Tong Thi Anh Ngoc
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Orange peel is the potential ingredient in food processing, especially  marmalade made from orange. However, the peel brings to bitterness as well as sensory value reducing. Therefore, the research of lowering bitterness is needed. The objectives were to determine how (i) the chemical type (NaOH 100 ppm, NaCl 20%, NaOH 100 ppm + NaCl 20%, Potassium alum 20% [K2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.24H2O], (ii) treatment method (blanching, soaking and blanching in the water) affect the reduction of naringin content, bitter taste and maintain the nutritional value of Sanh orange marmalade, (iii) the effect of orange peel on the quality of marmalade. The results were found that orange peels are blanched in NaOH solution for 2 minutes, then soaked in the NaOH solution (both at 100 ppm) for 1 hour showed the highest effectiveness in reducing naringin (from 16.58 to 3.70 mg/100g). Furthermore, the polyphenol content of orange peel processed with this condition are remained at high level, 15.26 mgGAE/g dw. The production of marmalade had the best quality if it was added 2% of peels

Study on storage conditions of pumpkin puree (Cucurbita moschata D.) at cold temperature

Nguyen Cam Tu, Phan Nguyen Trang, Doan Anh Dung, Tong Thi Anh Ngoc
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study was conducted to investigate the storage conditions for pumpkin puree at cold temperature to maintain quality, ensure safety and prolong the shelf-life of puree. Saccharose and potassium sorbate were added into puree at different concentrations and the physico-chemical and microbial changes of puree were monitored during storage at 10±2oC. The results showed that puree stored under control conditions (without food additives) has a shelf-life of 3 days. The addition of 10% saccharose and 0.05% potassium sorbate into puree extended the shelf-life of puree up to 9 days. The color values for overall color differences, a* and b* of puree tended to increase with the extension of storage time, whereas L*, oBrix, and aw values tended to drop. Generally, carotenoid content of puree was unchanged significantly (p>0.05) after 12 days of storage. The results also illustrated that the microbial growth was the main cause of puree quality degradation, spoilage, and the shelf-life of puree.

The study on parasitic and bacterial pathogens in dry and commercial Asian swamp eels (Monopterus albus)

Nguyen Thi Thu Hang, Truong Quynh Nhu, Dang Thi Hoang Oanh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The study was carried out to understand the bacterial and parasitic pathogens that cause disease in Asian swamp eels from dry stage to commercial farming stage. The study was carried out from 12/2021 to 05/2022. Results showed that there were 6 genera of parasites: Camalanus, Carassotrema, Caryophyllaeus, Clonorchis, Pallisentis, Proteocephalus, endoparasite in intestines. Dry Asian swamp eels were not infected with parasites. For commercial Asian swamp eels, the prevalence of Camalanus was highest (38.9%) and the lowest was Caryophyllaeus (23.3%). Results of analysis disease Asian swamp eels showed that bacteria were most commonly isolated from kidney samples of disease Asian swamp eels. Clinical signs include: bloating, red and swelling anus, skin with white patches, hemorrhage, ulceration, liver, kidney, spleen were dark red and loose. Identification results by API 20E kit showed that there was Aeromonas hydrophila. The results of antimicrobial sensitivity tests showed that A. hydrophila isolates were highly susceptive with ciproloxacine, norloxacine, cefotaxime, enroloxacine, flumequine and florfenicol.

Study on all-male sex reversal on angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) using spironolacton

Le The Luong, Dinh The Nhan, Diep Nhut Thai
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The study was carried out by soaking 7 days old after hatching of angelfish juvenile in a solution containing Spironolacton (SP) with different doses to make all-male of angelfish. The juveniles were soaked in polyethylene bags with a volume of 100 mL of water for 100 individuals with SP available at concentrations of 0 mg/L, 5 mg/L, 10 mg/L and 15 mg/L, the bag was oxygenated and kept for 2 hours. After that the juveniles are placed in tanks and nursing separately. When the fish reached 90 days of age, determine the sex of the fish based on the external morphology and dissect the fish, observe the fish's genitals. All-male sex-reversed efficiency had the highest potency at 15mg/L with 86.59 ± 2.1%, the lowest at 5 mg/L with 74.12 ± 1.9%, This difference is statistical significant (p

Factors affecting loan repayment ability on time of shrimp farmers in Bac Lieu province

Tang Thi Ngan, Nguyen Minh Tan, Nguyen Tan Hung
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study aims to analyze factors affecting loan repayment ability on time of shrimp farmers in Bac Lieu. Research data is based on a survey of 210 shrimp farmers in this area. Heckman’s two-step model (1979) is used to estimate influencing factors. The analysis results show that factors affecting loan repayment ability on time of shrimp farmers include: the number of dependent members in the family, total loan amount, number of farming crops, total assets, and purpose of capital use loans and shrimp farming experience.

Impacts of health insurance on healthcare service utilization of citizens in the Northern Midlands and Mountain areas

Thuong Nguyen Thi Thu
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Based on the data of the Vietnam Household Living Standards Survey (VHLSS) 2020, the propensity score matching method (PSM) was used to assess the impact of health insurance (HI) on healthcare service utilization of people in the Northern Midlands and Mountain areas. The estimated results showed that HI increased the frequency of using outpatient healthcare services of people participating in any type of HI by 0.505 times, and people participating in compulsory HI by 1,009 times per year. Similarly, HI increased the frequency of using inpatient healthcare services by 0.150, 0.199, 0.082 and 0.150 times for the groups participating in general HI, compulsory HI, subsidized HI and voluntary HI, respectively. In addition, voluntary HI increased the probability of using outpatient and inpatient healthcare services in the area. Research results implied HI continues to be an important tool contributing to universal healthcare coverage in Vietnam

An analysis of the probability of escaping poverty between poor households in rural and urban

Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study aims to shed light on the probability of escaping poverty between poor households in rural and urban Vietnam. As an alternative to the experimental method, this study takes advantage of the statistical methods, econometric models, and the census dataset (VHLSS) of 2020. We select 2,918 households classified as poor in 2019 to elucidate the impact of demographic and socio-economic characteristics of households and regions (rural and urban) on the household's poor status in 2020. The study combines binary logit regression models and the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition method to rigorously evaluate the impact of factors and the difference in the probability of escaping poverty between poor households in rural and urban. The results show that although the poverty rate in rural is higher than that in urban areas, the probability of escaping poverty in rural is significantly higher than that in urban. The impact of demographic and socio-economic characteristics factors on the probability of escaping poverty in rural areas is more evident than in urban areas. Besides providing information for policymakers seeking solutions to save poor households from poverty, this study provides a scientific method for further studies on disparity analysis between the two groups.

Study on combined air stripping column and Anaerobicanoxic-oxic tank to treat for nutrient rich wastewater

Nguyen Xuan Hoang, Nguyen Dac Cu, Le Hoang Viet, Nguyen Vo Chau Ngan
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Pollution from nutrient-rich wastewater of seafood processing industry in general, and the shelling of shrimp-heads processing in particular in the MeKong Delta, has been increasing pressure on the environment in the context that Vietnam is promoting seafood exports development. This study aimed to test if the laboratory-scale models of AS column and AAO tank can treat shrimp-head processing wastewater to meet discharge requirements. Collected wastewater has very high pollution concentration with COD of 7,500 mg/L, BOD5 2,000 mg/L, N-NH4+ 1,500 mg/L, N-NO3- 205 mg/L, TP 180 mg/L and pH6.8 that need prefiltered prior to testing. The research results show that the AS column can be used as a pre-treatment stage for wastewater with the amount of N-NH4+ removed approximately 90%. For AAO tanks, treatment efficiency is very high with TSS reaching 86.2%, BOD5 98.42%, COD 98.91%, N-NH4+ 95.36%, N-NO3- 98.43%, and TP 93%. After passing through the AS column and AAO tank, the pollutant components in the wastewater meet the discharge requirements of QCVN 11-MT:2015/BTNMT.