Published: 26-07-2019

Some factors affect service quality attourist destinations in tien giang province

Vo Kim Nhan
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the service quality at tourist destinations in Tien Giangprovince. Besides, the paper has identified some important factors that affect tourist satisfaction and revisit such as tourism infrastructure, safety and security, people, natural environment, service price, tourist motivation. This research is aimedto develop sustainable domestic tourism in Tien Giangprovince by analyzing the factors determining touristsatisfaction and revisitbased on the qualitative research and quantitative research.Data were collected from 350 domestic tourists in Tien Giang province, who responded willingly to a questionnaire-based survey. The results of multiple regression showed that all factors affected significantly tourism service quality in Tien Giang tourist destinations.

Effect of manager characteristics on the hotel performance in the Mekong Delta River

Ngo My Tran, Doan Thanh Ngoc
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study was conducted to examine the impact of manager characteristics on the performance of hotels in the Mekong Delta. The study was carried out basing on the sample collected from 169 managers of hotels from 1 to 4 stars. OLS regression analysis results showed that hotels with managers having a high level of education, many years of experience, female gender and many social relationships were associated with better performance. In addition, there was the evidence that hotels with high hotel standards, long-term operations, good access to finance and a lot of government support gained a better performance

The relationship between corporate social responsibility, brand equity and financial performance: The case of commercial banks in Mekong Delta

Le Phuoc Huong, Luu Tien Thuan
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The impacts of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and brand equity on financial performance (FP) are investigated in the context of banking which based on stakeholder theory. Interviews were conducted, and surveys were administered on 356 customers of 29 jointed stock commercial banks in Mekong Delta. The collected data were analysed using descriptive statistics, Cronbach’s Alpha, exploratory factor analysis EFA, confirmatory factor analysis CFA and structural equation modelling SEM. The results showed that the customer’s perception of CSR dimensions (employee, shareholder, legal and ethical requirement) has positive effects on FP while the customer’s perception of two CSR dimensions (customer and community) has negative effects on FP. Moreover, the customer’s perception of customers, employees and community dimensions has positive effects on brand equity and brand equity impacts positively on FP. The results of this study contribute to the CSR literature by providing an empirical explanation of CSR – FP relationships by providing the mediation effect of brand equity. For banking industry, the results contribute to banks’ appropriate strategic decision-making for CSR activities to gain good customer based brand equity as well as FP.

The effect of transparency and disclosure on performance of listed companies on the Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange

Le Xuan Thai, Truong Dong Loc
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The objective of this study is to measure the effects of transparency and disclosure level on performance of companies listed on Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange (HOSE). Data used in the study are panel data that were collected from financial statements, a corporate governance report and other reports of 289 companies listed on HOSE during the period from 2014 to 2016. Empirical findings from the study show that the level of transparency and disclosure has a positive effect on performance of the listed companies. In addition, this study find that financial leverage, size of directors board and CEO-Chairman duality and financial leverage have negative effects on companies’ performance. However, management ownership has a positive effect to performance of companies.

Factors affecting technical efficiency of rice farming households in Chau Thanh district, An Giang province

Ngo Anh Tuan, Nguyen Huu Dang
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Aim of this study is to estimate technical efficiency and determinants of technical efficiency of rice farming households in Chau Thanh district, An Giang province, based on a data collected from 101 rice farming households in Chau Thanh district, An Giang province. The Cobb-Douglas stochastic frontier production function incorporating inefficiency effects was employed to analyze the data by using the Frontier 4.1. The results revealed that the mean technical efficiency was 89,42%; with the recent input level and technology, the rice farmers could be able to increase their rice output by 10,58%. Significant determinants of technical efficiency such as the rice farm size, the number of  farm laboures in a household were positively related to technical efficiency. However,  the experience of farmers and technical training had negative impacts on technical efficiency of rice farmers.

The effect of farm size on the profit ratio of rice households in the Mekong Delta

Nguyen Lan Duyen, Nguyen Tri Khiem
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The paper presents the results of estimating linear regression models based on data of a random sample of 263 rice households in the Mekong Delta showed that farm size has positive effect on the profit ratio. The results showed that the model was highly statistically significant. Besides, the main factor is farm size, the research also identifies the factors having negative effect on the profit ratio both three crops including the cost of capital, the distance from the household to the largest rice field, the area of residence in An Giang and Dong Thap, and the factors having positively effect on are the number of household members in the working age (only has significant on winter-autumn crop), loan amount (both three crops). Hence, the paper proposes some solutions to help farmers use and invest in reasonable scale for each rice cultivation to maximize the profit ratio.

Determinants of personal budget management skills of students at Can Tho University

Le Long Hau, Le Tan Nghiem, Nguyen Le Trang Anh
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Based on data collected from 688 students at all faculties and institutions of Can Tho University, regression model analysis was used to determine factors influencing their skills in personal budget management skills. In this study, personal budget management skills are breaken down into two skills comprising of savings and expenditures management skills. The results show that the factors including gender, year of study, having a part-time job, receiving financial guidance from parents, and financial knowledge have a positive impact on both of these skills. Living-with-family status has a positive impact on management skills, but does not affect savings management skills; however, the opposite results are found for the effect of participating in classes on financial management skills. Finally, the results also show that there is a difference between students in different year of study and major for savings management skills, but that is not the case for expenditures management skills. Grounded on the results, several recommendations were proposed to enhance personal budget management skills for students in general and for Can Tho University students in particular.

Factors affecting the probability of job finding for alumni from School of Economics and Business Administration, An Giang University

Nguyen Thi Diem Hang, Ngo My Tran
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
This study aimed at investigating factors affecting the probability of job finding for alumni from School of Economics and Business Administration, An Giang University. The data were collected from the survery on 200 alumni graduated from 2012 to 2015. The results from logit regression showed that there were five factors affecting the probability of finding job including social relationship, ranking of graduation, knowledge, basic skills and application skill. Based on these results, some policy implications were proposed to improve the probability of job finding. Students should thrive to graduate with a good ranking and keep consistent contact with lecturers as well as senior students. Besides, An Giang University should regularly build and keep tight relationships with enterprises. In addidtion, lecturers should pay more attention to skill training activities in their teaching process.

The impact of Corporate social perfomance on product market performance of enterprises at the stock market - Viet Nam

Chau Thi Le Duyen, Nguyen Pham Tuyet Anh, Nguyen Truong Anh Thi
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The analysis results showed  the positive relationship between the results of social responsibility practice and the results of the net revenue achieved by the enterprise. Specifically, when the enterprise guarantees income on shares to shareholders; advances in turn over payables payable to sellers; Carry out good product responsibility with customers, positive social work and rational investment in the treatment of human resources, enterprises can increase the net revenue generated from business activities of enterprises. The study also adds that asset size supports well the quality of social responsibility as well as the positive relationship of net revenue achieved by the organization. At the same time, the long-term debt-to-equity ratio is likely to have a negative impact on the decision to promote social responsibility practice and put at risk the promotion of net revenue generating business. With the results of the analysis, the topic implied the desire to add the basis of evidence with the intention to help gradually improve the viewpoint of social responsibility for the value of the benefits of the enterprise.

Determinants of capital adequacy ratio in Vietnamese commercial banks

Pham Phat Tien, Nguyen Thi Kieu Ny
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The main objective of the study is to identify the factors affecting the capital adequacy ratio in Vietnamese commercial banks. The author set up multivariate linear regression model with panel data collected from 29 commercial banks in the period of 2013-2017. The model consists of 7 independent variables: bank size, return on assets, net interest margin, equity ratio, loans on assets, loans loss reserves and non-performing loans. The estimation results show that bank size and equity ratio is positive significantly to capital adequacy ratio, while return on assets and loans loss reserves is inversely proportional to capital adequacy ratio. This study has not found evidence of the impact of net interest margin, loans on assets and non-performing loans to dependent variable.

The determinants of firm efficiency in Vietnam

Ly Phuong Thuy, Vuong Quoc Duy, Pham Le Thong
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The study is aimed to estimate and determine factors influencing the technical Inefficiency of the firms in Vietnam. Panel data of 1,561 firms operating in agriculture, manufacture, construction, and  finance from the Vietnam Enterprises Survey conducted by the General Statistics Office in 2010 – 2014, including 4,683 observations were used to estimate a stochastic Cobb-Douglas production frontier function where the dependent variable was gross revenues and the independent variables were capital, labor and costs of material inputs. The results showed that though the average efficiency level of the firms was relatively high, 86,76%, the variation in efficiency across firms was remarkable. Therefore, low-efficient firms had great potential to improve  efficiency. In addition, firm-specific efficiency level was found dependent on the capital structure, tangible assets, growth rate, size, and types of ownership.

The impact of information technology on the composition of the enterprise competitiveness in Can Tho city

Nguyen Trung Nhan, Luu Thanh Duc Hai
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The objective of this study is to determine the impact of information technology on the composition of the enterprise competitiveness. Through survey data of 350 enterprises in Can Tho city; respondents in the following positions: Board of Directors; Chief accountant; Leaders of departments; They are knowledgeable about the production and business activities of enterprises and are responsible for the results of production and business activities of enterprises. In addition, the Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient, the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and the linear SEM model were used in the study. The results show that the impact of information technology on the 6 factors that make up the competitiveness of enterprises is "market-oriented capability", "capital mobilization capacity", "marketing capacity", "Organizational capacity management", ,"capacity to mobilize resources ","capacity for social relations".

Structural dependence between gold price and exchange rate in Vietnam

Van Cong Hien, Phan Dinh Khoi
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The linear relationship between gold price and exchange rate time series data is presumably based on the normal distribution assumption although this relationship is not always valid under the extreme market condition. This paper applied copula method to model the dependent relationship between gold price returns and USD/VND exchange rate under normal and extreme market conditions. The results showed that there was no dependent relationship between gold price and USD/VND exchange rate as well as gold was not a risk hedging mechanism for the fluctuation of USD/VND exchange rate in less volatile market condition. Meanwhile, gold was the safe haven for the USD/VND in the extreme fluctuation market. The results implied that a stable exchange rate and gold markets under highly volatile market conditions gold markets and exchange rate market should be integrated to allow investors to exploit hedging mechanism in one market to avoid risk in another.

The impact of formal credit on paddy income of fammer households: Empirical evidence in Can Tho

To Thi Bich Ngoc, Nguyen Tuan Kiet
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Using Propensity Score Matching method, the paper studies the impact of formal credit on the income of farmers growing paddy in Can Tho. A total of 364 households were surveyed, in which 147 households had access to formal credit and 217 households did not access to formal credit. The results showed that the possibility to access formal credit was affected by age, education of household heads; household size; average education level; whether households did other jobs besides growing paddy; size of cultivated area; and expenditure of households. Most importantly, the income of farmer households participated in formal credit was much higher than those who did not participated. PSM analysis indicated, however, that the impact of formal credit on the income of paddy farmers was not statistically significant.

Factors affecting the formal credit accessibility of the small  business households in Soc Trang province

Nguyen Huu Dang, Tran Thi Kieu Tien
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
Aim of this study is to identify the factors affecting the formal credit accessibility of the small  business households in Soc Trang province by the Binary Logistic regression model, based on survey data of 140 small business households in Soc Trang province. The results  revealed that age, education of the owners, numbers of years of running business, sales, collateral and history of credit relations were positively related to the formal credit accessibility of the small business households. Based on the results, the study recommended a number of policy implications for credit institutions such as simplifying procedures and loan regulations; strengthening the information, propaganda and customer support system; and closely coordinating with local authorities to provide credit to the small business. Otherwise, the small businesses needed to increase their collaterals and maintain relationships with credit institutions, which would contribute to the increase of their credit accessibility.

Response of farmers to risks in agricultural agricultural production in Can Tho city

Nguyen Tuan Kiet, Nguyen Tan Phat
Abstract | PDF (Tiếng Việt)
The main objective of the research is to study farmers’ response to risks in agricultural production in Can Tho city. Based on the random survey data of 80 farmer households, theanalysis results showed that households identified some common risks in agricultural production divided into 03 groups: weather risks, pests and diseases, and economic risks; the average number of risks encountered was 3.67 types/year. The survey results on the choice of positive response strategies revealed that most farmers chose at least one strategy to cope with risks. At the same time, the selected coping strategies were influenced by a number of factors such as qualifications, income, awareness, extension, regulation, and productive land. The verification results also showed that the average income was different between the positive response group and the non-coping group. The study  provided empirical evidence on the situation of risk identification and how to respond to risks in agricultural production, thereby giving some recommendations to help farmers raise their awareness and  respond proactively to risks.