Phạm Văn Phượng * Yutaka Hirata

* Tác giả liên hệ (


Improving nutritive quality of rice is very important for developing countries.  Glutelin is one major component of protein content in rice grain because it contains 80% of storage protein total (Juliano 1972).  In 2002 the six crosses were initially carried out to get at least 15 F1 grains, then propagated to get F2 grains for SDS-PAGE protein electrophoresis.  200 F2 grains per cross were analyzed.  Results showed that the inheritances of proglutelin and basic glutelin B2 were controlled by a single dominant gene while acidic glutelin A1 was controlled by two independent genes located in two chromosomes.  Acidic glutelin A1 was followed by the genetic rule of dominant epistasis (13:3).

Tóm tắt


Improving nutritive quality of rice is very important for developing countries.  Glutelin is one major component of protein content in rice grain because it contains 80% of storage protein total (Juliano 1972).  In 2002 the six crosses were initially carried out to get at least 15 F1 grains, then propagated to get F2 grains for SDS-PAGE protein electrophoresis.  200 F2 grains per cross were analyzed.  Results showed that the inheritances of proglutelin and basic glutelin B2 were controlled by a single dominant gene while acidic glutelin A1 was controlled by two independent genes located in two chromosomes.  Acidic glutelin A1 was followed by the genetic rule of dominant epistasis (13:3).

Title: Inheritance of Glutelin in cultivated rice species (Oryza Sativa l.)

Từ khóa: 1

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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