Published: 27-02-2025
Engineering Technology
Develops a plant for semi-automatic grey oyster mushroom cultivation
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The article explores and develops a plant for semi-automatic mushroom cultivation with the aim of increasing productivity, yield and quality of mushrooms, as well as reducing costs by saving time and effort for farmers. The research objective is to construct plant and to control its parameters, such as temperature and humidity, for optimal mushroom growth and development. The complete model integrates LoRa communication technology and Modbus TCP/IP to transmit data collected from sensors for monitoring and controlling the entire system through an HMI interface and Web server. Open-loop and closed-loop control of both temperature and humidity yielded positive results, and the system operated stably over an extended period. Cultivation of grey oyster mushrooms in the plant’s environment surpassed those grown in an outdoor environment in terms of both quality and quantity.
Designing a chilli classification system to commercial standards applying image processing techniques
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Currently, image processing technology is increasingly being applied in a variety of fields, including agriculture and post-harvest technology. Using computer vision to classify the defect status of chili peppers is a typical example of helping to select post-harvest products that meet commercial standards effectively. Traditional manual sorting of chilli peppers is costly and affects farmers' health, requiring improvement in science and technology. This article presents the hardware design and recognition algorithm using computer vision to remove broken chilli, missing stems, and anthracnose. OpenCV and Python were implemented for thresholding and applies convolutional neural networks like ResNet and MobileNet to detect anthracnose. Microcontroller ESP32 was used to receive data regarding the status of the chillies and to control the sorting actuators. Processing time for thresholding and anthracnose detection was 0.08 seconds, with an average classification cycle of 1 second. Experiments show that the system has the potential for practical application in farmer households or traders.
Fabrication of graphene from graphite using continuous high-power ultrasonic equipment
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In this paper, a method for exfoliating graphite into graphene using a continuous high-power ultrasonic device with a frequency of 40 kHz and a power density of up to 2.2 kW/l was presented. Graphene from graphite in distilled water and Tween-80 after 1 - 5 hours of ultrasonic treatment was fabricated successfully. FESEM and TEM surface morphology surveys showed that the obtained graphene had uniformity and a thickness of approximately 9 nm. Raman spectroscopy results indicated the presence of characteristic peaks of graphene. ZetaSizer analysis revealed that the graphene had a size distribution ranging from 80 nm to 3 μm, with a peak around 450 nm. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) analysis showed that after 5 hours of sonication, the intensity of the (002) peak of the graphene decreased and the width of the (002) peak broadened. These results confirm the effectiveness of the continuous ultrasonic device in fabricating graphene from graphite.
Optimal placement of phasor measurement units in Vietnam’s 500 kV grid
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A phasor measurement unit (PMU) is a large-scale grid monitoring device used by grid operators to assess the stability of the power system. However, installing PMUs is expensive and requires a complex information transmission infrastructure. Therefore, the goal is to determine the minimum number and optimal locations of PMUs needed to ensure comprehensive monitoring of the power system. This is achieved using integer linear programming, where the system combines PMUs with existing power flow measurements. The optimization calculations were performed using Matlab software to solve power system problems with 7 nodes, IEEE 14 nodes, and Vietnam's 500 kV grid system. The results indicate that Vietnam's 500 kV power system, with an estimated 37 buses, requires a minimum of 10 PMUs for effective monitoring.
Designing a reverse logistics model: A case study of Hoang Loc Industrial Printing - Packaging Company
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The study analyzes the product recovery flow or reverse logistics and proposes a redesign model of the product recovery model for Hoang Loc Company, Can Tho City, Vietnam. The research methods include classification, theoretical systematization, scientific observation, cause-and-effect (Ishikawa or Fishbone) diagrams, expert interviews, and central coordinates combined with geographic maps. The objective of the study is to propose a reverse logistics model with optimal warehouse locations, minimizing distance and transportation costs, and utilizing infrastructure in the area. The warehouse with optimal coordinates location (9.94796283; 105.5706684) is proposed not only to help solve the problem of excess inventory at the current factory but also to support the classification of recovery goods before transferring them to the following processing points. This reduces the burden on the production unit in inventory management, and at the same time, the classification of recovery goods at the warehouse helps reduce the cost of reverse logistics for the company.
Study on micromorphology, phytochemistry of Atalantia buxifolia (Poir.) Oliv. (Rutaceae)
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Atalantia buxifolia (Poir.) Oliv. is widely distributed in Central and Northern Vietnam, as well as in several countries, including India, China, Taiwan, Japan, Malaysia, and the Philippines. This species is traditionally used for treating flu, headaches, coughs, tracheitis, malaria, stomachache, rheumatoid arthritis, backache, and knee pain. However, to date, there have been no published studies on the botanical characteristics of this species. The study describes the morphological, anatomical and ADN barcode of Atalantia buxifolia (Poir.) Oliv. to provide the information for identifying this species. Simultaneously, the results of the analytical preliminary phytochemistry of powder from this plant also demonstrated that the stems and leaves of Atalantia buxifolia (Poir.) Oliv. contain essential oil, triterpenoids, alkaloids, tannins, coumarins, and saponins.
Laboratory of Preservation Breeding and Development of Fungal Stock, Research and Development Center for High-technology Agriculture, Viet Nam
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Lingzhi mushroom is a precious natural medicinal herb with many health-supporting properties. Various bioactive compounds in lingzhi mushrooms, such as polysaccharides, steroids, organic germanium, and triterpenoids have been extensively studied. Despite the abundance of bioactive compounds found in lingzhi mushrooms, the analysis and extraction of these compounds are mostly conducted on fruiting bodies and mycelium, with very few studies on the extraction from lingzhi spores. Spores are enclosed by a tough double-layered wall, reducing the ability to extract compounds. Therefore, breaking the spore wall of lingzhi mushrooms is an important stage in analyzing the components of spores. In this study, lingzhi spore walls were disrupted using ultrasound waves in a cold environment after rapid freezing with liquid nitrogen at 70% amplitude for 120 minutes, combined with mechanical grinding with liquid nitrogen at a shaking frequency of 30Hz for 90 minutes, resulting in the highest recovery efficiency of polysaccharides at 10.737% and triterpenoids at 38.182 mg/g dry weight, compared to the control (unbroken spores) at 3.55 and 128.99 times, respectively.
Cloning, expression and purification of the drought-responsive transcription factors OsbHLH061 from rice in E. coli
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OsbHLH061 is a transcriptional factor belonging to the basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) family and is predicted to function in drought tolerance in rice. To elucidate the role and mechanism of OsbHLH061, it is essential to identify the DNA sequences bound explicitly by this protein, as this can help predict the target genes of OsbHLH061. Therefore, this study aims to clone and express OsbHLH061 in E. coli and purify the protein for in vitro protein-DNA interaction assays. The chosen expression vector was pET-32a due to the presence of protein tags that enhance solubility (Thioredoxin) and facilitate purification (Histidine). The results successfully cloned pET-HLH061 in E. coli, with OsbHLH061 designed to produce a fusion protein with Thioredoxin and Histidine at the N-terminus. The fusion protein was well expressed in the soluble phase and was successfully purified using Nickel affinity chromatography, yielding sufficient quality for the intended studies.
Food Technology
Effects of temperature and holding time on physicochemical properties and nutritional composition of purple tofu
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Temperature and holding time during coagulation are essential factors affecting the quality of tofu supplemented with purple sweet potato (purple tofu). The study was conducted to determine the effects of coagulation temperatures (80, 90, and 100°C) and holding times (5, 10, 15, and 20 minutes) on the changes in physicochemical properties (water-holding capacity, hardness, and yield), basic nutrient composition (moisture, total protein and total lipid content), and color changes of the product as indicated by color values (L*, a*, and b*). The study results showed that tofu coagulated at 90°C for 15 minutes was suitable for the coagulation process of purple tofu, yielding the following properties: physicochemical characteristics (water-holding capacity (5.51 g water/g protein), hardness (14.38 N), recovery yield (283.19%), nutrient content (moisture (76.28%), total protein content (13.76%), total lipid content (8.99%), and color values (L* (66.70), a* (7.01), and b* (3.46).
Physicochemical characteristics and fiber composition from five types of Citrus fruits grown in the Mekong Delta
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The study analyzed and measured the morphological characteristics and basic physicochemical properties of 5 types of citrus fruits commonly grown in the Mekong Delta, including da xanh pomelo, Nam Roi pomelo, and sanh orange, xoan orange, and seedless lemons. In addition, the distribution of fiber composition from by-products of these 5 citrus fruits was determined. Research results showed that there was a correlation between morphological characteristic parameters, such as weight, density, fruit diameter, and color. The moisture content of the flesh of these fruits is always higher than that of the peel. Both green peel, white peel and flesh were rich in carbohydrates, followed by lipids and ash, and a very low protein content. In terms of fiber composition, the total fiber content was highest in the white peel (67.03±2.61%) and fruit flesh (70.02±3.06%) of sanh orange, on the contrary, the fiber in green peel of sanh orange (45.28±2.89%) and xoan orange (29.30±1.08%) were both low. There was a positive correlation between insoluble dietary fiber (IDF) and total dietary fiber (TDF) in all by-products in 5 citrus fruit types.
Effect of NaCl concentration and transglutaminase on structural properties of fried red tilapia paste
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The objective of study is to research and develop a fried fish pattie product made from the red tilapia, a widely available freshwater fish with high nutritional value. In this research, factors influencing the quality of the fish patties, including the Sodium Chloride ratio and the amount of ice water used, as well as the concentration of transglutaminase (TG) enzyme combined with varying incubation times, were investigated. Physicochemical parameters such as color, moisture content, gel strength, and water-holding capacity were evaluated. The results indicated that the addition of 1% NaCl and 10% ice water contributed to the outstanding physicochemical properties of the gel system. Furthermore, utilizing TG enzyme at a concentration of 0.5% with a 2-hour incubation period resulted in the fried red tilapia fish cake exhibiting excellent water-holding capacity and high gel strength (1075,95 This study demonstrates that red tilapia is a promising raw material for producing emulsified products with superior structure.
Study on major fungal diseases affecting Dendrobium orchids in the Ho Chi Minh City
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The diseases caused by fungi on Hoang Thao (Dendrobium) orchids have posed significant challenges to their cultivation. This study aimed to identify major fungal species causing diseases on Dendrobium orchids in Ho Chi Minh City using isolation, morphological identification of fungi and PCR methods. The research identified common diseases including leaf tip burn, leaf spotting and stem blackening. Morphological identification isolated 80 fungal samples belonging to three genera: Colletotrichum spp. (38,75%), Pestalotiopsis spp. (33,75%), and Fusarium spp. (27,5%). Species identification using ITS gene sequencing confirmed these fungi as Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Pestalotiopsis vismiae and Fusarium oxysporum. The study's findings contribute to identifying common diseases on Dendrobium orchids, essential for effective disease prevention and control strategies.
Efficacy of fluorescent bacterial strains against leaffolder Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Gueneé (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) pest on rice
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The study was conducted to select a number of fluorescent Pseudomonas bacterial strains with lethality, lethal concentration and control effectiveness against leaffolder, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenée, under laboratory and net house conditions. The results of the screening of 20 fluorescent bacterial strains collected in both the stem and root zone of rice plants and weeds in the Mekong Delta provinces showed that three bacterial strains Ps.KG.HĐ-01, Ps.KG.HĐ-11 and Ps.LA.VH-04 are lethal to 2nd-instar larva with an effectiveness of over 68% at 7 days after treatment. All three strains achieved high efficacy at a concentration of 109 cfu/mL under laboratory conditions. The effectiveness of bacterial strain Ps.LA.VH-04 against leaffolder is 92%, which is similar to Virtako 40WG. Strains Ps.KG.HĐ-01and Ps.KG.HĐ-11 are equivalent to 56% and 66% effective, respectively, under net house conditions.
The effect of goat farming on gender roles in ethnic minority households in A Luoi district, Hue city
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This study aims to explore the effect of goat farming on the role of women. The research was conducted through semi-structured interviews with 30 ethnic minority households, in-depth interviews with five key informants, and secondary information collection. A 5-point Likert scale and a perception index formula were used to assess these effects. The study results indicate a distinct division of labor between men and women. Men generally handle the heavier, more technical tasks, while responsibilities related to caregiving, finance, and reinvestment fall to women. This division allows women to assert economic management roles and strengthen their influence within the family. Goat farming is viewed as a means for women to enhance their capacity, status, and financial independence. However, women devoting significant time to this activity increases pressure on their rest time, and roles conflict in housework.
Identification the cause pseudo-powdery mildew disease on Rambutan in Ben Tre province
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Our research in 2021-2023 identified the fungus Trichothesium roseum as the causative agent of pseudopowdery mildew disease causing the rot of flowers and falling of young fruit on rambutan in Ben Tre province. On young-rotting fruit, disease symptoms were typically diagnosed by a layer of white filaments (like a layer of chalk on the surface) on fleshy, pliable spines (hair) and leathery skin. The development of Trichothesium roseum resulted in the darkening of skin and falling off young fruit reduced productivity, appearance and quality of rambutan fruits. Trichothesium roseum appeared on ‘Java’ and ‘Rongrien’ rambutan varieties in April-May with a disease rate of 31.3-35.7%, and in June-July with a damage rate of 29.5%. On ’Nhan’ cultivar of rambutan, this fungus caused serious damage in August-September with a disease rate of 33.6%. Based on the field experiment, fungicides containing the active ingredient Sulfur 800 g/kg (Kumulus 80WG) or Propineb (Antracol 70WP) had great in preventing harmful pseudo powdery mildew disease on rambutan flowers or fruits.
Effects of mixture of Bacillus spp. to control rice leaf blast and panicle blast caused by Pyricularia oryzae under net house conditions
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Rice blast disease is one of the diseases that affects rice yield in Vietnam extremely. In this study, Bacillus 55 and Bacillus 61, plant growth promting rhizobacteria were isolated from rice rhizosphere, were used as recorded effectively reduce rice blast disease through seed soaking and drenching soil with Bacillus 55 strain and foliar spraying with Bacillus 61 strain. To determine the effectiveness of combining these two bacterial strains, with a mixing ratio of 1:1, in preventing rice leaf blast and panicle blast through seed soaking combined with drenching soil, or foliar spraying, or seed soaking combined with drenching soil and foliar spraying in managing leaf blast disease, and spraying method in managing panicle blast disease. The results showed that the bacterial mixtures at corresponding densities of 106, 107 and 108 cfu/mL were all equally effective in preventing leaf blast disease. However, the different applications of these bacterial mixtures did not have statistical differences from one another. In addition, the results showed that the bacterial mix at densities of 107 and 108 cfu/mL was effective in preventing panicle blast disease and maintaining equivalent productivity compared to the experiments treated with fungicide as Beam 75 WP.
Effect of feeding a Saccharomyces cerevisiae Fermentation product on cytokine gene expression broiler chickens
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The study was conducted to evaluate the impact of supplementing Saccharomyces cerevisiae Fermentation Product (SCFP) in the diet on the gene expression levels of cytokines IL-12, IFN-γ, and IL-13 in broiler chickens raised under open farm conditions. A total of 192 one-day-old broiler chickens (Ri x Luong Phuong) were randomly assigned to one of the two experimental groups, namely the control group (ĐC) and the SCFP-supplemented group (Diamond V XPCTM (1,25kg/ton of feed). Spleen samples were collected at 85 days old (1 chicken/1 cage, 16 chickens/experimental group). The results showed that the diet supplemented with SCFP significantly upregulated the gene expression levels of IL-12 and IL-13, and downregulated the expression level of IFN-γ (p
Determining the Colletotrichum species causing anthracnose disease on chilli peppers and the potential for disease control using extracts of Zingiber officinale and Pouzolzia zeylanica
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Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) is an economically valuable spice plant. However, diseases such as anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum spp., pose a risk of reduced yield or total crop loss, causing significant damage to growers. This study presents results aimed at identifying the Colletotrichum spp. causing Anthracnose on chilli, isolated from samples collected in Tien Giang province. Based on morphological characteristics and molecular analysis of - ITS (Internal Transcribed Spacer) region, two species of Colletotrichum were identified as causing agents i.e C. scovillei and C. gloeosporioides. In addition, this study evaluated the effectiveness of inhibiting the C. scovillei causing Anthracnose using ginger and graceful pouzolzsbush extract. The results showed that the inhibitory concentration of ginger extract, graceful pouzolzsbush extract, and a mixture of the two extracts (1:1 v/v), suggested at 10%, 11%, and 10%, respectively, completely inhibited the fungus. In addition, using 8% ginger extract, 9% graceful pouzolzsbus, and a mixture at 8% concentration can inhibit spore germination at 94.1%, 82.5% and 84.5%, respectively, after 24 hours of observation.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of bacteriophages controlling bacterial wilt disease on tomato caused by Ralstonia solanacearum Smith
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Bacterial wilt disease caused by Ralstonia solanacearum causes significant damage in tomato-growing regions worldwide. In this study, twenty bacteriophages were assessed for their multiplication on a mixture of R. solanacearum. Six phages (ΦOM, ΦR0, ΦR1, ΦCT4, ΦRLV, and ΦBT67) were selected to evaluate their lytic activity against R. solanacearum through plaque formation assays in vitro. The results indicated that these six phages exhibited logarithmic titers ranging from 6.61 to 6.73, which were significantly higher compared to the other phages tested. Plaque diameters of six bacteriophages ranged from 5.88 mm to 7.18 mm at 48 hours-post-inoculation, in which three bacteriophages i.e. ΦBT67 ΦR0 and ΦRLV expressed higher plaque diameters. In greenhouse conditions, evaluation of the effectiveness of single bacteriophage ΦBT67 or mixture of three bacteriophages (ΦBT67 ΦR0 and ΦRLV) application at concentrations of 107 PFU/mL and 108 PFU/mL for preventing bacterial wilt disease in tomato plants. Bacteriophages were applied through soil drenching one hour before pathogen inoculation. Results found that the ΦBT67 treatment and the phage mixture at a concentration of 10⁸ PFU/mL significantly reduced both disease incidence and disease scale compared to the control treatment throughout the study period.
Efficacy of biological agents against the root-knot nematode, (Meloidogyne incognita) infecting tomato under greenhouse conditions
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The study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of biological agents against root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita infecting tomatoes under greenhouse conditions. A randomized experiment design was carried out with nine treatments and four replications, namely: Paecilomyces lilacinus, Plectosphaerella cucumerina, P. lilacinus + P. cucumerina, neem 0,3%, Garlic extracts 10%, Neem 0,3% + garlic extracts 10%, Mixture (P. lilacinus + P. cucumerina + neem 0,3% + garlic extracts 10%), Untreated, Fluopyram 0,17%. The number of galls and juveniles on roots, in soil, and plant height were evaluated at 15, 30, and 45 days after inoculation (DAI). The results showed that the Mixture treatment reduced several galls on roots significantly lower compared to untreated at 15, 30, and 45 DAI, respectively. P. lilacinus + P. cucumerina and Garlic extracts 10% treatments significantly reduced the number of galls to 458 and 544 galls, respectively, at 45 DAI compared to untreated (1513 galls). The number of juveniles (J2) in soil and on roots was lower in treated than untreated. Especially, Mixture and P. lilacinus + P. cucumerina significantly reduced the number of J2 in the soil to 37 and 55 compared to untreated (457 J2), respectively at 45DAI, and significantly increased plant height.
Investigation of the control ability to bronze disease on Thai jackfruit of the selection fruit method in the early stage of fruiting combined with pesticide
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The causative agent of the bronzing disease of Thai jackfruit, the bacteria Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii (Pss) has a wide host range and can cause damage to traditional jackfruit varieties such as cv. nghe, cv. la bang and cv. to nu, as well as other crops, while the bronzing disease control is still limited. This study has identified the active ingredients Oxolinic acid, Bronopol, Oxytetracycline hydrochloride + Streptomycin sulfate as having strong inhibition to the bacteria Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii strain HCM01 while the active ingredients Streptomycin sulfate, Metalaxyl + Mancozeb, and Copper oxychloride have weak resistance. In field conditions, combining the use of Calcium-Boron at the right time, fruit selection in the early stage after fruiting, and using pesticides containing one of the active ingredients involving Oxolinic acid, Bronopol, Oxytetracycline hydrochloride + Streptomycin sulfate can control the bronzing disease, reducing the rate of disease in early stage after fruiting and harvesting stages.
Aquaculture and Fisheries
New preventive and treatment therapies in aquaculture
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Aquaculture’s expansion and intensification have made sudden disease outbreaks more common. Meanwhile, the overuse of antibiotics to tackle epidemics has resulted in increased antibiotic resistance, rendering the most potent antibiotics increasingly ineffective. Focusing on research into innovative, sustainable alternatives to disease treatment will unlock a new era in aquatic health. This article aims to synthesize and evaluate a number of novel therapeutic approaches to control infectious diseases in aquaculture. Advanced therapies such as bacteriophage, endolysin, bacteriocin and quorum quenching increasingly demonstrated to have outstanding effectiveness along with high safety. In addition, therapies such as antimicrobial peptides, IgY antibodies, and nanoparticles have also been shown to be effective in treating aquatic diseases.
Diversity of morphological characteristics of siamian fish (Henicorhynchus siamensis) distributed in Tien and Hau River
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This study aimed to compare the morphological characteristics of Henicorhynchus siamensis populations distributed in Tien and Hau Rivers. Fish samples were collected from these two river branches in the provinces of An Giang, Can Tho, Dong Thap, and Tien Giang (34-35 specimens per population). The populations were similar in countable traits, but they differed significantly (p
Organizing Project-based teaching according to the Blended learning model with Google Classroom/Zalo support for Mathematics pedagogy students at Kien Giang University using Methods of Teaching Mathematics module
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Project-based teaching is a form of teaching that can comprehensively develop learners' abilities. However, Project-based teaching has certain limitations, such as time, space, costs, and ability. The Blended learning model can promote the advantages and overcome the limitations of Project-based teaching. Based on the study of teaching support applications, abilities of students, integrated learning system and information technology applications at Kien Giang University, the use of Google Classroom/Zalo in teaching at school is suitable in the current period. This study presents the advantages of Project-based teaching according to the Blended learning model, proposes a Project-based teaching process according to the Blended learning model with Google Classroom/Zalo support, and applie of the teaching procedure in the Methods of Teaching Mathematics module.
Scocial Sciences-Humanities
Solutions to enhance the effectiveness of social media engagement in the Library and Information Management at Can Tho University
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This article evaluates current social media activities, explores difficulties, and proposes solutions to enhance the effectiveness of social media engagement in the Library and Information Management at Can Tho University. The research was conducted using quantitative methods, with 447 survey questionnaires administered at the Department of Library and Information Management and two high schools in Can Tho city. The survey data were processed, analyzed, and synthesized using SPSS software. The research findings indicate that social media activities, specifically the admission consultation day of the Library and Information Management, remain lacklustre and have not attracted significant attention from students and parents. Ambiguity in channel identification and unattractive channel formats are identified as the two biggest challenges for the participants. The suggested solutions of the research to improve communication efficiency are not only essential for Library and Information Management but also serve as a valuable reference for other fields of study.