Thank you for choosing to submit your paper to CTU Journal of Science. For the manuscript to be passed at the screening step and for invited reviewers, please take the time to read and follow these instructions as closely as possible:

I. Manuscript submission

- All manuscripts must be submitted online via the online submission system at (See details as PDF)

- Manuscripts should not have been published or considered for publication elsewhere.

II. Manuscript preparation
- Authors are encouraged to use template (Part A | Part B | Part C | Part D) to prepare your manuscript.
- Manuscript should not exceed 15 pages. All pages should be numbered consecutively.
- Manuscripts should include the following sections: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments (if any), and References. None of footnotes or appendices is required.
- Manuscripts should include the following sections: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Material and methods, Results and discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments (if any), and References. None of appendices is required.
- Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions are numbered, in contrast, Abstract, Acknowledgments (if any), and References are not numbered.
- The main text’s headings and subheadings should be numbered and formatted as follows:

Level 1 is in uppercase and bold



Level 2 is in lowercase, bold with first letter capitalized

2.1. The shallots and the pathogen isolate

2.2. In vitro tests for direct antifungal activity of plant extracts against F. oxysporum

Level 3 is in lowercase, italicized with first letter capitalized

2.4.1. Preparation of the ligand file of the synthesized compounds

2.4.2. Docking of the ligand PDBQT in the receptor PDBQT file

III. Specific requirements

1. Title

- Presented in Vietnamese and English.

- Vietnamese title: capitalized, bold.

- English title: Capitalize the first word of the title, proper nouns, and words after a hyphen or colon.

- The title should clearly describe the paper's content, concise and informative.

- Scientific names are written in italics.

- Avoid abbreviations.

2. Authors and Affiliations

- Presented in Vietnamese and English.

- Write each author’s full name.

- Use superscript (numbered consecutively) after each author’s name to indicate the author’s affiliation.

- Mark (*) to indicate the corresponding author.


To Nguyen Phuoc Mai1, Ly Van Khanh2*, Bui Lan Anh3 and Tran Thanh Truc1

1 College of Agriculture, Can Tho University, Vietnam

2 Mekong Delta Development Research Institute , Can Tho University

3 College of Aquaculture and Fisheries, Can Tho University

*Correspondence: Ly Van Khanh (email:

3. Abstract

- Presented in Vietnamese and English, italics, no more than 200 words.
- Abstracts should briefly state the purpose of the research, methods used, primary results, and major conclusions.
- The abstract should not contain any undefined abbreviations. If abbreviations are essential, they must be defined at their first mention in the abstract.
- Do not cite references in the abstract.

4. Keywords

- Presented in Vietnamese and English.

- Provide 4 to 6 keywords.

- Avoid general, plural terms and multiple concepts (e.g., and, of).

- Keywords are written in italics and separated by commas.

- Alphabetical order.


Từ khóa: Cá trê lai, Clarias, lai khác loài, nghề nuôi cá trê

Keywords: Catfish farming, clarias, hybrid catfish, inter-specific hybridization

5. Introduction

- Presented the contents: context, the current status, importance, literature review, research problem, new results, and objectives.

- Avoid a detailed literature survey or summary of previous results.

6. Material and methods

- Describe the research thoroughly and in detail so other researchers can apply it.

- The contents include design, subjects, location and time, sample size and sample selection, tools and information collection techniques, data analysis, etc...

- Methods already published should be summarized and indicated by a reference.

7. Results and discussion

- Presented research results/findings and answered research questions.

- Important results should be presented and presented in a reasonable order.

- Explain briefly, clearly, and coherently; do not repeat data in the tables/figures; the results should be honest.

- Discuss, explain, and compare with previous results of other research.

- Presented the limitations of the research.

8. Conclusion

- Keep the conclusion clear and brief.
- Summarize the essential findings and their implications for the study question/hypothesis and future research.
- Do not present research results again.

9. Acknowledgment

- Acknowledge the funding organization(s) or anyone who provided intellectual assistance, technical help (including writing and editing), or special equipment/materials.

- The name(s) of funding organization(s) should be written in full.

10. Abbreviation

- Abbreviations are used only when the word is repeated at least twice in the article.

- Define an abbreviation the first time it is used and then use the abbreviation thereafter, not in spelled-out form. It cannot be used if an abbreviation is used only once in the text.

11. Figures and tables

- Tables and figures are presented clearly and are easy to read. The table has no more than 7 columns of data.

- Tables and figures are numbered sequentially, for example, Table 1, Table 2,..; Figure 1, Figure 2,…

- The table title is presented above the table, left aligned, bold, with the first letter capitalized, without a period at the end of the title.

- The figure title is located below the figure, centered, bold, with the first letter capitalized, without a period at the end of the title.

- If the manuscript uses tables or figures from other documents, it cites the sources. Sources are placed at the bottom of the table or figure, in parentheses, in italics.

For example:

Bảng 1. Ảnh hưởng của bón lân phối trộn DCAP đến sinh khối khoai lang, khoai mì và khoai mỡ

Trong cùng một cột, những số có chữ theo sau khác nhau thì có khác biệt ý nghĩa thống kê ở mức 1%(**) và 5% (*); ns: không khác biệt ý nghĩa thống kê; DCAP: dicarboxylic acid polymer

Hình 1. Tỷ lệ phần trăm hộ dân sử dụng các dấu hiệu trong dự báo lũ

12. Nomenclature and units

- Length, area, volume: mm, cm, m, km, mm2, cm2, m3, µL, mL, L

- Weight: g, kg, ng, µg, mg, kg, t, Da, kDa

- Concentration: nM, µM, mM, M, %, µg/L, mg/L, g/L

- The author should write one space between the numbers (e.g., 5 L, 5 kg, 5 ppm,...) except the percentage and temperature (e.g., 5%, 60°C).

- Decimal numbers use commas and numbers from thousands use dots.

- The method of using decimal numbers depends on the level of measurement of the research method.

13. Scientific name

Scientific names are written in italics, write the full word in the title and in the first writing, then the author uses the abbreviation throughout the manuscript, for example: use Escherichia coli in the first writing and E. coli in the second.

14. Equation

Equations or formulas are written on separate lines and centered. The author should use Equation (MS. Word) or MathType to write formulas.

(dhkl)-2 = (h2 + k2 + l2). a-2 (1)

15. In-text citations

- All references are cited in Roman Script. In particular, if the reference is not in English, the author(s) must translate it into Roman Script.

- Footnotes are not used in the manuscript.

- All references cited in the article must be listed in the References list.

Citation types

Parenthetical citation

Narrative citation

One author

(Nguyen, 2013)
(Tain, 1999)

Nguyen (2013)
Tain (1999)

Two authors

(Deharveng & Bedos, 2000)
(Huynh & Tran, 2003)

Deharveng and Bedos (2000)
Huynh và Tran (2003)

Three authors and above

(Aron et al., 2019)
(Tran et al., 2016)

Aron et al. (2019)
Tran et al. (2016)

Group author with abbreviation

*First citation:

(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [FAO], 1977)

*Subsequent citations:

(FAO, 1977)

*First citation:

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO, 1977)

*Subsequent citations:

FAO (1977)

Group author without abbreviation

(United States Government Accountability Office, 2019)

United States Government Accountability Office (2019)

Multiple works

(Tran et al., 2016; Le, 2017; Aron, 2019; Belcher, 2019)

*Chronological order

Tran et al. (2016), Le (2017), Aron (2019) và Belcher (2019)

*Chronological order

Multiple works, the same author

(Vuong et al., 2018, 2019b)

(Truong, 2017, 2020)

Vuong et al. (2018, 2019b)

Truong (2017, 2020)

Same author, Same year of publication

(Vuong et al., 2019a, 2019b)

(Thanh và ctv., 2021a, 2021b)

Vuong et al. (2019a, 2019b)

Thanh và ctv. (2021a, 2021b)

Secondary source

(Garrison, 2011, as cited in Kattoua et al., 2016)

*In references, list Kattoua et al. (2016)

Garrison (2011, as cited in Kattoua et al., 2016)

Direct quotation

Place quotation marks around the direct quote, include page number.

(For direct quotations of more than 40 words, display the quote as an indented block of text without quotation marks)

It is stated that “the plurality of personal constitutions is important: some person’ constitutions will allow them to live some ways of life from the inside, but not others” (Brighouse, 2006, p. 17).

It can be explained that:

Rational reflection takes place within a given social context. Certainly they subject both their own personal traits and the relationships within their situation to rational scrutiny. Rational reflection can help us to detect inconsistencies and fallacious argumentation, and to uncover misuse of evidence. It helps us to see whether a choice coheres with our given judgement, including our judgements about what kind of person we ought to be. It also helps us to evaluate the ways we are attached to other people, and to carry out our altruistic obligations and goals more effectively. (Brighouse, 2006, p. 20)

Brighouse (2006) said that “the plurality of personal constitutions is important: some person’ constitutions will allow them to live some ways of life from the inside, but not others” (p. 17).

Brighouse et al. (2006) suggested:

Rational reflection takes place within a given social context. Certainly they subject both their own personal traits and the relationships within their situation to rational scrutiny. Rational reflection can help us to detect inconsistencies and fallacious argumentation, and to uncover misuse of evidence. It helps us to see whether a choice coheres with our given judgement, including our judgements about what kind of person we ought to be. It also helps us to evaluate the ways we are attached to other people, and to carry out our altruistic obligations and goals more effectively. (p. 20)

16. Reference

- All references are presented in Roma Script. If the reference is not in English, the author(s) must translate it into Roman Script and note in the end of the reference, e.g., "(in Vietnamese)".

- The reference list only includes references cited in the manuscript.

- The references are followed in APA format (the American Psychological Association reference style).

- The reference list is arranged in alphabetical order:

+ If the references have the same citation in the manuscript and different years, the author should arrange them by year in ascending order.

+ The references have the same citation in the manuscript and year, the author should arrange them in alphabetical order by the name of authors, and the letters a, b, c,... are added after the year. (If the authors are the same, the references should be arranged by manuscript title).

+ If two references are the same the way writing the first author, the reference has one author ranked first.

 Types of sources

APA reference style


Author’s S, N. M., & Author’s S, N. M. (Year). Title of work: Capital
    letter also for subtitle
 (edition). Publisher. DOI (if available)

Thai, H. B., & Ngo, L. T. (2003). Farming techniques for the Whiteleg Shrimp. Agricultural Publishing House. Hanoi (in Vietnamese). Belcher, W. (2019). Writing your journal article in twelve weeks: A guide to academic publishing success (2nd ed.). University of Chicago Press.

(Note: S: surname, N: name, M: middle name)

 Book chapter

Author’s S, N. M., & Author’s S, N. M. (Year). Title of chapter. In N.
    Surname, & N. Surname (Eds.), Title of work: Capital letter also for
 (pp. pages of chapter). Publisher. DOI (if available)

Aron, L., Botella, M., & Lubart, T. (2019). Culinary arts: Talent and their
    development. In R. F. Subotnik, P. Olszewski-Kubilius, & F. C. Worrell
    (Eds.), The psychology of high performance: Developing human
    potential into domain-specific talent
(pp. 345–359). American
    Psychological Association.

 Journal Articles

Author’s S, N. M., & Author’s S, N. M. (Year). Title of article. Title of
volume number(issue number), page range. DOI (if

Dao, C. N. (2017). Situation and methods to promote scientific research activities of lecturers at Can Tho University. Can Tho University Journal of Science54(7), 117-121 (in Vietnamese).

Kattoua, T., Al-Lozi, M., & Alrowwad, A. (2016). A review of literature
    on E-learning systems in higher education. International Journal of
    Business Management and Economic Research
7(5), 754-762.

 Paper published in   conference   proceedings as a   journal

Author’s S, N. M., & Author’s S, N. M. (Year). Title of paper. In A.
    Editor & B. Editor (Eds.), Title of proceedings (page range).
    Publisher. DOI or URL (if available)

Morgan, R., Meldrum, K., Bryan, S., Mathiesen, B., Yakob, N., Esa, N., &
    Ziden, A. A. (2017). Embedding digital literacies in curricula:
    Australian and Malaysian experiences. In G. B. Teh & S. C. Choy
    (Eds.), Empowering 21st century learners through holistic and
    enterprising learning: Selected papers from Tunku Abdul Rahman
    University College International Conference 2016
(pp. 11-19).

 Document by a   governmen agency   or other   organization

Government Department. (Year). Document title (Publication No). URL

Ministry of Education and Training. (2017). Decision to promulgate the document management process in the environment network of the Ministry of Education and Training (Number 1224/QĐ-BGDĐT) (in Vietnamese)

United States Government Accountability Office. (2019). Performance
    and accountability report: Fiscal year 2019

 Dissertation or   Thesis

Author’s S, N. M. (Year). Title of doctoral dissertation or master's
 (doctoral dissertation or master’s thesis). Name of Institution.

Dang, H. T. (2013). Study on the potential of electronic waste
   recycling and recovery of valuable metals from discarded electronic
   circuit boards
(Master's thesis). Vietnam National University, Hanoi
   (in Vietnamese).

Tain, F. H. (1999). Impacts of aquaculture extension on small-scale
   Oreochromis niloticus production in northeastern Thailand
   thesis). University of Michigan.


Author’s S, N. M., & Author’s S, N. M. (Year). Title. URL

Neuburger, H. (2018). How innovative companies are leading the way
   regarding company culture. EU Startup