Aims and Scope

CTU Journal of Science (CTUJoS) ISSN 1859-2333, e-ISSN 2815-5599 is a multi-disciplinary journal that provides scientific research results of Can Tho University in particular, and domestic and foreign scientific research projects in general, contributing to promoting scientific research and technology transfer; exchange scientific and technological to serve the socio-economic development of the Mekong Delta and Viet Nam.

The scope of the Journal includes four sections: Natural Sciences-Technology-Environment, Agriculture-Fisheries-Biotechnology, Social Sciences-Humanities-Education, and Economics-Law.

CTUJoS is committed to publishing articles evaluated with a double-blind peer-review process to ensure the quality of the articles.

CTUJoS is an open-access journal. The full text of all content is available for free on the website (

Section policies

Section A: Natural Sciences, Technology and Environment

Checked Open Submissions        Checked Indexed        Checked Peer Reviewed

Section B: Agriculture, Fisheries and Biotechnology

Checked Open Submissions        Checked Indexed        Checked Peer Reviewed

Section C: Social Sciences, Humanities, and Education

Checked Open Submissions        Checked Indexed        Checked Peer Reviewed

Section D: Economics and Law

Checked Open Submissions        Checked Indexed        Checked Peer Reviewed


CTUJoS publishes articles continuously when the Editor-in-Chief approves the final copy-edited version.

The Journal collates papers into archival volumes and issues. Each year, the Journal publishes electronic and print versions with one volume and six issues per volume every two months in February, April, June, August, October, and December.

Besides, the Journal is also interested in publishing high-quality articles from national-level conferences.

Open access policy

CTUJoS provides open access to its published articles to broaden opportunities for high-quality research findings to be available and widely disseminated free of charge, contributing to the greater exchange of knowledge.

Open access statement: CTUJoS permits everyone to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the published articles without registration, price barriers, or asking for permission from the Journal or the author.

Licensing and Copyright

All articles published are licensed under the Creative Common Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. This permits anyone to copy, redistribute, remix, transmit, and adapt the work provided the original work and source is appropriately cited, in other words, an acknowledgment of the work’s authorship and initial publication in CTUJoS is recorded. The authors retain copyright on their articles, but grant CTUJoS, identified as the original publisher, the rights of the work's first publication.

Submission fee

Submission fees: 1,000,000 VND (approximately 42 USD).

When the manuscript passes the screening steps, the author is requested to pay the fee by transferring money to the following account:

Payment in VND:
Account number:  1800201213545
Paying bank: Agribank (Vietnam Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development)


- CTUJoS does not charge any other fees to the author except submission fees.

- The submission fee will not be returned if the manuscript is rejected or the author withdraws the manuscript

Peer review process

CTUJoS follows a rigorous double-blind peer-review process. The reviewers' identities are not disclosed to the authors, and vice versa. The manuscripts should be submitted via the online submission system:

The average time to publish a manuscript on CTUJoS is 3 to 6 months.

The review and publication process is outlined in the following steps: preliminary screening, peer review, handling the results, and final decision.

- Preliminary screening and plagiarism check: The editor will check a manuscript regarding plagiarism (by system) and evaluate formatting requirements and significance. When the editors make a decision, they will notify the author by email:

+ Passes preliminary screening and waits to pay the submission fee

+ Revisions required and resubmitted

+ Rejected

- Peer review: If the manuscript passes the preliminary screening, the author will receive an email regarding the submission fee. After completing the payment fee, the Section Editor will appoint two potential reviewers with the relevant field for evaluating the manuscript.

Reviewers agree to review the manuscript and submit their conclusions, and recommendations in the system may be:

+ Accepted

+ Revisions required

+ Rejected

- Handling the review process: The Section Editor considers and decides. The author will receive one of the following decisions:

+ Accepted

+ Revised: The author revises the manuscript based on the reviewers' comments and suggestions. This process will repeat until two reviewers accept or reject the manuscript.

+ Rejected

- Final decision: The manuscript passed in the review process will be edited by the editor team and proofreaders; after that, they will be discussed with the author by email. The final manuscript will be sent to the Editor-in-Chief who gives the final decision:

+ Accepted: Waiting to be published online

+ Rejection: The editor will contact the author about the decision

Articles are published sequentially according to submission time, and the Editor-in-Chief will decide some priority cases. The number of publications is no more than two articles/issue/main author (first author in the article).

The review and publication process are summarized in the following flowchart:

Publication Ethics

CTUJoS and its editors are fully committed to ethical publication practice to support the development of ethical publication practice in the scholarly publishing community. CTUJoS acts in accordance with the guidelines and standards developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). CTUJoISD adheres to COPE’s Core PracticesBest Practices Guidelines for Journal Editors, and Guidelines on Good Publication Practices.

To ensure the review and publication process is straightforward and to promptly handle violations, CTUJoS has issued publication ethics, which outline the duties of all parties involved in publishing.

- Duties of Editors:

+ Publication decisions: Based on a double-blind peer review process, CTUJoS gives a decision. It ensures that a manuscript meets the scope of the Journal, and legal requirements as well as not regarding issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. The editor is responsible for their decisions and regularly contacts relevant organizations. The Editorial Board must understand and follow the Journal's Editorial Board policies, and it is also responsible for any violations of the manuscript. The Editorial Board may confer with other reviewers to make this decision. 

+ Confidentiality: CTUJoS protects manuscript information during the review and publication process. The users’ information entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

+ Fair play: The editor should evaluate manuscripts based on their intellectual content without regard to the author's race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy.

+ Disclosure and conflicts of interest: The editor does not use information in the unpublished manuscript for own research without the author's consent. CTUJoS does not allow the editor to review manuscripts with their participation or conflicts with the author's interests due to competition, cooperation, or relationships within the unit, company, or organization. All members of the Editorial Board are required to disclose conflicts (if available) during the review and publication process.

- Duties of Reviewers: CTUJoS's reviewers are scientists inside and outside of Can Tho University who have multiple publications in the relevant field for evaluating the manuscript and can assess its quality.

+ Confidentiality: All information related to the manuscript, discussions, and exchanges between reviewers and authors are protected confidential. Reviewers are not allowed to share information with others without the consent of the Editorial Board.

+ Conflict of interest: The reviewer must ensure that they do not have any conflict with the author or sponsor related to the manuscript. During the review process, if they have any dispute or contradiction, an incident report should be completed and sent to the Editorial Board.

+ Contribution to Editorial Board: Reviewers are responsible for providing suggestions to the Editorial Board regarding decision-making and assisting the author in improving the manuscript.

+ Objectivity: Reviewers always make objective and impartial judgments. Evaluation results are based on the quality and scientific content without distinguishing the origin, gender, sexual orientation, or political philosophy of the author. Their views must be clear, specific, and appropriate. 

+ Acknowledgement of sources: The reviewer must suggest to the author adding relevant published studies that the authors have not cited; check for plagiarism or similarities in the manuscript to others published.

- Duties of Authors:

+ Reporting standards: All information and data in the manuscript should be presented accurately and objectively. References are followed by the CTUJoS rule, making it easy for the reader to use. Fraudulent statements or inaccurate information in the manuscript is unacceptable ethically.

+ Data access and retention: Authors may be asked to provide manuscript data to support the review process. The author may prepare these data, allowing CTUJoS access in a certain period.

+ Originality and plagiarism: The authors should ensure they write the manuscript content. If they have used the work or words of others, this has been appropriately cited according to CTUJoS regulations on references.

Plagiarism takes many forms. Plagiarism in all forms is unethical publishing behavior and unacceptable. The author takes responsibility for plagiarism and copyright infringement. If the author has violated the cases above, they can submit their manuscript to the CTUJoS for 01 year from the date of discovery of the violation. Besides, they will be handled according to the Press Law and other law provisions.

+ Multiple, redundant or concurrent publication: Authors should submit manuscripts that have never been published. Until the CTUJoS Editorial Board makes the final decision, the author can not submit this manuscript to other journals.

+ Authorship of the paper: People who have made a significant contribution to the design, execution, or interpretation of the study should be listed as co-authors. All those who participated in certain important aspects of the research should be listed in the Acknowledgments section. Authors should ensure that all co-authors agree to the final manuscript before publication.

+ Hazards and human or animal subjects: If the article researches issues related to chemicals, processes or equipment that are potentially dangerous, the author should show this information clearly in the manuscript. If the manuscript has content related to animals or humans, the author should ensure that they followed the laws, regulations, and instructions of relevant organizations and approved by them. Authors should provide evidence about permission to test on humans from relevant organizations according to the law.

+ Disclosure and conflicts of interest: Authors should disclose any conflicts affecting the article evaluation results. The Acknowledgments section should announce all sources of financial support for the project. Potential conflicts of interest should be shared at the earliest possible stage.

+ Fundamental errors in published works: If the author discovers mistakes or inaccuracies in the published article, the author should notify CTUJoS to adjust or withdraw the article promptly. If the editor finds errors in the paper after publication, the author should provide information or coordinate with the editor to edit the article.